Both these body conditions are quite alarming as they give rise to different health problems.
Approach and are seen as a way to address physical, nutritional, environmental, emotional, social, spiritual and lifestyle needs. Many cultures have their own treatment and care practices which many people find helpful and which can often provide additional benefits to health and wellbeing. Rongoa Maori is the indigenous health and healing practice of New Zealand. Tohunga Puna Ora is a traditional healing practitioner. Traditional healing for many Pacific Islands' people involves massage, herbal remedies and spiritual healers. In general, meditation, hypnotherapy, yoga, exercise, relaxation, massage, mirimiri and aromatherapy have all been shown to have some effect in alleviating mental distress. Complementary therapies can include using a number of herbal and other medicinal preparations to treat particular conditions. It is recommended that care is taken as prescription medicines, herbal and medicinal preparations can interact with each other. When considering taking any supplement, herbal or medicinal preparation we recommend that you consult a doctor to make sure it is safe and will not harm your health. Women who may be pregnant or breastfeeding are advised to take extra care and to consult a doctor about any supplements, herbal or medicinal preparations they are considering using, to make sure they are safe and that they will not harm their own or their baby's health. For more information see the MHINZ booklet Complementary Therapies in Mental Health, for example, risperidone and dementia.
Cambridge: cambridge univ press, 20 4-25 volavka j, czobor p, sheitman b, et al clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone, and haloperidol in the treatment of patients with chronic schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder.
Anti-Psychotic Medications * Anti-Psychotic Medications are carved-out for Medi-Cal members Chlorpromazine Clozapine Fluphenazine Hydrochloride Fluphenazine Decanoate, Enanthate Haloperidol Decanoate, Lactate Loxapine Mesoridazine Molindone Olanzapine Perphenazine Pimozide Quetiapine Fumarate Riaperidone Thioridazine Thiothixene Trifluoperazine Ziprasidone THORAZINE CLOZARIL PROLIXIN PROLIXIN HALDOL LOXITANE SERENTIL MOBAN ZYPREXA TRILAFON ORAP SEROQUEL RISPERDAL MELLARIL NAVANE STELAZINE GEODON PA: Tried and failed OR contraindications to at least one preferred alternative. PA: Tried and failed OR contraindications to at least one preferred alternative. Indicated for treatment of Psychosis. PA: Tried and failed OR contraindications to at least one preferred alternative.
Dependent predictors of the degree of steatosis, and fasting insulin was the only independent predictor of ALT, explaining 20% of the variance of this measure. Lifestyle approaches for the IRS John Foreyt Houston, TX ; discussed lifestyle approaches for the IRS, calling attention to "the discrimination" that overweight persons experience. He presented evidence that body weight has increased 15% over the past century, with BMI 25 and 30 kg m2 and 14%, respectively, of the population in 1980 and 65 and 31% in 2000 26 ; . One of the major approaches to management of the IRS is lifestyle change, with 7% weight loss and 150 min week exercise in the Diabetes Prevention Program reducing diabetes by 58% 27 ; . Realistic goals are a 510% weight loss, with focus on health, energy, fitness, well-being, and selfesteem, using food diaries to encourage adherence. However, we are subjected to a barrage of unhealthy food and advertisements for unhealthy food. The food industry produces 3, 800 cal person 1 day 1, whereas the average requirement is 2, 000 cal day, with Foreyt terming "fat the real culprit" although note Krauss's recommendations below ; . Foreyt recalled Mark Twain's dictum, "Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time" 28 ; , suggesting an approach to changing behavior for lifestyle modification. Keeping a food diary is extremely important, although in treatment, one must recognize that typical patients underreport calories by one-third and overreport exercise by one-half. One must identify environmental cues associated with overeating and underexercising to develop approaches to "stimulus control, " such as trying to structure eating and exercise patterns for example, putting out exercise clothes before going to bed ; . An approach to setting realistic expectations by starting with small changes is the "100 plan: eliminating 100 cal by diet and increasing activity by 100 cal, which should lead to a 20-lb annual weight loss 29 ; . Stress management may be helpful and can include exercise, meditation, and "progressive relaxation." Those persons able to modify lifestyle, participate longer in treatment, and increase physical activity to at least 1 h day are most likely to succeed. A U.S. national weight control registry has shown that persons who have and roxithromycin.
New York Pharma Forum November 16, 2005 - Pg. 54.
New Medicines. New Hope. Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America 950 F Street, NW Washington, DC 20004 phrma | innovation | pparx | buysafedrugs | nuestraphrma 9 06 and reboxetine, for instance, side effects of risperidone.
Association and articles 10, 38 and following of Legislative Decree no. 385 of 1 st September 1993 Consolidated Body of Law on banking and credit matters ; , aimed to re-establish the working capital, under the agreements and with the obligations stated in: the rules of law currently in force on the matter and the Civil Code, this contract, the relative receipts and specifications of terms and conditions which, signed by the parties and by myself, Notary, are attached to this deed under C to form an integral and essential part of the same, of which the parties declare they have previous knowledge and of which they have accepted all the clauses. 2 ; The loan must be granted within one month of the date of stipulation of this deed; in the event that this fails to occur due to the "Debtor" failing to make the request or for any other cause attributable to the same, the "Debtor" shall be understood as definitively having waived the loan. ART. 2 Rate of interest and commission ; 1 ; The "Debtor" is obliged to pay the "Bank" on this loan the interest calculated according to the effective days divided by 360 three hundred and sixty ; , deferred half-yearly at the annual nominal rate--rounded up to the sixteenth--equal to the rate relative to the inter-bank Italian Lira "RIBOR"--Rome Interbank Offered Rate ; "letter" at six months, increased by 0.25 zero point two five ; points. The aforementioned rate will be increased by the spread of 1.50 one point five ; points in favour of the "Bank". 2 ; The "RIBOR" will be taken on the computer market of deposits M.I.D. ; at 12.00 noon by the A.B.I. Italian Bankers' Association ; M.I.D. and A.T.I.C. committee ; on the "ATIA" PAGE OF THE Reuters Italia S.p.a. circuit--Milan on the second business day prior to the date on which the interest takes effect. 3 ; The "Bank" will notify to the "Debtor", before each due date of the instalment of interest, the resulting rate and the sum of the instalment that the "Debtor" must pay. 4 ; The "Debtor" also undertakes to pay the "Bank", contextually with the stipulation of this deed, a lump sum commission of extension equal to 0.50% zero point five percent ; of the total of the loan. ART. 3 Methods and terms of reimbursement ; 1 ; The loan will be granted in one or more payments on the decision of the "Bank" under the terms and conditions and in the ways laid down by article 1 of the specifications. The loan must be reimbursed with 19 nineteen ; deferred half-yearly instalment payments falling due on the 30 th thirtieth ; April and 31 October of each year, made up of the sole quota of capital and each amounting to Italian Lire 131, 578, 947 one hundred and thirty-one million, five hundred and seventy-eight thousand, nine hundred and forty-seven ; save the last one amounting to Italian Lire 131, 578, 954 one hundred and thirty-one million, five hundred and seventy-eight thousand, nine hundred and fifty-four ; plus interest, to be paid on the same due dates, at the rate determined with the criteria as per article 2 above. 2.
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Tablets: 25 mg, 5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg, 3 mg, 4 mg liquid: 1 mg ml liquid in a 30 bottle there is 5 mg in one teaspoonful ; risperdal m-tab - a rapidly disintegrating tablet 5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg, 3 mg, 4 mg risperdal consta - a long-acting injection 25 mg, 3 5 mg, or 50 mg for intramuscular injection generic name risperidone what is risperdal and what does it treat.
Risperidone target dose in elderly patients with BPSD is 1 0.5 mg day and stavudine.
Endocrine functioning? Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2003; 28 suppl 2 ; : 109123. 35. Brunelleschi S, Zeppegno P, Risso F, Cattaneo CI, Torre E. Risperidone-associated hyperprolactinemia: evaluation in twenty psychiatric outpatients. Pharmacol Res. 2003; 48: 405-409. Knegtering R, Castelein S, Bous H, et al. A randomized open-label study of the impact of quetiapine versus risperidone on sexual functioning. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2004; 24: 56-61. Ataya K, Mercado A, Kartaginer J, Abbasi A, Moghissi KS. Bone density and reproductive hormones in patients with neuroleptic-induced hyperprolactinemia. Fertil Steril. 1988; 50: 876-881. Dunbar F, Kusumakar V, Daneman D, Schulz M. Growth and sexual maturation during long-term treatment with risperidone. J Psychiatry. 2004; 161: 918-920. Meltzer HY, Fang VS, Tricou BJ, Robertson A. Effect of antidepressants on neuroendocrine axis in humans. In: Costa E, Racagni G, eds. Typical and Atypical Antidepressants: Clinical Practice. New York, NY: Raven Press; 1982: 303-316. 40. Price LH, Charney DS, Delgado PL, Anderson GM, Heninger GR. Effects of desipramine and fluvoxamine treatment on the prolactin response to tryptophan: serotonergic function and the mechanism of antidepressant action. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1989; 46: 625-631. Jones RB, Luscombe DK, Groom GV. Plasma prolactin concentrations in normal subjects and depressive patients following oral clomipramine. Postgrad Med J. 1977; 53 suppl 4 ; : 166-171. 42. Marken PA, Haykal RF, Fisher JN. Management of psychotropicinduced hyperprolactinemia. Clin Pharm. 1992; 11: 851-856. Slater SL, Lipper S, Shiling DJ, Murphy DL. Elevation of plasmaprolactin by monoamine-oxidase inhibitors. Lancet. 1977; 2: 275-276. Price LH, Charney DS, Heninger GR. Effects of tranylcypromine treatment on neuroendocrine, behavioral, and autonomic responses to tryptophan in depressed patients. Life Sci. 1985; 37: 809-818. Cohen MA, Davies PH. Drug therapy and hyperprolactinaemia. Adv Drug Reaction Bull. 1998; 190: 723-726. Urban RJ, Veldhuis JD. A selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, fluoxetine hydrochloride, modulates the pulsatile release of prolactin in postmenopausal women. J Obstet Gynecol. 1991; 164 1, pt 1 ; : 147-152. 47. Cowen PJ, Sargent PA. Changes in plasma prolactin during SSRI treatment: evidence for a delayed increase in 5-HT neurotransmission. J Psychopharmacol. 1997; 11: 345-348. Amsterdam JD, Garcia-Espaa F, Goodman D, Hooper M, HornigRohan M. Breast enlargement during chronic antidepressant therapy. J Affect Disord. 1997; 46: 151-156. Mck-Seler D, Pivac N, Sagud M, Jakovljevic M, Mihaljevic-Pele A. s The effects of paroxetine and tianeptine on peripheral biochemical markers in major depression. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2002; 26: 1235-1243. Laine K, Anttila M, Heinonen E, et al. Lack of adverse interactions between concomitantly administered selegiline and citalopram. Clin Neuropharmacol. 1997; 20: 419-433. Shlik J, Aluoja A, Vasar V, Vasar E, Podar T, Bradwejn J. Effects of citalopram treatment on behavioural, cardiovascular and neuroendocrine response to cholecystokinin tetrapeptide challenge in patients with panic disorder. J Psychiatry Neurosci. 1997; 22: 332-340. Gordon C, Whale R, Cowen PJ. Sertraline treatment does not increase plasma prolactin levels in healthy subjects [letter]. Psychopharmacology Berl ; . 1998; 137: 201-202. Sagud M, Pivac N, Mck-Seler D, Jakovljevi M, Mihaljevi -Pele A, c c s Korsic M. Effects of sertraline treatment on plasma cortisol, prolactin and thyroid hormones in female depressed patients. Neuropsychobiology. 2002; 45: 139-143. Spigset O, Mjrndal T. The effect of fluvoxamine on serum prolactin and serum sodium concentrations: relation to platelet 5-HT2A receptor status. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 1997; 17: 292-297. Iancu I, Ratzoni G, Weitzman A, Apter A. More fluoxetine experience [letter]. J Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1992; 31: 755-756. Peterson MC. Reversible galactorrhea and prolactin elevation related to fluoxetine use. Mayo Clin Proc. 2001; 76: 215-216. Walsh AE, Cowen PJ. Attenuation of the prolactin-stimulating and hyperthermic effects of nefazodone after subacute treatment. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 1994; 14: 268-273. Whiteman PD, Peck AW, Fowle AS, Smith PR. Failure of bupropion to affect prolactin or growth hormone in man. J Clin Psychiatry. 1983; 44 5, pt 2 ; : 209-210.
Part Two Procedures common to In Competition and Out of Competition Testing 4 4.1 Identification The sample collection will be carried out by DCO s ; who: i ; may be accompanied by Chaperone s ; who will assist in the notification procedure and in chaperoning players; and ii ; will be accompanied by a FASO who will act as a point of liaison between the Club and Player and the DCO s ; Chaperone s ; , facilitate the conduct of drug testing and report any matters of interest or concern to The FA. Before drug testing is carried out, if requested by the Player and or any Club official, the Competent Officials must show their identification cards. The Competent Officials are under no obligation to present their identification cards where the circumstances render this unreasonable, in particular where a Player is failing to cooperate with the conduct of the testing or is failing or refusing to provide a sample. On arriving at a venue for drug testing the Competent Officials will attempt to make contact with an official from the relevant Club. For an In Competition test the official would be the Secretary of the home Club or if the Secretary is not present or otherwise unavailable contact will be made with another official from the home Club. Facilities for the Collection of Samples Clubs are obliged to provide an area for the collection of samples which should consist of a private waiting area with adequate seating for the Players waiting to be tested, a private working room of sufficient size to accommodate the persons referred to in paragraph 10.3 below and private toilets the "Doping Control Station" ; . The Doping Control Station must be clearly identified. The Competent Officials will provide the equipment that is required for the drug testing including collection vessels, sample bottles, approved sealing equipment and beverages for the Players in sealed containers. Prior to the start of testing the Competent Officials should satisfy themselves that the Doping Control Station facilities are adequate. Clubs must comply with any reasonable requests made by the Competent Officials if they do not believe that the facilities are adequate. Samples should be taken from Players in the designated Doping Control Station. The DCO s ; will make every effort to collect urine samples as discreetly as possible and with maximum privacy, but it must be recognised that circumstances may impose difficulties upon a DCO that cannot easily be overcome. It is recommended that the Club arranges for a security guard steward be positioned outside the Doping Control Station to keep unauthorised persons from entering the Station. A ' Entry' No sign should be displayed and zerit.
Refer to consultant A reduction in dose, discontinuation or change to an alternative atypical ; antipsychotic may be required. Review use of antcholinergic in patient may worsen symptoms Discontinue antipsychotic s ; Refer immediately to consultant Give a smaller dose in the morning or during the day. Patients should be advised not to drive or operate machinery Recommend a high fibre diet Consider adding a bulk-forming and or stimulant laxative Advise patient to take time to get up. Advise patient not to drive. Encourage a healthy balanced diet and regular exercise Take after food, for example, sandoz risperidone.
This was the largest study ever for copd patients and the first to look at the potential for a medicine to improve survival, said glaxo spokeswoman mary anne rhyne and ticlid.
For antipsychotic-naive patients, benzodiazapines may be sufficient to control agitation while initiating a slow titration of an antipsychotic agent. Benzodiazapines are safer than antipsychotics, but beware of accumulation. Benztropine 1 to 2 mg IV or IM must be available for emergency treatment of EPSEs. Solution or rapid dissolving tablets for risperid9ne and olanzapine with or without benzodiazepines should be considered prior to antipsychotic IM administration. Avoid giving zuclopenthixol acetatea to antipsychotic naive patients. In the first few hours after injection, a benzodiazepine may be needed to control agitation. For IV administration, give over 2 to 3 minutes. Monitor respiratory rate, pulse, and blood pressure every 5 minutes for several hours after IV use. Facilities for mechanical ventilation and cardiac resuscitation must be available when intravenous route is used. Avoid mixing olanzapine IM with benzodiazepines.
Response rates through 30 weeks showed a significantly greater proportion of olanzapine-treated patients had achieved a 20% or greater improvement in their panss total score compared to risperidone-treated patients and ticlopidine.
More than 100 times the 0.06% two of 3, 095 ; seen with ziprasidone 48 ; . There is considerable evidence in the literature that populations with schizophrenia are at higher risk for sudden death independent of drug treatment 50 ; . Sudden death could be the result of schizophrenic illness itself or illnesses related to the very high rate of smoking among such patients or a combination of the two. In spite of this, it seems clear that haloperidol, pimozide, sulpiride, droperidol, and thioridazine increase the risk of sudden death. On the other hand, even with widespread use, neither torsade de pointes nor sudden death has been reported with olanzapine and quetiapine in the literature. Risperidons can prolong the QTc interval. Evidence comes from both usual oral doses and overdose 51, 52 ; . However, we know of no unequivocal case of risperidoneinduced torsade de pointes. There is a single report of sudden death involving a young woman with schizophrenia who was receiving 2 mg day of ripseridone and 100 mg day of amantadine 46 ; . Following a seizure, her heart arrested twice and she died. During both arrests, ECGs showed evidence of mechanical electrical dissociation pulseless electrical activity ; . Although her QTc interval prolonged significantly, she did not experience torsade de pointes or ventricular tachycardia. Rjsperidone does lengthen the QTc interval, but the only reported case of sudden death was not due to torsade de pointes. Before marketing, 4, 571 patients received ziprasidone for a total of 1, 733 patient-years, and there were 1.6 deaths per 100 patient-years. According to FDA data on olanzapine, there were 1.8 deaths per 100 patients years. However, these rates are based on counting all deaths, including suicide, not just sudden death. Ziprasidone was associated with only 10 sudden deaths death in less than 24 hours ; , or 0.56 deaths per 100 patient-years. This is a much lower rate than the 12 sudden deaths that were observed during 476 person-years 2.5 deaths per 100 patient-years ; during the sertindole trials. Another predictor of adverse cardiovascular events is overdose. During the new drug application trials of ziprasidone, 10 individuals ingested doses up to 4, 600 mg, but there were no serious cardiac events and no deaths. However, ECG recordings were obtained in only two of the 10 overdoses. One of the two patients ingested 1, 880 mg of drug about 11 times the usual therapeutic dose ; , and 2.5 hours after the ingestion there was no change from the patient's original baseline ECG intervals. The second patient ingested 3, 240 mg 20 times the usual therapeutic dose ; , and ECGs obtained 4, 6, and 9 hours after ingestion revealed a maximum QTc interval prolongation of 20 msec 48.
Medication should always be considered in severe cases; this should follow a specialist assessment. Stimulant medication methylphenidate, dexamphetamine ; is the most effective means of controlling core symptoms ref 246, 247 ; . It should only be initiated at specialist secondary care level the paediatrician or child and adolescent psychiatrist ; . Primary care has an important role in supporting treatment and families. Shared care protocols vary but primary care tasks typically include the following: - repeat prescriptions - checking height and weight and entering these on a growth chart - adjusting doses within narrow limits - reporting and managing adverse effects - encouraging child's positive view of treatment not as coercion ; . Specialists are responsible for clear monitoring, supervision and dosage recommendation. Stimulant drugs are controlled and need to be prescribed in the doctor's writing using words and figures to describe dosage and numbers of tablets to be prescribed. They do not, however, lead to dependence in children for whom they are prescribed. Extended-release preparations are often preferred to avoid the necessity of drugs being given at school. Second-line drugs include imipramine, bupropion, atomoxetine, risperridone and melatonin. At the time of writing these are not necessarily licensed but may still be appropriate under specialist supervision and tegaserod.
Total Cholesterol TC ; Data from 6-week studies: Bifeprunox, placebo and risperidone were all associated with decreases in non-fasting total cholesterol, whereas olanzapine and haloperidol were associated with marginal increases at endpoint LOCF ; . Decreases were also observed on non-fasting measures of triglycerides TG ; in the bifeprunox, placebo, risperidone and haloperidol groups, with an increase observed in the olanzapine group. The greatest decreases in non-fasting TC and TG at endpoint LOCF ; were seen with bifeprunox Table 5.
Fig. 1. Regions with lower activity in the before-risperidone condition BR ; as compared to after-risperidone condition AR ; . Images are in radiological convention: left of the image is right of the patient. Regions are superimposed to the SPM MR template and zelnorm and risperidone.
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T indicates teaching hospital; C, community hospital; and BDPM, average number of bed-days per patient managed. See footnote to Table 1 for institution identification.
Randomized controlled trial Double blind procedure Single blind procedure Crossover procedure Multicenter study Controlled study Clinical trial using a control group e.g., placebo, sham treatment, standard intervention ; for comparison with the experimental intervention, with random allocation of subjects to experimental and control groups Used for clinical trials reporting a double blind procedure Use for clinical trials reporting a single blind procedure Used for clinical trials reporting a crossover procedure Used for clinical trials performed at two or more medical centers Original study with a control group NB: not restricted to clinical trials and tibolone.
Emergency medicine in the treatment of stroke. He discussed some of the strengths of the emergency department in the care of acute stroke and transient ischaemic attack patients, and offered some suggestions for improvements. The strengths of the emergency medicine team include their intimate involvement with the pre-hospital care service and their role as the doorway for referrals from other sites. Major changes have recently taken place in emergency medicine dealings with trauma and AMI patients. Trauma patients get very rapid emergency medical service EMS ; transport; only certain centres receive them; and a multidisciplinary team gets prehospital notification of the arrival. AMI has more recently changed: there is now high public awareness, partly as a result.
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| Risperidone overdosePrivileges. He continued to accept his medications, but the Depakote was changed to Lithium5 and Haldol to Rispetidone 6to try to eliminate some side effects and discomfort. His Cogentin was replaced with Inderal7 to help deal with the side effects.
200 100 ml 1, 000 100 ml 2, 000 100 ml 0.022 0.044 Nondetectable using EPA test method 200.7 20.9 41.8 Not less than 6.0 nor greater than 9.0.
No significant increase in the risk of ischaemic stroke compared with those receiving typical antipsychotics adjusted hazard ratio 1.01, 95% confidence interval 0.81-1.26 ; . This finding was consistent in subgroup analyses of individual atypical antipsychotic drugs risperidone, olanzapine and quetiapine ; . This is one of several studies which complicates the issue of whether atypical antipsychotics increase the risk of stroke. Along with this cohort study, a re-analysis found that increased rates of stroke in one trial may have been due to inclusion of patients at higher cerebrovascular risk or the mislabelling of the events they experienced. A systematic review of four drug classes concluded that atypicals showed modest efficacy but with an increased risk of stroke in patients with dementia. The decision to use atypical antipsychotics in our patients involves weighing the risks against potential benefits. The risk of stroke conferred by these drugs may not be as clear-cut as was thought to be the case.
Had intermediate values. The difference in leptin levels between patients taking olanzapine and risperidone remained at the limit of statistical significance, even after controlling for BMI F4.877; d.f.1; P0.05 ; . F 4.877; d.f. 1; 0.05 and roxithromycin.
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As the stewards of our breed, we are the individuals who hold the future in our hands. We are the ones who make the decisions which will affect generations to come. Think about what an exciting time we live in--soon we will be able to isolate the genes which play such a huge role in determining the health of our hounds. But to do this, we need to attract researchers to our breed. How? By having collected as much data as possible about our hounds. This research will not happen unless we are positive and proactive. We are! Won't you join us?.
3a, b ; , whereas the expression in all transformants was detected as shown in Figure 3c, d. Segregation analysis To confirm of presence of the transgene from T1 transgenic plants in T2 transformants, we examined 14 seeds of line 3 by segregation analysis via Southern hybridization. Ten bands had the 9-kbp fragment, depending on the T-DNA region Figure 4a ; . Fourteen plants of line 3 were further analyzed for the expression of the Luc transgene by the Luc assay. All T2 plants that contained the transgene in the genome showed Luc activity, whereas the remaining T2 plants did not Figure 4b, c ; . In addition, we investigated 14 seeds of each of the other two lines, 4 and 5, by Luc assay Table 3 ; and PCR data not shown ; . In T1 line 5, all 14 T2 transgenic plants were confirmed to have integrated both the NPTII and Luc genes. However, seven of these transformants did not show Luc activity data not shown ; . These results indicate that the transgene of multiple copies is not inherited stably, whereas that of single copy is inherited stably.
157164. 4. Zhuang H, Alavi A. 18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomographic imaging in the detection and monitoring of infection and inflammation. Semin Nucl Med 2002; 32: 4759. Herholz K. PET studies in dementia. Ann Nucl Med 2003; 17: 7989. Cohen RM, Semple WE, Gross M, Nordahl TE, King AC, Pickar D, et al. Evidence for common alterations in cerebral glucose metabolism in major affective disorders and schizophrenia. Neuropsychopharmacology 1989; 2: 241254. Duncan GE, Miyamoto S, Leipzig JN, Lieberman JA. Comparison of the effects of clozapine, risperidone, and olanzapine on ketamine-induced alterations in regional brain metabolism. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 2000; 293: 814. Laurie DJ, Pratt JA. Local cerebral glucose utilization following subacute and chronic diazepam pretreatment: differential tolerance. Brain Res 1989; 504: 101111. Grasby PM, Sharp T, Allen T, Kelly PA, Grahame-Smith DG. Effects of the 5-HT1A partial agonists gepirone, ipsapirone and buspirone on local cerebral glucose utilization in the conscious rat. Psychopharmacology Berl ; 1992; 106: 97101. Potkin SG, Buchsbaum MS, Jin Y, Tang C, Telford J, Friedman G, et al. Clozapine effects on glucose metabolic rate in striatum and frontal cortex. J Clin Psychiatry 1994; 55: 6366. Moresco RM, Tettamanti M, Gobbo C, Del Sole A, Ravasi L, Messa C, et al. Acute effect of 3- 4-acetamido ; -butyrrillorazepam DDS2700 ; on brain function assessed by PET at rest and during attentive tasks. Nucl Med Commun 2001; 22: 399404. Frykholm P, Andersson JL, Valtysson J, Silander HC, Hillered L, Perss Olsson Y, et al. A metabolic threshold of irreversible ischemia demonstrated by PET in a middle cerebral artery occlusion-reperfusion primate model. Acta Neurol Scand 2000; 102: 1826. Le Mestric C, Chavoixs C, Chapon F, Mezenge F, Epelbaum J, Baron JC. Effects of damage to the basal forebrain on brain glucose utilization--a reevaluation using positron emission tomography in baboons with extensive unilateral excitotoxic lesion. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 1998; 18: 476490. Kobayashi K, Inoue O, Watanabe Y, Onoe H, Langltrom B. Difference in response of D2 receptor binding between 11CN-methylspiperone and 11C-raclopride against anesthetics in rhesus monkey brain. J Neural Transm Gen Sect 1995; 100: 147151. Otsuka T, Wei L, Bereczki D, Acuff V, Patlak C, Fenstermacher J. Pentobarbital produces dissimilar changes in glucose influx and utilization in brain. J Physiol 1991; 261: 265275. Momosaki S, Hatano K, Kawasumi Y, Kato T, Hosoi R, Kobayashi K, et al. Rat-PET study without anesthesia: anesthetics modify the dopamine D1 receptor binding in rat brain. Synapse 2004; 54: 207213. Duncan GE, Miyamoto S, Leipzig JN, Lieberman JA. Comparison of brain metabolic activity patterns induced by ketamine, MK-801 and amphetamine in rats: support for NMDA receptor involvement in responses to subanesthetic dose of ketamine. Brain Res 1999; 843: 171183.
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