FIG. 5. Bactericidal activity in influenza virus-infected and control monolayers. The rate of intracellular inactivation of ingested S. aureus by PR8-infected monolayers 0 ; and control monolayers 0 ; was determined by following the change in viability of monolayer-associated bacteria with time. Symbols represent mean I standard error ofthe mean. CFU, Colony-forming units. TABLE 2. Phagolysosome formation.
Cervical cancer is the most common cancer among women in Mali. More than 80% of the cervical cancers are diagnosed in advanced stages, for which no treatment facilities are available in Mali. The entire country has only two pathology services and there are no radiotherapy facilities. There are no early detection programmes and early detection based on cytology is not feasible in Mali, in view of limited technical, manpower and financial resources. We conducted a cross-sectional study in Bamako, to evaluate the accuracy of visual inspection with acetic acid VIA ; or with Lugol's iodine VILI ; as low-technology alternatives to cytology. 4084 women aged 25-65 years were screened with VIA and VILI by trained midwives. Of these, 90.0% were aged 30-49 and 90.1% were married. To assess the reference diagnosis, all the women were subjected to colposcopic examination and biopsies were directed based on colposcopic abnormalities. The accuracy of VIA and VILI to detect cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grades 2-3 CIN 2-3 ; lesions were computed directly as all participants received the reference investigations. The test positivity rates were 12.6% for VIA and 15.2% for VILI. Biopsies were taken in 474 women; the reference diagnosis was based on biopsy for 86.6% of CIN 2-3 lesions. The specificities of VIA and VILI were similar 89.4% and 87.6% respectively ; but the sensitivity of VIA 67.0% ; was lower than the one of VILI 96.9% ; . During the study, 147 women were treated with either cryotherapy 28.6% ; or with loop electrosurgical excision procedure LEEP, 71.4% ; . This programme has evolved in to focal point for early detection of cervical neoplasia and for training health care personnel in the early detection and treatment of cervical precancers, because misoprostol protocol.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society has relaunched its website rpsgb ; with the aim of delivering a much more user-friendly experience. The new-look website was designed after consultation with members and other users of the site. The Society says: "The new structure aims to provide a more intuitive front door for visitors wanting to access information about the pharmacy profession, the Society and its work and about the support provided for members through the website. In addition the new site makes it much easier to locate and download the various sources of information produced by the Society. "The technical design of the site and the new look and feel have been created to ensure that it is accessible to as wide a range of readers as possible and all work has been carried out to ensure that the site also complies fully with the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act." The home page of the new website has links to six main sections concerned with key areas of the Society's work.The six sections of the site are as follows: Society functions The Society's functions and structure, covering key documents about the Society and its history, the Society's business plan and annual review, the British Pharmaceutical Conference, meetings at the Society, people and structures, the Council and its work, devolution national pharmacy boards, awards and scholarships, job vacancies at the Society, how to complain about the Society. A career in pharmacy Pharmacy careers, pharmacy education policy, undergraduate education including links to school of pharmacy websites ; , preregistration training, the roles of pharmacy support staff, and working in other countries. Registration and support Information on areas of support for the profession including registering with the Society, fee structure and payment of fees, updating.
Adverse effects were mostly similar, although nausea, diarrhea , and warmth or chills were significantly more common in group conclusion: mifepristone 200 mg and misoprostol 800 mcg vaginally used simultaneously is as effective for abortion as compared with regimens using a 24-hour dosing interval.
For the Investigation of Health Hazards of Chemical Compounds in the Work Area to decide whether historical control data may be applied. These include the requirement that the historical control data were obtained with animals of the same species and strain and from the same breeder. The data were obtained in the same laboratory, the study design, experimental methods and assessment criteria were the same, and the studies used for the comparison were carried out within a limited time window. Historical control data that have not been published may be used provided they fulfil the above criteria and have been made available in sufficient detail to be comprehensible. 429. Environmental lead exposure and its relationship to traffic density among Senegalese children: A pilot study - Diouf A., Garcon G., Thiaw C. et al. [A. Diouf, Lab. de Chimie Analyt. et Toxicol., Faculte de Medecine et de Pharmacie, UCAD Dakar, Dakar, Senegal] - HUM. EXP. TOXICOL. 2003 22 10 ; summ in ENGL In Senegal, as in many developing countries, traffic density is increasing in urban areas; in Dakar more than 50% of vehicles use gasoline. Yet the extent and real magnitude of the problem has neither been recognized nor assessed in these countries. Systemic data assessment of lead pollution and people's exposure are not well known in Senegal. This study was also designed to determine the impregnation levels of the lead released by the exhaust of cars and the changes of some early biological markers in Senegalese children. Blood lead BPb ; levels showed that all the children enrolled were exposed. However, lead exposure levels from 34.7 to 145.8 g L ; were less important for children living in rural areas 60.9 18.3 g L ; than for those living in urban areas 106.7 16.9 g L ; . These changes could be correlated to the difference in the automobile traffic between both these regions P 0.001 ; . BPb mean levels found in boys were higher than those in girls P 0.05 ; . Despite elevated BPb levels, all values for blood zinc protoporphyrin and urine delta-aminolevulinic: acid were within physiological ranges. In addition, variations in some biological markers of oxidative stress and renal disorders were seen; however, they must be confirmed by a future epidemiological study. 430. Vitamin E prevents ethylene bis dithiocarbamate ; pesticide zineb-induced sister chromatid exchange in Chinese hamster ovary cells - Soloneski S., Reigosa M.A. and Larramendy M.L. [S. Soloneski, Laboratorio de Citogen tica, C tedra de Citologia, e a Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina] - MUTAGENESIS 2003 18 6 ; - summ in ENGL The in vitro effect of the antioxidant -tocopherol, vitamin E, on deleterious effects induced by the dithiocarbamate fungicide zineb and its commercial formulation azzurro on Chinese hamster ovary CHO ; cells was studied by using frequency of sister chromatid exchanges SCEs ; , cell cycle progression and mitotic index MI ; as genetic end points. Both zineb and azzurro activities were tested within the range 0.1-100.0 g ml on exponentially growing CHO cells preincubated for 24 h in the presence or absence of 50.0 g ml vitamin E. SCE frequencies increased significantly over control values in a concentration-dependent manner in zineb- and azzurro-treated cultures at concentrations of 0.1-10.0 and 0.1-25.0 g ml, respectively. When target cells were preincubated with vitamin E, the number of SCEs was significantly lower than that observed in cells exposed only to 1.0-10.0 g ml zineb or 1.0-25.0 g ml azzurro, but higher than control values. Cytotoxicity was observed at concentrations higher than 25.0 and 50.0 g ml zineb and azzurro, respectively, regardless of the absence or presence of vitamin E. Regression analysis showed that the proliferative rate index decreased as a function of the concentration of zineb 0.1-10.0 g ml concentration range ; and azzurro 0.1-25.0 g ml concentration range ; titrated into cultures. For both chemicals, progressive concentration-related inhibition of the mitotic activity from cultures was observed when 10.0 g ml zineb or 1.0-25.0 g ml azzurro was employed. However, no significant alteration in cell cycle progression or MI was observed between vitamin E-preincubated cultures and those treated only with zineb and azzurro. 431. Genotoxic and protective effects of hyperbaric oxygen in A549 lung cells - Speit G. and Bonzheim I. [G. Speit, Universit tska Section 52 vol 43.2.
Date: 01 26 05ISR Number: 4561840-1Report Type: Expedited 15-DaCompany Report #FR-MERCK-0501FRA00064 Age: 84 YR Gender: Female I FU: I Outcome Dose Duration Hospitalization Initial or Prolonged 15 DAY PT Malaise Report Source Product Cozaar Haloperidol Pipemidic Acid Omeprazole 20 47 DAY Zolpidem Tartrate DAY Diclofenac Sodium And Misoprost0l 20 DAY SS ORAL SS ORAL Role PS SS SS Manufacturer Merck & Co., Inc Route ORAL ORAL ORAL ORAL and
Here is a page from the actual report: according to the article the united states food and drug administration said, the fda warns: risks associated with misoprostol include severe vaginal bleeding, uterine rupture and patient death.
Prescription Drugs
Because women living in cities or large towns are likely to have access to more types of persons who perform abortions than rural women are, and because women with greater financial resources are likely to have access to a wider range of abortion services than poor women do, the survey participants were asked about the types of abortion services they believed would be available to four population groups: poor rural women, poor urban women, higher income rural women, and higher income urban women. Many respondents commented that very few women in rural areas are not poor, and that the few higher income rural women who do exist probably have much the same experience of abortion as their counterparts in urban areas.Theinvestigationfocuses, therefore, onlyonthreegroups poor rural women, poor urban women and higher income urban women ; . The survey respondents report that in rural areas, the majority of poor women induce the abortion themselves or seek help from an untrained practitioner. In urban areas also, a sizable majority of poor women go to untrained practitioners or induce the abortion themselves, but about two-fifths are believed to use the services of doctors, trained midwives or nurses. Urban women with greater resources generally turn to trained health professionals doctors, midwives or nurses ; for abortions. Poor Colombian, Dominican and Mexican women living in urban areas were believed to have a better chance than their counterparts in other countries of being able to obtain an abortion performed by a doctor or a trained midwife or nurse. This difference probably reflects easier access to relatively low-cost abortion services in larger cities in those three countries. A somewhat higher proportion of higher income urban women in Brazil than elsewhere were thought to resort to untrained abortion providers about 20%, compared with 515% ; . This finding probably reflects the use of misoprostol as an abortifacient by some middle-class women in Brazil and
Read more teri robert profile ; posted 9 3 comments 1 ; our expert living with it alert childhood abuse and depression in women with migraine linked it's well established that women with migraine disease have read more featured members see all bk2b profile ; posted 9 4 comments 2 ; living with it journal entry tired of the hurt i so tired of the hurt.
Misoprostol oral
Bleeding and cramping which can range from mild to severe. The bleeding and cramping is usually more than a typical menstrual period. The onset of the bleeding and cramping is usually within 4 hours of taking the Misoprostl and most women will experience the onset within 24 hours. The bleeding and cramps should diminish once the pregnancy is expelled Vaginal bleeding occurs in almost all cases. This does not in any way prove that the pregnancy has been expelled. A follow-up visit is absolutely necessary, to confirm termination of pregnancy and
However, a number of clinical trials have shown that the methotrexate misoprostol is approximately 95% effective in terminating very early pregnancies 49 days' gestation.
Misoprostol pregnancy
Studies have not determined the best medical therapy for treating pelvic pain, and no medical therapy has been proven to improve the chance of becoming pregnant in the future and
A comparison of two dosing regimens of intravaginal misoprostol for second trimester pregnancy termination; showed that there was no significant difference with 200.
Table 9. Safety Monitoring Related to the Use of Miosprostol Bandung Intervention Area N 999 ; a Percentage of participants who perceived excessive postpartum blood loss Level of minor side effects: Shivering after childbirth Fever after childbirth Percentage who had emergency referral for PPH and
Intraneural injection of 48 80 was sufficient stimulus to induce IL-6 mRNA in neurons. It seems probable that this effect of 48 80 was attributable to mast cell degranulation rather than nonspecific tissue damage or inflammation. Doses of 48 80 slightly higher than used here do not induce gross axonal damage or wallerian degeneration, and axonal interruption alone is not sufficient to induce IL-6 synthesis in neurons. One possible mechanism of, for example, sublingual misoprostol.
Ashok, P.W., Flett, G.M. and Templeton, A. 1998 ; Termination of pregnancy at 913 weeks amenorrhoea with mifepristone and misoprostol. Lancet, 352, 542543. Blanchard, K., Winikoff, B. and Ellertson, C. 1999 ; Mmisoprostol used alone for the termination of early pregnancy. Contraception, 59, 209217. Bugalho, A., Faundes, A., Jamisse, L., Usfa, M., Maria, E. and Bique, C. 1996 ; Evaluation of the effectiveness of vaginal misoprostil to induce first trimester abortion. Contraception, 53, 244246. Carbonell, J.L.L., Varela, L., Velazco, A. and Fernandez, C. 1997a ; The use of misoprosstol for abortion at 9 weeks gestation. Eur. J. Contracept. Reprod. Health Care, 2, 181185. Carbonell, J.L.L., Varela, L., Velazco, A. and Fernandez, C. 1997b ; The use of m8soprostol for termination of early pregnancy. Contraception, 55, 165168. Carbonell, J.L.L., Varela, L., Velazco, A., Cabezas, E., Tanda, R. and Sanchez, C. 1998 ; Vaginal misoprostol for late first trimester abortion. Contraception, 57, 329333. Carbonell, J.L.L., Varela, L., Velazco, A., Tanda, R., Cabezas, E. and Sanchez, C. 1999 ; Early abortion with 800 g of misoprostol by the vaginal route. Contraception, 59, 219225. Child, T.J., Thomas, J., Rees, M. and MacKenzie, I.Z. 2001a ; Morbidity of first trimester aspiration termination and the seniority of the surgeon. Hum. Reprod., 16, 875878. Child, T.J., Thomas, J., Rees, M. and MacKenzie, I.Z. 2001b ; A comparative study of surgical and medical procedures: 932 pregnancy terminations up to 63 days gestation. Hum. Reprod., 16, 6771. El-Refaey, H., Rajasekar, D., Abdalia, M., Calder, L. and Templeton, A. 1995 ; Induction of abortion with mifepristone RU 486 ; and oral or vaginal misoprostol. N. Engl. J. Med., 332, 983987. Grimes, D.A. 1997 ; Medical abortion in early pregnancy: a review of the evidence. Obstet. Gynecol., 89, 790796. Joint Study of the Royal College of General Practitioners and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 1985 ; Induction abortion operations and their early sequelae. J. R. Coll. Gen. Pract., 35, 175180. Koopersmith, T.B. and Mishell, D.R. 1996 ; The use of misoprostol for termination of early pregnancy. Contraception, 53, 237242. Ngai, S.W., Tang, O.S., Chan, Y.M. and Ho, P.C. 2000 ; Vaginal misoprostol alone for medical abortion up to 9 weeks of gestation: efficacy and acceptability. Hum. Reprod., 15, 11591162. Singh, K., Fong, Y.F., Prasad, R.N. and Dong, F. 1999 ; Does an acidic medium enhance the efficacy of vaginal misoprostol for pre-abortion cervical priming. Hum. Reprod., 14, 16351637. Tang, O.S., Wong, K.S., Tang, L.C.H., Ho, P.C. 1999a ; Pilot study on the use of repeated doses of misoprostol in termination of pregnancy at less than 9 weeks of gestation. Adv. Contracept., 15, 211216. Tang, O.S., Gao, P.P., Cheng, L., Lee, S. and Ho, P.C. 1999b ; A randomised double-blind placebo-controlled study to assess the effect of oral contraceptive pills on the outcome of medical abortion with mifepristone and misoprostol. Hum. Reprod., 14, 722725. Wong, K.S., Ngai, C.S., Yeo, E.L., Tang, L.C. and Ho, P.C. 2000 ; A comparison of two regimens of intravaginal misoprostol for termination of second trimester pregnancy: a randomized comparative trial. Hum. Reprod., 15, 709712. Zieman, M., Fong, S.K., Benowitz, N.L., Banskter, D. and Darney, P.D. 1997 ; Absorption kinetics of misoprostol with oral or vaginal administration. Obstet. Gynaecol., 90, 8892. Submitted on May 18, 2001; resubmitted on October 9, 2001; accepted on November 7, 2001 and
Misoprostol alternative
Misoprostol also appears to decrease basal hydrochloric acid secretion and increase gastric mucus and bicarbonate production.
Elliott, K. T., and Coker, D. R. 1991 ; . Crack Babies: Here They Come, Ready or Not. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 18, pp. 6064. Ferriero, D. M. 1998 ; . Moderator, Round Table 3. Specificity of Developmental Effects in the CNS. In J. A. Harvey and B. E. Kosofsky eds. ; , Cocaine: Effects on the Developing Brain pp. 213221 ; . New York: The New York Academy of Sciences. Galler, J. R., and Tonkiss, J. 1998 ; . The Effects of Prenatal Protein Malnutrition and Cocaine on the Development of the Rat. In J. A. Harvey and B. E. Kosofsky eds. ; , Cocaine: Effects on the Developing Brain pp. 2939 ; . New York: The New York Academy of Sciences. Harvey, J. A., and Kosofsky, B. E. eds. ; 1998 ; . Cocaine: Effects on the Developing Brain. New York: The New York Academy of Sciences. Volume 846 of the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. ; Kaltenbach, K., and Finnegan, L. 1998 ; . Prevention and Treatment Issues for Pregnant Cocaine-Dependent Women and Their Infants. In J. A. Harvey and B. E. Kosofsky eds. ; , Cocaine: Effects on the Developing Brain pp. 329334 ; . New York: The New York Academy of Sciences. Kandall, S. R. 1993 ; . Improving Treatment for Drug-Exposed Infants. Rockville, MD: Department of Health and Human Services. Karoly, L. A., Greenwood, P. W., Everingham, S. S., Hoube, J., Kilburn, M. R., Rydell, C. P., Sanders, M., and Chiesa, J. 1998 ; . Investing in Our Children: What We Know and Don't Know About the Costs and Benefits of Early Childhood Interventions MR-898-TCWF ; . Santa Monica, CA: RAND. Koren, G., Nulman, I., Rovet, J., Greenbaum, R., Loebstein, M., and Einarson, T. 1998 ; . Long-Term Neurodevelopmental Risks in Children Exposed in Utero to Cocaine. In J. A. Harvey and B. E. Kosofsky eds. ; , Cocaine: Effects on the Developing Brain pp. 329334 ; . New York: The New York Academy of Sciences. Kosofsky, B. E., and Wilkins, A. S. 1998 ; . A Mouse Model of Transplacental Cocaine Exposure Clinical Implications for Exposed Infants and Children. In J. A. Harvey and B. E. Kosofsky and
Misoprostol dosing
These properties result in higher rates of gastrointestinal side effects. The sublingual route also causes uterine contractions at a rate equivalent to vaginal administration [90]. The buccal route of administration has recently been studied and shows a lower AUC, a lower peak concentration and fewer side effects than sublingual administration [91]. The buccal route has a pattern of absorption similar to the vaginal route but produces lower serum levels overall. Nevertheless, the buccal route of administration produces similar uterine tone and activity as compared to vaginal administration. The buccal route of administration is also felt to be the least variable in terms of drug exposure and peak levels [92]. The administration of NSAIDs for pain relief does not alter the efficacy of misoprostol for cervical priming [93]. Most providers in North America continue to use rigid dilators for cervical dilation without preoperative priming [8, 9, 55]. This practice occurs because the risk of uterine perforation or cervical laceration with first-trimester suction aspiration, given an experienced provider, is very small and each method of cervical priming is associated with its own profile of side effects and additional inconvenience for the patient. Previous guidelines for cervical priming have been published internationally, including recommendations from the WHO and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists RCOG ; . The WHO recommends cervical priming for all women younger than 18 years old, nulliparous women over 9 weeks' gestation and all women over 12 weeks' gestation [94]. The RCOG guidelines state that cervical priming should be routine in women under 18 years of age or women at more than 10 weeks' gestation [95]. In North America, the National Abortion Federation recommends that the "cervix be dilated gently and gradually" and that under 14 weeks' gestation, adequate dilatation may be achieved by osmotic dilators or misoprostol [96]. The Planned Parenthood Federation of America states that, in first-trimester abortions, the use of osmotic dilators or misoprostol is optional [97].
Send information and data either by regular mail or email. Our mailing address is: ARM Program John Gums, PharmD Family Practice Medical Group 625 SW 4th Ave Gainesville, FL 32601 and cefdinir.
Although other medications are sometimes prescribed for adhd e, g.
Moderators: Gerald DiBona, Iowa City, IA Friedrich Luft, Berlin, Germany 8: 00 Inhibitor of Differentiation Id2 is Involved 71 in the Pathogenesis of Angiotensin II-induced Endorgan Damage Petra Gratze, Max-Delbruck Center, Berlin, Germany; Ralf Dechend, Erdenechimeg Shagdarsuren, HELIOS, Franz Volhard Clinic, Berlin, Germany; Joon-Keun Park, Medical School of Hannover, Hannover, Germany, Berlin, Germany; Maren Wellner, Anette Fiebeler, Ana Zenclussen, HELIOS, Franz Volhard Clinic, Berlin, Germany; Natalia Alenina, Michael Bader, Max-Delbruck Center, Berlin, Germany; Martin Zenke, Univ Medical School RheinischWestfalische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Berlin, Germany; Friedrich C Luft, HELIOS, Franz Volhard Clinic, Berlin, Germany; Dominik N Muller, MaxDelbruck Center, Berlin, Germany Cardioprotective Effects of Eplerenone in 72 the Rat Heart: Interaction with Locally Synthesized or Blood-derived Aldosterone? Alexander H Danser, Wenxia Chai, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Sex Differences in Aldosterone-Induced 73 Hypertension, Electrolyte Transporter Abundances, and Renal Pathology Min Shi, Osman Khan, Xinqun Hu, Christine Maric, Kathryn Sandberg, Joseph G Verbalis, Carolyn A Ecelbarger, Darren M Roesch, Georgetown Univ, Washington, DC and omnicef and misoprostol, for instance, misoprostol for missed abortion.
Misoprostol costs a few dollars for multiple doses compared with several hundred dollars per dose for an intracervical prostaglandin preparation such as dinoprostone cervidil.
Nature of the absorbing surface which the drug must traverse. The more extensive the absorbing surface cell membrane ; , the greater the drug absorption and the more rapid its effects. For example, pulmonary epithelium and the small intestine and cefepime.
According to house of lords uk ; report on cannabis for medical purposes, no-one has ever died as a direct and immediate consequence of recreational or medical use.
Misoprostol cure
Creativity and economic development are uncertain and it is probably not possible, on the basis of present knowledge, to be sure that a given patent system confers a net benefit or a net loss upon society. For developing countries the situation continues to be extremely unclear. IPRs create their own problems1. For the present discussion of FDCs, there are two related IPR issues: a ; IPRs can be a barrier to research and development into new FDCs, b ; IPRs can bar access to existing FDCs by the healthcare system. That is, strong property rights arguably stifle research by creating a climate where researchers face legal action for using patented materials, processes or research tools See Section 2 ; . Fixeddose combination drugs have the potential to involve multiple patents held by different parties. The transaction costs associated with bargaining over rights can arguably lead to both blocking of commercial development and, if already manufactured, to lack of access "on the ground" See Section 3 ; . High prices of patented medicines are but one important barrier to access. There are various ways to overcome or ameliorate the negative effects of IPRs on access to FDCs, some of which implicate other legal issues, notably antitrust and competition law Section 4 ; . Recently, the global community has, more or less See Section 5 ; , agreed that IPRs should be subservient to public health needs.
4.1.3 Treatment results for ulcers developed from NSAID medicines Medications that inhibit acid and protect the mucous membranes also heal ulcers from so-called nSAID medications. But whether or not a patient discontinues the nSAID treatment plays a significant role for the healing of the ulcer. SBu has observed that after eight weeks of treatment with acidinhibiting medications, a significant number of patients still had ulcers gastric 13-20 percent, duodenal 7-12 percent ; in the cases where the patients were continuing their treatment with nSAIDs. If nSAID treatment was discontinued, nearly all ulcers were healed within eight weeks. SBu has found that omeprazole is more effective than both misoprostol and ranitidine for healing ulcers in the duodenum and stomach lining. Four weeks of treatment with misoprostol cured 69 percent of ulcers in the stomach lining and 81 percent of ulcers in the duodenum; corresponding numbers for placebo were respectively 31 and 47 percent. Treatment with ranitidine gave corresponding results, while omeprazole led to a higher number of healed ulcers. A comparison of the effect on superficial ulcers erosions on the other hand, showed that misoprostol led to a higher frequency of healed ulcers. 4.1.4 Results of ulcer prevention when the patient uses NSAID medicines Preventative treatment can be undertaken either when treatment with nSAID is begun in patients with increased risk for ulcers primarily prophylaxis ; or in patients who have already developed ulcers during treatment with nSAID secondary prophylaxis ; . Studies that have been carried out have either applied to acid inhibitors H2 antagonists or proton pump inhibitors ; or misoprostol which both work to protect mucous membranes and inhibit acid. SBu has found that omeprazole has a better protective effect than misoprostol against ulcers in the duodenum and a better protective effect than ranitidine against gastric ulcers. Mlsoprostol has a better protective effect against gastric ulcers than ranitidine. 4.2 GERD SBu has found in its review that alleviation of symptoms is directly related to the degree and duration of the acid inhibition. Proton pump inhibitors are therefore more effective than H2 antagonists.