Rank order Compound Human Peff Human Fa Rat Peff Atenolol 13 11 12.5 Ranitidine 12 10 12.5 Hydrochlorothiazide 11 12 11 Furosemide 10 9 10 Metoprolol 9 7 cimetidine 8 9 Propranolol 7 6 8 Antipyrine 6 4 2 Carbamazepine 5 6 Piroxicam 4 3 4.5 Ketoprofen 3 2 Napr0xen 2 1 2 Ibuprofen 1 4.5 Rat perfusion vs human intestinal permeability * rs 0.96 n 12 ; Rat perfusion vs absorption in man * rs 0.91 n 13.
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Considering the strictly central and tight organization of this program and its control by the Stasi, even in such a totalitarian system, a "black market" for doping drugs existed. Drugs like Oral-Turinabol and other compounds see next section ; were so much in demand, for example, naproxen info.
Author: bob brown date: 11 14 2003, there are several prescription drugs available which combat motion sickness.
126. Nathoo N, Prayson RA, Bondar J, Vargo L, Arrigain S, Mascha EJ, Suh JH, Barnett GH, Golubic M. Increased expression of 5-lipoxygenase in high-grade astrocytomas. Neurosurgery 2006 Feb; 58 2 ; : 347-354. 127. Nelson M, Hercbergs A, Rybicki L, Strome M. Association between development of hypothyroidism and improved survival in patients with head and neck cancer. Archives of Otolaryngology -- Head & Neck Surgery 2006 Oct; 132 10 ; : 1041-1046. 128. Ng YH, Meyer KB, Kusek JW, Yan G, Rocco MV, Kimmel PL, Benz RL, Beddhu S, Dwyer JT, Toto RD, Eknoyan G, and Unruh ML. Hemodialysis timing, survival, and cardiovascular outcomes in the Hemodialysis HEMO ; Study. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 2006 47: 614-624 Norris K, Bourgoigne J, Gassman J, Hebert L, Middleton J, Phillips RA, Randall O, Rostand S, Sherer S, Toto RD, Wright JT, Jr., Wang X, Greene T, Appel LJ, Lewis J. Cardiovascular outcomes in the African American Study of Kidney Disease and Hypertension AASK ; Trial. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 2006 Nov; 48 5 ; : 739751. 130. Norris KC, Greene T, Kopple J, Lea J, Lewis J, Lipkowitz M, Miller P, Richardson A, Rostand S, Wang X, Appel LJ. Baseline predictors of renal disease progression in the African American Study of Hypertension and Kidney Disease. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2006 Oct; 17 10 ; : 2928-2936. 131. Novotny AR, Schuhmacher C, Busch R, Kattan MW, Brennan MF, Siewert JR. Predicting individual survival after gastric cancer resection: validation of a U.S.-derived nomogram at a single high-volume center in Europe. Annals of Surgery 2006 Jan; 243 1 ; : 74-81. 132. Odze RD, Tomaszewski JE, Furth EE, Feldman MD, Diallo R, Poremba C, Becker I, Hoefler H, Goldblum JR, Rybicki LA, Alsaigh N, Fogt F. Variability in the diagnosis of dysplasia in ulcerative colitis by dynamic telepathology. Oncology Reports 2006 Nov; 16 5 ; : 1123-1129. 133. Olencki T, Malhi S, Mekhail T, Dreicer R, Elson P, Wood L, Bukowski RM. Phase I trial of thalidomide and Interleukin-2 in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Investigational New Drugs 2006 Jul; 24 4 ; : 321-326. 134. O'Neill S, Greenberg RK, Haddad F, Resch T, Sereika J, Katz E. A prospective analysis of fenestrated endovascular grafting: Intermediate-term outcomes. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2006 Aug; 32 2 ; : 115-123. 135. Pelfrey CM, Cotleur AC, Zamor N, Lee JC, Fox RJ. Immunological studies of mitoxantrone in primary progressive MS. Journal of Neuroimmunology 2006 Jun; 175 12 ; : 192-199. 136. Poggio ED, Wang X, Weinstein DM, Issa N, Dennis VW, Braun WE, Hall PM. Assessing glomerular filtration rate by estimation equations in kidney transplant recipients. American Journal of Transplantation 2006 Jan; 6 1 ; : 100-108. 137. Pretorius RG, Kim RJ, Belinson JL, Elson P, Qiao YL. Inflation of sensitivity of cervical cancer screening tests secondary to correlated error in colposcopy. Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease 2006 Jan; 10 1 ; : 5-9, for instance, sumatriptan naproxen.
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Given together, these antioxidants operate synergistically as vitamin E is recycled by dihydrolipoic acid, the reduced form of -lipoic acid 9 however, the effects of combined supplementation on bleeding tendencies are unclear. We have previously shown that combined supplementation of vitamin E and -lipoic acid improves cardiac performance during post-ischemia reperfusion in older rats 10 ; , and this may have been mediated by changes in coagulation in addition to the observed decrease in oxidative stress. Therefore, combined antioxidant supplementation of vitamin E and -lipoic acid may prove beneficial in the prevention and treatment of various thrombolytic-related disorders in addition to reducing the elevated levels of reactive oxygen species ROS ; production seen in cardiovascular diseases. The purpose of this study was to examine changes in bleeding tendency following the combined supplementation of vitamin E and -lipoic acid in healthy rats and nasonex.
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Figure 5. Inhibition of probe reactions by diagnostic inhibitors in HLM and cDNA-expressed CYPs. The control activity of the isoforms for the probe reaction : 1 ; CYP1A2-EROD, 2 ; CYP2C9-naproxen O-demethylation, 3 ; CYP2C19diazepam N-demethylation, 4 ; CYP2D6-dextromethorphan O-demethylation and 5 ; CYP3A4-erythromycin Ndemethylation, in the absence of inhibitor was represented as 100 %. A full IC determination used the appropriate &! diagnostic inhibitors, CYP1A2-furafylline CYP2C9-sulphaphenazole, CYP2C19-omeprazole, CYP2D6-quinidine and CYP3A4-ketoconazole, in HLM * ; , and the respective cDNA-expressed cell line, E. coli membranes expressing the respective CYP + ; , insect baculosomes expressing CYP2C19 ; and lymphoblastoid B cells expressing CYP3A4 ; . Data shown are from one representative experiment see table 1 for variation and neurontin.
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Failure to respond to standard wound care occurs when there are no measurable signs of healing for at least 30 consecutive days. Wounds must be evaluated at least every 30 days during administration of HBOT. Continued treatment with HBOT is not covered if measurable signs of healing have not been demonstrated within any 30-day period of treatment. The only WV Medicaid-covered indications for HBOT are those specified above. No program payment may be made for any conditions other than those listed above. The provider must code to the highest level specified in the ICD-9-CM, e.g., fourth or fifth digit ; . However, correct and norvasc.
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| Discount NaproxenOn average, about 100 ANC clients a month are attended at KwaZulu Natal clinics, and about five times more are seen at community health centers and hospitals. Approximately 80 percent of these facilities possess all the essential ANC equipment, supplies, and medicines, which is a substantial improvement over the past decade. The exception is medication for labor induction, which is unavailable at about 15 percent of clinics. Educational materials other than those for HIV AIDS are rarely available for clients to take home. Nearly 30 percent of ANC clients in the sample are less than 20 years old. Most had at least some high school education and were unmarried. Forty percent had at least one living child. Early pregnancy is associated with dropping out of school, and contributes to limitations of later earning capacity. Women presented on average in their 24th week of gestation, which is late by traditional recommendations for ANC presentation. This late presentation may result in missing early management of conditions like preeclampsia, a condition that can precipitate toxemia. Hypertension is one of the major contributors to maternal mortality in KwaZulu Natal. Still, most obstetric conditions requiring management occur around labor and delivery, and recent evidence indicates that the timing and number of ANC visits is less critical than the content of care. However, where STI and HIV prevalence is high and adequate diagnostic capacity is available, earlier and more frequent presentation could lead to better detection and prompt treatment. While syndromic management of STIs leaves out substantial numbers of women who could benefit from treatment while unnecessarily treating substantial numbers of women not requiring medication, it is globally implemented by government policy as the accepted "second best" option to unaffordable diagnostics New, simple, inexpensive STI diagnostic tests require further examination because they may hold great promise for affordably and pragmatically improving diagnosis and treatment of ANC clients. Facilities providing ANC are immunizing most of their clients with tetanus toxoid or referring them for this immunization. Although two TT injections are recommended, service providers are appropriately and proportionately focusing on providing TT immunization to primigravidas, usually on the first prenatal visit. Most women also receive iron-folate tablets at their first ANC visit. Some sections of Northeastern KZN are listed as malarial zones, but this study team found and ortho.
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Naproxen neurontin nexium uc citalopram, clozapine, cyclobenzaprine, dihydromorphine, diltiazem, gabapentin, ibuprofen, and naproxen , are the form of tablets and syrups for oral intake and oxycodone.
Cardiovascular and renal safety Cox-II selective inhibitors also cause the wellrecognised NSAID-associated side effects of fluid retention, oedema and hypertension. In CLASS, celecoxib caused less hypertension than the nonselective NSAIDs 1.7% vs. 2.3%, P 0.05 ; , but peripheral oedema rates were not significantly different 2.8% vs. 3.5% ; .5 Limited information about renal adverse effects was provided in VIGOR, but the incidence was low and not statistically different between groups 1.2% with rofecoxib and 0.9% with naproxen ; .4 However, fluid retention, oedema and hypertension appear to be dose-related with rofecoxib, and occur with increased frequency with chronic use and at higher doses.22 The US rofecoxib label states that in trials of RA patients, rofecoxib 25mg daily was associated with a higher incidence of hypertension than naproxen 1, 000mg a day.21 In a small n 810 ; six-week trial of older OA patients taking antihypertensive agents, both rofecoxib 25mg daily and celecoxib 200mg daily were shown to increase blood pressure, but the latter to a lesser extent.23 Rofecoxib significantly increased systolic blood pressure in 17% of patients compared with 11% of those taking celecoxib P 0.032 for the difference.
Table 2. Effect of preincubation in the standard Cl- medium on the rate of Cl- influx and oxycontin.
Teremic patients in the ertapenem group and 13 of the 15 86.7% ; in the ceftriaxone group had a favorable overall microbiologic response. Failures were a result of persistent bacteriuria; persistent bacteremia was not documented in any of these patients. Microbiological success rates for the two treatment groups were similar when compared by stratum and also by severity of infection. The frequency and severity of drug-related adverse events were generally similar in both treatment groups. In this study, ceftriaxone was as effective as ertapenem for the initial treatment of cUTIs in adults, was generally well tolerated, and had a similar overall safety profile. Overall, this investigation confirms the safety and efficacy of both IV ceftriaxone and ertapenem, 1 g once a day, in patient populations with cUTI, including those with pyelonephritis or severe infection and the elderly. More than 90% of the evaluable patients in both treatment groups had a favorable microbiologic response assessment at the TOC visit 5-9 days post-therapy. These rates are similar to or better than those reported in previous studies of patients with cUTIs, 341, 373, 388-391 and they exceed the cure rates expected when evaluating a new anti-infective drug for, for example, naproxen and advil.
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Service. As indicated in the Medicaid Coverage of Generic Products section, prior authorization of the brand name product is not necessary for certain specified NTI drugs; however, NTI drugs are subject to the "brand necessary" or "brand medically necessary" certification requirements described below. ; For those brand name products having an established FUL or SCMAC on the date of service, providers are reminded that in addition to the South Carolina Medicaid MedWatch form requirement where the prescriber must document the occurrence of a treatment failure that is attributable to the generic product ; , the prescriber's handwritten notation on the prescription certifying "brand medically necessary" or "brand necessary" is required. This certification must be present on the prescription prior to billing Medicaid for any brand medically necessary prescription. If the "brand medically necessary" certification is absent from the face of the prescription, a dual line prescription form does not satisfy the brand medically necessary certification requirement; the prescriber's signature on the "Dispense As Written" signature line does not satisfy the brand medically necessary certification requirement; nor does the prescriber's verbal authorization satisfy the "brand medically necessary" certification requirement. A "blanket" authorization does not satisfy the "brand medically necessary" certification requirement. Therefore, in order to avoid recoupment of Medicaid monies, care should be taken prior to billing to ensure that the appropriate certification is indicated on each prescription for those claims transmitted and reimbursed ; as brand medically necessary. The pharmacist must only use the DAW code of `6' designation to obtain higher Medicaid reimbursement when the prescriber certifies in his her own handwriting that a specific brand is medically necessary for a particular patient. If non-POS claims submission methods are utilized and the provider fails to properly designate the claim as "brand medically necessary" where indicated ; , requests for manual adjustments of those paid claims will not be honored. Providers should note the requirement that the NDC submitted to Medicaid for payment must be identical to the NDC listed on the package from which the prescription was dispensed. Submission of any other NDC is a violation of Medicaid policy. Regardless of the reason limitations in.
29. "A Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled, Parallel Group, Dose Ranging Comparison of the Efficacy and Safety of Controlled Release Oxymorphone NUMORPHAN CR ; , Controlled Release Oxycodone OxyContin ; and Placebo in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Knee and or Hip." Endo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ENDO3202 ; 30. "A Double-Blind, Placebo-and Active-Comparator-Controlled, Parallel-Group Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of MK-0663 in Ankylosing Spondylitis." Merck & Co. 032-01 ; 31. "An Active-Comparator-and Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of MK-0663 in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients." Merck & Co. 024 ; 32. "A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Comparison Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Valdecoxib 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg QD and Nxproxen 500 mg BID in Treating the Signs and Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis." Searle & Co. N91-99-02-060 and N91-99-02-061 ; 33. "A Clinical Protocol to Evaluate the Long-Term Safety of VALDECOXIB in Treating the Signs and Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis." Searle & Co. N91-99-02-067 ; 34. "A Twelve-Week, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group, DoseRanging, Phase II Study to Assess the clinical Efficacy of Alosetron GR68755 ; in Male Subjects with Irritable Bowel Syndrome." Glaxo Wellcome, Inc. S3B20023 ; 35. "A Twelve-Week, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Alosetron in Female Subjects With Alternating Diarrhea Constipation Irritable Bowel Syndrome." Glaxo Welcome, Inc. S3B30013 ; 36. "Clinical Protocol for a Multi-Center, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Ketotop a topical plaster containing ketoprofen ; in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Knee." United Therapeutics Corporation UT-552000-03 ; 37. "Cosamin Study: Evaluation of Cosamin in the Management of Knee Osteoarthritis." Nutramax Laboratories 38. "A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group, Double-Blind Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of MK-0966 12.5 mg vs. Nabumetone 1000 mg in Patients with Osteoarthritis of the Knee." Merck & Co. 085 ; 39. "Clinical Protocol for a Randomized, Double-Blind, Multi-Center, Parallel Group Study to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of Celecoxib and Napdoxen versus Placebo in Patients with Acute Tendinitis and or Bursitis of the Shoulder." Pharmacia N49-01-02-201 ; 40. "A Pilot Study to Evaluate the Safety and Effectiveness of the Magna Bloc device for the and penicillin.
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1 Singer PA. Consent to the publication of patient information. BMJ 2004; 329: 566-8. September. ; 2 Rogers WA, Draper H. Confidentiality and the ethics of medical ethics. J Med Ethics 2003; 29: 220-4 and phenergan.
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Before taking levofloxacin, tell your doctor if you are taking any of the following drugs: theophylline theo-dur, theolair, slo-phyllin, slo-bid, elixophyllin warfarin coumadin insulin or an oral diabetes medication such as glipizide glucotrol ; , glyburide micronase, diabeta, glynase ; , and others; or a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug nsaid ; such as ibuprofen motrin, advil, nuprin, others ; , naprxoen aleve, naprosyn, anaprox ; , ketoprofen orudis kt, orudis, oruvail ; , and others.
After eating protein, people with diabetes tend to have an exaggerated increase in kidney function glomerular filtration rate ; that may predispose them to diabetic kidney damage. However, a relation between high dietary protein intake and the risk of the onset and progression of diabetic nephropathy is not well established. Clinical trials have not consistently shown that dietary protein restriction is beneficial. However, an analysis of a series of such studies taken together a so-called meta-analysis ; 6 showed that restricting dietary protein to 0.6 g kg day or less may be beneficial in slowing the progression of diabetic nephropathy in people whose nephropathy is progressing despite optimal blood sugar and blood pressure control, and the use of ACE inhibitors.
1. 2. Ward, JR, Miller, L, Burch, F.: Local and Generalized Schwartzman Reaction Induced in Rats with 6 Sulfanilamidoindazole Arthritis. Arthritis Rheumatism 16: 491, 1973. Marder, RJ, Burch, FX, Schmid, FR, Zeiss, CR, Gerwurz, H.: Low molecular weight C1Q Precipitins in Hypocomplementemic Vasculitis Urticaria Syndrome; Partial Purification and Characterization as Immunoglobulin. J of Immunology 121: 613, 1978. Burch, FX: Evaluation of the Safety of Isoxicam. Symposium: Advances in the Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis: An international review of a new non-steroidals antiinflammatory agent, Isoxicam. American Journal of Medicine, Vol. 79, 1985. Caldwell, JR, Altman, RD, Burch, FX, Calin, A.: Treatment of Ankylosing Spondylitis with Oxaprozin: A Comparison with Indomethacin. Seminars: Arthritis and Rheumatism. 15 3 Supp. 2, 1986. Bernhard, GC, Appelrouth, DJ, Bankhurst, AD, Biundo, J, Bockow, BI, Brobyn, RD, Brodsky, AL, Burch, FX, Chang, RW, Cohen, MH, Gershwin, ME, Harrington, JT, Harris, BK, Jaffer, A, Searles, RP, Smith, FE. Long-Term Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis Comparing Nabumetone with Aspirin. American Journal of Medicine, Vol. 83 4B ; , 1987. Pisko, EJ, Bockow, BI, Box, P, Brodsky, AL, Burch, FX, Collins, RL, Fleischmann, RM, Keller, MI, Lipani, JA, poiley, JE, Roth, SH, Searles, RP, Senter, RG: Six-month Multi-Center Study Comparing Nabumetone with Napgoxen in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis. American Journal of Medicine, Vol. 83 4B ; , 1987. F. Burch, C. Codding, N. Patel, and E. Sheldon, Lidocaine patch 5% improves pain, stiffness, and physical function in osteoarthritis pain patients, A prospective, multicenter, open-label effectiveness trial. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. Published by Ltd on behalf of OsteoArthritis Research Society International doi: 10.1016 j.joca.2003.10.007 D.E. Youcum, D.E. Furst, W.G. Bensen, F.X. Burch, M.A. Borton, L.J. Mengle-Gaw, B.D. Schwartz, W. Wisememandle and Q.A. Mekki on Behalf of the Tacrolimus RA Study Group: Safety of Tacrolimus in Patients with Rheumatiod Arthritis: Long Term Experience. Reprint Vol. 43 8 ; , pp. 992-999, 2004. Galer BS, Sheldon E, Patel N, Codding C, Burch F, Gammaitioni AR. Topical lidocaine patch 5% may target a novel underlying pain mechanism in osteoarthritis. Curr Med Res Opin. 2004 Sep; 20 9 ; : 1455-8. Mease PJ, Kivitz AJ, Burch FX, Siegel EL, Cohen SB, Ory P, Salonen D, Rubenstein J, Sharp JT, Tsuji W. Etanercept treatment of psoriatic arthritis: safety, efficacy, and effect on disease progression. Arthritis Rheum. 2004 Jul; 50 7 ; : 2264-72.
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Use of fetal fibronectin in the assessment of women presenting to labor and delivery units with symptoms of preterm labor does not affect the gestational age at delivery, frequency of use of medical interventions, length of stay in labor and delivery, or rate of inpatient admissions. Level of evidence [LOE] 1b.
Cryer, B. & Feldman, M. Cyclooxygenase-1 and cyclooxygenase-2 selectivity of widely used NSAIDs and other anti-inflammatory or analgesic drugs: Studies in whole blood and gastric mucosa of healthy humans. Am. J. Med. 104: 413-421, 1998. This study compares whole blood COX-1 and COX-2 IC50's, and gastric IC50's for 25 different NSAIDs and anti-inflammatory or analgesic compounds, and develops evidence that gastric COX is mainly COX-1. Lecomte, J. et al. Treatment of tendonitis and bursitis: a comparison of nimesulide and naproxen sodium in a double-blind parallel trial. Eur. J. Rheumatol. Inflamm. 14: 29-32, 1994. A 2-week trial showing no significant difference in adverse GI events between the former COX-2 selective agent and the latter non-selective agent. Patrignani, P., Panara, M.R., Sciulli, M.G., Santini, G., Renda, G., Patrono, C. Differential inhibition of human prostaglandin endoperoxide synthease-1 and -2 by nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 4: 623-631, 1997. A report of whole blood assays for COX-1 and COX-2 activity of a wide variety of NSAIDs, including meloxicam, nimesulide, and NS-398. Wojtulewski, J.A. et al. A six-month double-blind trial to compare the efficacy and safety of meloxicam 7.5 mg daily and naproxen 750 mg daily in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Br J. Rheum. 35 S 1 ; 22-28, 1996. A trial of 370 patients showing similar adverse GI events with meloxicam, a COX-2 selective agent, and naproxen, a non-selective agent. Only 2 ulcers occurred, both with naproxen. s.
Dialog eLinks Request this article through Accession number & update 08453534 Medline 20070802. Source Canadian journal of psychiatry. Revue canadienne de psychiatrie Feb 1993, vol. 38 Suppl 1, p. S23-7, ISSN: 0706-7437. Author s ; Marziali-E, Field-N, Classen-C, Oleniuk-J. Author affiliation Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto, Ontario. Abstract The purpose of the study was to assess levels of ego functioning in a cohort of patients who met the criteria for borderline personality disorder. The Sentence Completion Test SCT ; and the Descriptions of Significant Others DSO ; test were used to measure dimensions of ego maturity. The borderline patients' responses on the SCT were compared with the responses of an outpatient sample of psychiatric patients and with general population norms established for the test. The scores on the SCT for a selected subgroup of five subjects were compared with their scores on the DSO. Contrary to expectation, the responses on the SCT by those with borderline personality disorder did not differ from those for the psychiatric outpatient sample or the general population norms. However the within-group comparisons between the SCT and the DSO for the subgroup of five subjects showed comparable trends between tests. Discussion of the results focuses on the interpretations of the borderline patients' responses to the two tests. Emphasis is placed on the need to distinguish subsets of ego functions, which can be assessed separately using a variety of measurement strategies. Language English. Publication year 1993.
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