
This petition requests that FDA declare that methocarbamol tablets USP, 1000 mg is suitable for submission an ANDA. The reference listed drug is Robaxin-750 Tablets, 750 mg. The change requested is in the dose strength. Author: Lachman Consultant Services, Inc. Date: 1 3 2006 Page s ; : 14!
A 67-year-old female was diagnosed with lymphoma. She saw a medical oncologist who ordered two different drugs; one to be given five days a week, and one, mitoxantrone, that was to be given once a week. The patient was to receive the medications at a transfusion center. An RN under the direct supervision of another physician confused the prescription. She transcribed the prescription so the patient received mitoxantrone five days a week. The RN did not feel that the transcription was in error and stated that her supervising physician had trained her that the drug was okay to give on multiple days. The RN was also supposed to obtain the oncologist's signature on the drug order prior to sending it to the pharmacy per hospital policy. The pharmacist did not notice the absence of the signature. The oncologist stated he did not review the transcribed orders before they were sent to the infusion center and stated the RN failed to obtain his signature. After the first cycle, another RN at the infusion center noticed the transcription error and called it to the attention of the oncologist. The oncologist contacted the patient immediately and obtained lab work. The patient was found to have had a precipitous drop in her white blood count. She was prescribed Neupogen and was to obtain a CBC every other day for ten days. The patient's WBCs continued to decrease and she was admitted and treated for toxicity, granuloctopenia and thrombocytoepnia. She was hospitalized for two weeks. Have you considered how often potential medication errors involve staff? Consider how often your office receives phone calls regarding prescription refills, how often your patients are receive vaccines or medication samples, or how often medications are administered for procedures. In the inpatient setting, how often are you giving verbal orders directly to staff or over the phone? How soon after a verbal order is given do you verify or write orders in the patient's chart? Do you verify that the medication that you ordered was the medication that was actually administered in the correct dose, amount and route? Who is actually administering the medication? Are they licensed to do so? When a patient is given a medication there are many steps in which medication errors could be a result of staff errors or involvement. However, the physician is ultimately responsible for the well being of the patient. The staff that you interact with has many different levels of training, education and responsibility. For information regarding Physician Assistants, please refer to State of California * , Department of Consumer Affairs, Physician Assistant Committee at physicianassistant .gov. For details regarding scope of practice of RNs and LVNs, or scope of service of medical assistants, refer to the following resources: Board of Registered Nurses: rn .gov Board of Vocational Nurses and Psychiatric Technicians: bvnpt .gov California Medical Association document "Medical Assistants" #1605: cmanet California Medical Association document "Drug Dispensing" #0505: cmanet California Nurses Association: calnurse ; or contact 510 ; 273-2254 "Ensuring Patient Safety When Working with Medical Assistants." NORCAL ClaimsRx, August 2002, for example, discontinuing zoloft.

While you are taking zoloft, you should never take a monoamine oxidase inhibitor maoi ; medicine.

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Received October 25, 2000; first decision December 11, 2000; revision accepted December 19, 2000. From the Center for Clinical Pharmacology, Departments of Medicine D.G.G., E.K.J., R.K.D. ; and Pharmacology E.K.J. ; , University of Pittsburgh, Penn; Department of Physiology S.X., C.B. ; , West Virginia University, Morgantown; and Clinic for Endocrinology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology R.K.D. ; , University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland. Correspondence to Dr Raghvendra K. Dubey, D217, NORD-1, Clinic for Endocrinology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Frauenklinik, Zurich 8091, Switzerland. E-mail rag fhk z.ch 2001 American Heart Association, Inc. Hypertension is available at : hypertensionaha and accutane.

Become reality. Finally, it seems feasible to study the target of the therapeutically important classes of H1antihistamine. Expression of the genes in mammalian cells allows detailed investigations of the various signal transduction routes of the histamine H1-receptor 1682 ; . Moreover, using molecular biological techniques, it is now possible to investigate ligand receptor interaction at the molecular level. It is expected that these new developments will provide much fundamental knowledge on the ligand interaction with the H1-receptor 2045 ; . 8-2-2-6- Recommendations Old-generation H1 antihistamines are effective 1871, 1983, 1986, ; and may be the only molecules available in some developing countries. But because of their more favourable risk benefit ratio and enhanced pharmacokinetics 1, 3, 1746, ; , new H1-antihistamines should be considered as a first-choice treatment for allergic rhinitis when they are available and affordable. However, in some countries, not all molecules are available and the choice may be restricted. The anti-allergic activities exerted by some drugs would suggest that long-term use is preferable to an "on demand" regimen, especially in persistent disease. In perennial allergic rhinitis, when obstruction is the predominant symptom, intranasal glucocorticosteroids should either be added to a H1-antihistamine or used as a first choice drug, for example, zoloft prozac.

3. Consider stress management biofeedback interventions, including relaxation exercises and tapes, guided imagery, and meditation. Talking with family or friends can diffuse anxiety. 4. Exercise: walking, swimming, yoga, aerobics, etc. Conversely, assess for and ensure adequate sleep and rest. TREATMENT STRATEGIES2-6 Nonpharmacologic Management Should Be Attempted Initially 1. Re-educate patient as necessary regarding hepatitis C, treatment, potential side effects, symptom management, and stimulants and other causes or triggers of panic attacks. 2. Instruct patient how to manage panic attacks: Inhale to a count of four, exhale slowly to a count of four, do nothing to a count of four; repeat until the attack subsides. Patient should remind self that attacks are time-limited and will pass. 3. Obtain psychiatric consultation. 4. Advise the patient to create relaxation times throughout the day and evening, exercise, and limit daily tasks and pressure situations. 5. Be aware that graded exposure may be required to treat panic attacks. 6. Consider withholding interferon-based therapy until the patient is stable, or discontinue per psychiatrist's recommendation. Pharmacologic Interventions 1. SSRIs: selectively inhibit serotonin uptake and have limited effect on other neurotransmitters. This class of drugs is considered first-line. Initial starting dose is generally lower than that used for depression to minimize exacerbation of anxiety. Dose adjustments are easily tolerated. Generally take several weeks to achieve benefit. Side effects may include nausea, diarrhea, loose stools sertraline [Zoloft ] ; , constipation paroxetine [Paxil] ; , insomnia, sedation minimal and time-limited ; , headache, dizziness, fatigue, tremor, nervousness and anxiety, sexual dysfunction 30% of patients, men women ; , decreased libido, premature ejaculation, and anorgasmia. Advantages include low level of toxicity and decreased lethal effect in overdose. 2. TCAs: various ratios of adrenergic serotonergic reuptake inhibition. Proven effective. Side effects may include dry mouth, blurred vision, increased intraocular pressure, constipation, urinary retention, weight gain, sexual dysfunction, decreased seizure threshold, and increased toxicity in the elderly and those with suicidal ideation. TCAs generally take 4 to 6 weeks to provide relief of symptoms and can frequently be initiated at the same time as the benzodiazepine with planned taper of the benzodiazepine between 4 and 6 weeks. 3. Dual mechanism antidepressants: block serotonin and norepinephrine. Side effects may include orthostatic hypotension, syncope, tachycardia, arrhythmias, nausea, anorexia, sedation, and confusion. Mirtazapine Remeron ; may cause agranulocytosis or neutropenia. 4. Midazolam Versed ; or hydroxyzine Vistaril, Atarax ; may be utilized by psychiatrist for acute, severe cases of anxiety or panic on emergency referral and achromycin.

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NOTE: These physical data are typical values based on material tested but may vary from sample to sample. Typical values should not be construed as a guaranteed analysis of any specific lot or as specifications for the product. 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY: Product is stable under normal conditions of storage and handling. MATERIALS TO AVOID: Strong oxidizers, methyl vinyl ether, zinc, iron, aluminum, bromine trifluoride, mixtures of lime and boric acid, barium chloride, and 2-furan percarboxylic acid. This material is corrosive to aluminum, aluminum alloys and yellow brass. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Explosive concentrations of hydrogen gas may form if aqueous solutions come in contact with reactive metals i.e., iron, zinc, or aluminum ; . May form hydrogen chloride in presence of sulfuric and phosphoric acids, or water at elevated temperatures. Toxic chlorine fumes emitted when heated to decomposition. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Does not occur and acomplia. While on the drug i gained 30 lbs without making any dietary changes.
Company Nicholas Piramal Glenmark Pharma Lupin Ltd Jubilant Organosys Sun Pharma Wockhardt * Price Rs ; 227 338 476 EPS Rs ; 10.9 20.3 26.2 P E x ; 20.8 16.7 18.2 P B x ; 4.3 4.6 3.2 EV EBITDA x ; 13.2 11.9 14.2 RoE % ; 21 38 24 EBITDA % ; 16 31 14 NPM % ; 10 22 11 and actonel. This helps the medicine work better.
Subgroup analyses did not suggest differences in treatment outcome on the basis of gender. There was insufficient information to determine the effect of race or age on outcome. In a longer-term study, patients meeting DSM-IV criteria for social anxiety disorder who had responded while assigned to ZOLOFT CGI-I of 1 or 2 ; during a 20-week placebo-controlled trial on ZOLOFT 50-200 mg day were randomized to continuation of ZOLOFT or to substitution of placebo for up to 24 weeks of observation for relapse. Relapse was defined as 2 point increase in the Clinical Global Impression Severity of Illness CGI-S ; score compared to baseline or study discontinuation due to lack of efficacy. Patients receiving ZOLOFT continuation treatment experienced a statistically significantly lower relapse rate over this 24week study than patients randomized to placebo substitution. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Major Depressive DisorderZOLOFT sertraline hydrochloride ; is indicated for the treatment of major depressive disorder in adults. The efficacy of ZOLOFT in the treatment of a major depressive episode was established in six to eight week controlled trials of adult outpatients whose diagnoses corresponded most closely to the DSM-III category of major depressive disorder see Clinical Trials under CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY ; . A major depressive episode implies a prominent and relatively persistent depressed or dysphoric mood that usually interferes with daily functioning nearly every day for at least 2 weeks it should include at least 4 of the following 8 symptoms: change in appetite, change in sleep, psychomotor agitation or retardation, loss of interest in usual activities or decrease in sexual drive, increased fatigue, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, slowed thinking or impaired concentration, and a suicide attempt or suicidal ideation. The antidepressant action of ZOLOFT in hospitalized depressed patients has not been adequately studied. The efficacy of ZOLOFT in maintaining an antidepressant response for up to 44 weeks following 8 weeks of open-label acute treatment 52 weeks total ; was demonstrated in a placebo-controlled trial. The usefulness of the drug in patients receiving ZOLOFT for extended periods should be reevaluated periodically see Clinical Trials under CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY ; . Obsessive-Compulsive DisorderZOLOFT is indicated for the treatment of obsessions and compulsions in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder OCD ; , as defined in the DSM-III-R; i.e., the obsessions or compulsions cause marked distress, are time-consuming, or significantly interfere with social or occupational functioning and acyclovir and zoloft.
Be disorder it drugs, eating itching certain anorexia used due prevent of skin hormone syndrome ; , nervosa.
Advair information advair disc zolofy information, side effects and adapalene. Symptoms of a zoolft overdose include nausea, vomiting, tremor, seizures, agitation, drowsiness, hyperactivity, and enlarged pupils!
Other than dispensing medications, we do some first aid for cuts, scrapes and bites. We've triaged some industrial accidents by kitchen staff as they go off to the ER. We see some stomach aches, more probably from home sickness than active IBD! The social workers are kept busy helping all the campers integrate into their groups and working These camps are now all called with children who are challenged by being away from home or Camp Oasis. For the past few behaving appropriately in a group years I have been the health environment for 24 hours a day. director for Camp Oasis North East, which takes campers from When you consider what New York & New England states. makes you give up your vacation The camp is held in August on the time to work at camp, I'd have to grounds of camp Scatico, which is say these come to mind: a beautiful camp situated on a lake * It's a great insight into how in Elizaville, NY nestled between kids & young adults really live the Berkshires & the Catskills. their daily lives with IBD All the camps are staffed by a volunteer medical team consisting of pediatric gastroenterologists, nurses and social workers. Camp Oasis North East accepts about 80 campers every year. Counselors are all young adults with IBD. Two large buses arrive in the late morning of the first day of camp, one from NY and one from Boston. It makes for some spirited cheers at meal times between Yankee and Red Sox fans! The biggest job of the medical team is medication distribution. With over 100 individuals with IBD we have a huge task to ensure everyone gets their medications! We distribute meds at mealtimes and at the evening activity. Over the years we've overcome many hurdles and streamlined the process. * It's an opportunity to meet and network with professionals from other centers * It's fun to be at camp, to swim in the lake, make s'mores at the campfire, play tennis and walk around the grounds. If any of you are interested in volunteering I'd be happy to te$ you more about it. I'$ need a replacement in 2008 because in August I'm planning on being in Brazil for the 3rd World Congress. Clare Ceba$os, APRN-BC, PNP.
FIM study 8 healthy male volunteers randomised placebo-controlled 6 study, 2 placebo ; double-blinded dose-escalation study 1st dose 0.1 mg kg 2mg min. DaimlerChrysler: Fuller v., N.D., Wake County Super. Ct.: 59 DaimlerChrysler Corp.: Allen v., Wis., settled before filing: 241 DaimlerChrysler Corp.: Chesnut v., Tex., Wichita County 78th Jud. Dist. Ct.: 130 Dakota, Minn. & E.R.R. Co.: Fenney v., 327 F.3d 707 8th Cir. 2003 ; : 263 Dalton v. State, 63 P.3d 847 Wash. Ct. App. 2003 ; : 128 Daniels v. Barron In re Barron ; , 325 F.3d 690 5th Cir. 2003 ; : 184 Dasrath v. Continental Airlines, Inc., 228 F. Supp. 2d 531 D.N.J. 2002 ; : 115 Davenport v. City and County of Honolulu, 60 P.3d 882 Haw. 2002 ; : 136 Davenport v. Comstock Hills-Reno, 46 P.3d 62 Nev. 2002 ; : 95 Davis v. Drug Transp., Inc., Ga., settled before filing: 222 Davis v. Prince George's County, Md., Prince George's County Cir. Ct.: 97 Davis & Thomas LLP v. Texaco, Inc., Cal., Los Angeles County Super. Ct.: 6 Dawson v. AmeriGas, Wash., Pierce County Super. Ct.: 222 Day v. Ouachita Parish Sch. Bd., 823 So. 2d 1039 La. Ct. App. 2002 ; : 12 Deckard v. General Motors Corp., 307 F.3d 556 7th Cir. 2002 ; : 23 Delaney v. Andrew Cmty. Sch. Dist., Iowa, Jackson County Dist. Ct.: 170 Delaware CWC Liquidation Corp. v. Martin, 584 S.E.2d 473 W. Va. 2003 ; : 312 Deleo v. Nusbaum, 821 A.2d 744 Conn. 2003 ; : 242 Dello Russo v. Nagel, 817 A.2d 426 N.J. Super. Ct. App. Div. 2003 ; : 221 Delta Air Lines: Love v., 310 F.3d 1347 11th Cir. 2002 ; : 42 Delta Airlines, Inc.: Vinnick v., 113 Cal. Rptr. 2d 471 Ct. App. 2001 ; : 31 Delta Airlines, Inc.: Ziegler v., U.S. Dist. Ct., E.D. Ky.: 85 Delta Coll.: Buszek v., Mich., Bay County Cir. Ct.: 14 DelValle v. Farmers Ins. Co., Wash., nonjudicial arbitration: 268 Denny's Inc.: EEOC v., U.S. Dist. Ct., S.D. Ill.: 14 Department of Revenue v. Jackson, 846 So. 2d 486 Fla. 2003 ; : 194 DePena: Knight v., Tex., Nueces County Ct. No. 3: 197 Desert Palace, Inc., v. Costa, 123 S. Ct. 2148 U.S. 2003 ; : 230 Deveno v. Visko, Inc., Ill., Cook County Cir. Ct.: 21 Dickson: Medlin v., Fla., 10th Jud. Dist. Ct.: 114 Diesel Mach., Inc. v. B.R. Lee Indus., Inc., U.S. Dist. Ct., D.S.D.: 81 Digicorp, Inc. v. Ameritech Corp., 662 N.W.2d 652 Wis. 2003 ; : 228 Dillard's, Inc.: Jones v., 331 F.3d 1259 11th Cir. 2003 ; : 300 Diversified Moving Sys., Inc.: Mikhael-Fard v., Cal., Los Angeles County Super. Ct.: 164 Dixon v. New Jersey Trucking, Tex., Dallas County 14th Jud. Dist. Ct.: 300 Do v. Superior Ct., 135 Cal. Rptr. 2d 855 Ct. App. 2003 ; : 257 Doctor v. Pardue, Tex., Harris County 113th Jud. Dist. Ct.: 331 Docusearch, Inc.: Preferred National Ins. Co. v., 829 A.2d 1068 N.H. 2003 ; : 319 Docusearch, Inc.: Remsburg v., 816 A.2d 1001 N.H. 2003 ; : 132 Dodge v. Cotter Corp., 328 F.3d 1212 10th Cir. 2003 ; : 283 Dodge v. County of Orange, F. Supp. 2d , Nos. 02 Civ. 769 CM ; LMS ; , 02 Civ. 8451 CM ; LMS ; , 2003 WL 22119194 S.D.N.Y. Sept. 9, 2003 ; : 332 Dodge v. Precision Constr. Prods., Inc., 820 A.2d 207 Vt. 2003 ; : 207 Dodson v. J.C. Penney Corp., 309 F.3d 476 8th Cir. 2002 ; : 50 Doe: Gonzaga Univ. v., 536 U.S. 273 2002 ; : 151 Doe v. Allen Temple Devs., Inc., Ga., Fulton County State Ct.: 273 Doe v. Archdiocese of San Antonio, Tex., Bexar County 150th Jud. Dist. Ct.: 169 Doe v. Arts, 823 A.2d 855 N.J. Super. Ct. App. Div. 2003 ; : 307 Doe v. Athletic Alliance Risk Purchasing Group, N.Y., Nassau County Sup. Ct.: 277 Doe v. Bellefonte Area Sch. Dist., U.S. Dist. Ct., M.D. Pa.: 99 Doe v. Burdick, Va., Newport News Cir. Ct.: 312 Doe v. Creighton, 786 N.E.2d 1211 Mass. 2003 ; : 204 Doe v. CRST, Inc., Pa., Phila. County C.C.P.: 185, for example, zolof interaction. Treatment. The symptoms in the other child improved to the extent that he moved from non verbal to speaking in short sentences and improved in sociability to the extent that he was reevaluated as non autistic. On cessation of the treatment due to the parents inability to fund more for that child there was a complete regression. A further pilot study with low dose IVIG on autistic children generally found no benefit. Single case reports then appeared on its successful use in LKS, the most notable being the case of an 8 year old girl with Landau Kleffner Syndrome reported by Fayad, Choueiri and Mikati in 1997 `Epilepsia'. The child had developed LKS after an episode of mumps but failed to respond to anti-convulsant therapy and steroids. She was then treated with three IVIG infusions. The first two infusions produced improvements in her EEG and speech lasting for several months. Following the final infusion the improvement was maintained without regression. The study observed that some patients with LKS may form a sub group with underlying immunologic mechanisms that respond to IVIG. Further support came from another single case study from Belgium in 1998. A boy with LKS underwent 3 phases of abrupt deterioration of language. In the first 2 phases he was successfully treated with steroid therapy but in the third phase IVIG was given instead. It was described as having `a dramatic and comparable effect' to steroids ; in influencing language and EEG abnormalities. These studies did not lead to any certainty about the efficacy of IVIG but rather they called for controlled studies into its use for LKS. So far no such study has been carried out. It would seem that in the U.K. at least IVIG has only been used very occasionally in LKS children as `a shot in the dark' when other therapies are failing. In the U.S.A. it seems to be more widely given with some medical insurance companies now becoming more prepared to pay over prolonged periods for this very expensive form of treatment for children with LKS and LKS variants. The risks - in addition to usual blood transfusion risks there are reported side effects of nose bleeds, aggressiveness and hyperactivity. Some are associated with a fast infusion rate eg. flushing, low back ache, headache, nausea, wheezing. More rarely anaphylaxis is a risk particularly for IgA depleted patients who may need to have an IgAdepleted preparation IgAis a defence to infection and protects mucosal surfaces eg. the gut ; . IgA deficiency is commonly reported in autistic children. The risks however are not comparable to that involved with high dose steroid therapy. F.O.L.K.S. are grateful to Dr. Jane El-Dahr, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine and Head of the and zyprexa. Carlin, 13 Cal. 4th at 1114-1115. Based on this dicta, Pfizer argues that because FDA has not found that SSRIs cause suicide, plaintiff cannot establish that Pfizer knew that SSRIs and Zolkft cause suicide and therefore cannot make out a strict liability claim. Defendant's Motion, p.15. The Court rejects this argument. First, the language Pfizer relies on is only dicta and did not affect the Court's ultimate holding that plaintiff's claims could proceed. Second, the dicta refers only to the effect on FDA determinations on the issue of "known risks"; it does not say anything about the other possible basis that a plaintiff may, and that Motus did, assert for strict liability failure to warn claims - namely, that a manufacturer reasonably should have known about certain risks. Complaint, P 33 "defendants knew or should have known that their product was unsafe." ; . Third, the dicta does not state that an FDA determination is wholly preemptive; it instead states merely that "the manufacturer could present [ * 49] such evidence [of FDA's determination] to show that strict liability cannot apply, " which is consistent with the California.
Attitude [Psychology] 1 ; Khamhanh Viphonephom. Attitude toward the nursing profession of nursing midwife students in College of Health Technology Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 81 p. T E20917 ; Niramol Chanyam. A study of language attitude toward Thai dialects and their speakers : a case study of four campuses of Rajamangala Institute of Technology. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 99 p. T E18860 ; Panneepa Sivapirunthep. A study of selected characteristics and attitudes toward agriculture of undergraduate agriculture majors at Mississippi State University in 1999. Mississippi : Mississippi State University, 2000. 109 p. T E15979 ; Pranuda Thammapapoj. Influences of media toward knowledge and attitude of Krabi's tour guides on sustainable tourism. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 80 p. T E16639 ; Prapan Srisawad. Consumers' perception and attitude towards genetically modified organism products GMOs ; : a case study of housewives in Metropolitan Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 107 p. T E20929 ; Prasit Musaw. An investigation of students' attitudes towards self-access learning through self-access material. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 64 p. R E15573 ; Ratree Pasunta. Knowledge and attitudes of Subdistrict Administration Organization members towards ecotourism in Phuket province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 128 p. T E20928 ; Thera Kanchanarak. Training officers' opinions towards a desirable competency base of trainers case study : Ministry of Education. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 85 p. R E19045 ; . " " Communication attitude and participation of NGOs in "Police Cadet Academy students and community relation" project. : , 2541. 122 . 100488 ; Attitudes Jantana Boonchuen. Knowledge, attitudes, and role performance of Subdistrict Aministrative Organization council members in Nonthaburi province on solid waste management. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 150 p. T E16831 ; Surangkana Maitrawattana. Knowledge, attitudes and participation of the EGCO's employees on energy conservation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 182 p. T E16877 ; Suvanee Kaewsawang. An evaluation of knowledge attitude and behavior of household and commercial sectors to solid waste selection in Salaya municipality, Nakhornpathom province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 134 p. T E19280 ; Tuy Tanrathy. Knowledge, attitude and practice among teachers towards health promoting schools at 7 Makara district, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 53 p. T E15036 ; 24962. Prozac backlash : overcoming the dangers of prozac, zoloft, paxil and other antidepresssants. The frequency of cells showing positive TUNEL or T-cell, macrophage and SMC immunoreactivity was graded as described in table 1. Results are presented as the average scorestandard error. To secure and protect the airway in a patient without a gag reflex. To ventilate the patient. To deliver high concentrations of oxygen. To suction secretions and maintain airway patency. To prevent aspiration of gastric contents. To prevent gastric distention. To administer drugs during resuscitation for absorption through the lungs. To allow a faster rate of cardiac compression 80 minute ; during CPR, for instance, zoloft and side effects. 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