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Parameter we observed, has been established to reflect increased PTH activity.40 The mechanism underlying parathyroid hyperplasia in the SHR has not been established in the present study. The reduced serum levels of ionized calcium and calcitriol may both play a role. Recent evidence has suggested that calcitriol may exert an effect inhibiting PTH synthesis and secretion41-44 and that this effect may be independent of that of ambient calcium.4546 Our finding of parathyroid hyperplasia despite increased numbers of calcitriol receptors in the parathyroid glands of the SHR, suggest that increased calcitriol receptors alone cannot compensate for reduced calcitriol levels. In this context it is noteworthy that the higher levels of urinary cAMP observed in the SHR and consistent with hyperparathyroidism47 were reduced to normal after calcitriol administration in high doses. The relation between the observed abnormalities of the calcium endocrine system and raised arterial blood pressure in the SHR deserves comment. The presence of specific receptors for calcitriol in preparations derived from vascular smooth muscle14-15 suggests that calcitriol may play a physiological role, although the nature of that role is as yet entirely a matter for speculation. However, vitamin D-deficient rats have recently been reported to develop significantly elevated blood pressure17 and to exhibit altered pressure responsiveness18 when compared with vitamin D-replete controls. As far as hyperparathyroidism in the SHR is concerned, the situation is no less complex. The association of hyperparathyroidism and hypertension1920 has been recognized for many years, although the underlying mechanism remains obscure. While a hypotensive effect of acute intravenous administration of PTH has been demonstrated in. In the laboratory, we isolated human fat cells in petri dishes and put calcitriol on them. The results were astonishing. Calciteiol triggered large increases in the amount of calcium in the cells--in fact, the amount of calcium tripled. As calcium went up, fat storage in the cells increased and fat burning decreased. We had proved a direct connection between the hormone calcitriol, calcium levels in fat cells, and how fat cells function. We had proved that calcitriol--which we generally think of as regulating the absorption of calcium and playing a key role in bone metabolism--was crucial for regulating the function of fat cells. And we knew there was only one scientifically proven way to suppress this hormone: by increasing the intake of dietary calcium. The next step was to see if a high-calcium diet could, in fact, affect not only the fat cells, but patterns of weight gain and weight loss. To do that, we studied transgenic mice. In this brochure, the generic nonproprietary ; name for each drug is stated first. Brand names are in full capital letters and represent only some examples of those trademarked drugs. Drugs are categorized by the conditions they treat and rocaltrol.
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8A.1 In people with CKD stages 3 and 4, therapy with an active oral vitamin D sterol calcitriol, alfacalcidol or doxercalciferol ; is indicated when serum levels of 25 OH ; -vitamin D are 30 ng mL nmol L ; and plasma levels of intact PTH are above the target range for the CKD stage see Table 15 ; . The initial doses are provided in Table 27. 8A.1a Treatment with an active vitamin D sterol should be undertaken only in patients with serum levels of corrected total calcium 9.5 mg dL 2.37 mmol L ; and serum phosphorus 4.6 mg dL 1.49 mmol L ; . 8A.1b Vitamin D sterols should not be prescribed for people with rapidly worsening kidney function or those who are noncompliant with medications or follow-up. 8A.2 During therapy with vitamin D sterols, serum levels of calcium and phosphorus should be monitored at least every month after initiation 70 Bone Metabolism and Disease National Kidney Foundation. Table ii - effect of calcitriol ointment on uv transmission and carbamazepine.
Atic skin. Measurement of Ki67 protein showed a 62% decrease in keratinocyte proliferation.5 Increased corneocyte desquamation and near-elimination of the stratum corneum were believed to be the main cause of skin fragility. Cutaneous ulceration, although rare, is important to recognize as a side effect of etretinate therapy. Skin fragility is dose related, but our patient experienced ulceration while on the low dose of 0.3 mg kg daily, compared with 1 mg kg in the only previously reported case.3 Fortunately, we were able to discontinue the drug early and avoid potential extensive ulceration and possible secondary infection in this immunocompromised patient. Oral calcitriol 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 ; , a novel therapy for refractory psoriasis, was very useful in our patient. Oral calcitriol inhibits proliferation of epidermal cells in a dose-dependent fashion, and induces terminal differentiation. Smith et al6 showed these effects in keratinocytes cultured from patients with psoriasis, and documented clinical efficacy of oral calcitriol as monotherapy.
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TABLE 88 Calcitriol: vertebral fracture data Study Sambrook, 199318 Calci6riol dose g day ; Starting dose 0.5 increasing to 1.0 mean dose 0.59 0.17 ; Fracture definition 20% Number in each group suffering vertebral fracture Calcirriol calcitonin group: 2 29 Alcitriol group: 1 34 Placebo group: 2 29 RR calcitriol vs placebo 0.43 95% CI 0.04 to 4.47 ; RR calcitriol calcitonin vs placebo 1.00 95% CI 0.15 to 6.63 ; All fractures occurred in the 2nd year of the study.

In general, no other form of testing have been established to be of benefit in assessing ADHD. The DSMIV-TR, notes that, "There are no laboratory tests, neurological assessments, or attentional assessments that have been established as diagnostic in the clinical assessment of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder" APA, 2000 ; . The American Academy of Pediatrics AAP ; developed a clinical practice guideline for the assessment and diagnosis of ADHD among school-age children who are evaluated by primary care clinicians. The significant components of the diagnostic guideline include AAP, 2000 ; : use of the DSM-IV-TR criteria for the diagnosis the importance of obtaining information about the child's symptoms in more than one setting especially from schools ; the search for co-existing conditions that may make the diagnosis more difficult or complicate treatment planning and carbimazole.
1. Pachori, A. S., M. J. Huentelman, S. C. Francis et al. The Future of Hypertension Therapy: Sense, Antisense, or Nonsense? Hypertension. 2001, 37, 357363. Banerjee, D. J., B. J. Materson. Blood Pressure-independent Impact of Antihypertensive Agents on Cardiovascular and Renal Disease, Current Hypertension Reports, 2002, 4, 445-452. Du X., K.Cruickshank, R. McNamee et al. Case-control study of stroke and the quality of hypertension control in north west England. BMJ, 1997, 314, 7076, Colhoun, H. M., W. Dong, N. R. Poulter. Blood pressure screening, management and control in England: results from the health survey for England 1994. J Hypertens, 1998, 16, 6, Marques-Vidal P., J.Tuomilehto. Hypertension awareness, treatment and. Abstracts INFLUENCE OF I.V. ADMINISTERED VITAMIN D ON T CELL IMMUNITY OF CHRONIC HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS WITH SEVERE SECONDARY HYPERPARATHYROIDISM Manfred Wallner, Friedrich C. Prischl, Reinhard Kramar & Wolfgang ~ o l Medical Department. General Hospital . Wels. Institute of Immunology, University of Vienna, Austria. Impaired cellular immunity is a hallmark of c h uremia a n d may be responsible for the increased incidence of infections and malignancies observed in e n stage renal disease. Short-term oral substitution of vitamin D seems to restore a t least some functions of the altered immune system. We investigated the effects of i.v. administered calcitriol mean 3.5e0.7 rtg per week for 8 weeks ; in G chronic hemodialysis patients 3 males. 3 females, mean age 55.8 * 10.8 yrs, mean time o n dialysis 44.5 * 24.1 months, iPTH 4 0 0 cell immunity. Level of iPTH was significantly reduced from 9 7 8 -. there was a slight increase in S-Ca from 2.172 6.11 to'2.44. 0.15 m m o and a marked increase in calcitriol from 0.7 * 0.89 to 14.7 * 10.17 pg ml ; after two months of i.v. vitamin D therapy. Lymphocyte subpopulations CD3 + , CD4 + , CD8 + . CD19 + , CDSG + . CD3 + CD25 + ; d i not alter significantly. The proliferative response of mononuclear cells following stimulation via defined pathways CD3, CD2, CD2 28. SEA, P + P, IL2 ; as well as the production of cytokines IL2, YIFN, IL4, IL10 ; did not differ significantly before a n d period. Interindividual differences in many of these parameters remained constant over the treatment course. Although the data sample size is small, these findings argue against a n y gross change in important funcrional parameters of the T cell immune system in chronic hemodialysis patients as a result of i.v. vitamin D therapy and cefadroxil. Publication history issue online: 31 jan 2007 home list of issues table of contents article abstract annals of the new york academy of sciences volume 1092 women's health and disease: gynecologic, endocrine, and reproductive issues page 397-402, december 2006 to cite this article: irene lambrinoudaki, george christodoulakos, dimitrios botsis 2006 ; bisphosphonates annals of the new york academy of sciences 1092 1 ; , 397– 40 doi: 1 1196 annals 6 036 prev article next article welcome to blackwell synergy - the source of highly cited peer-reviewed society journals from blackwell publishing you are attempting to access the pdf of this article, because calcitriol 25 mg. Continue taking this medicine for the full time of treatment and duricef!

Guidelines for the management of thyroid cancer in adults. 2002; London: Royal College of Physicians Spencer CA, LoPresti JS, Fatemi S, Nicoloff JT. Detection of residual and recurrent differentiated thyroid carcinoma by serum Thyroglobulin measurement. Thyroid 1999; 9: 435441 Spencer CA, Wang CC. Thyroglobulin measurement: techniques, clinical benefits and pitfalls. Endocrinol Metab Clin N Amer 1995; 24: 841-863 Spencer CA, Takeuchi M, Kazarosyan M. Current Status and Performance Goals for Serum thyroglobulin Assays. Clin Chem 1996; 42: 164-173 Clark PM, Beckett GJ. Can we measure thyroglobulin? Ann. Clin Biochem. 2002; 39: 196-202 Spencer CA. Recoveries cannot be used to authenticate thyroglobulin Tg ; measurements when sera contain Tg autoantibodies. Clin Chem 1996; 42: 661-663 Brucker-Davis F, Oldfield EH, Skarulis MC, Doppman Jl Weintraub BD. Thyrotropinsecreting pituitary tumors: diagnostic criteria, thyroid hormone sensitivity, and treatment outcome in 25 patients followed at the National Institutes of Health. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1999; 84: 476-486, for example, calcitriol parathyroid.
Age 2 with vitamm D and for the past 5 yr with ROCaItrOI calcitriol ; 15 pg kg twice a day ; . Sonogram of right A ; and left kidney B ; , demonstrating hyperechoic rim around pyramids arrows ; , most marked at fomices. Centers of pyramids are faintly hyperechoic and cefdinir. None of the cases were considered life-threatening and all resolved either without treatment or with medication antihistamines or glucocorticoids. RESULTS As previously reported Wark & Tashjian, 1982 ; , 10 nM-calcitriol caused highly significant stimulation of PRL production by GH4C1 cells P 0.0001; Fig. 1 ; . Cortisol caused concentration-dependent inhibition of this effect; the inhibition was half-maximal at 3.2 nmcortisol Figs. 1 and 5 ; . By contrast, only a modest 1986 and omnicef. Transmission of ultraviolet b is reduced by 67%– 87% through vehicle and 50%– 83% through calcitriol ointment. Were administered calcitriol, 1", 25 OH ; 2D2, doxercalciferol, or 1"-OH-D3 for 16 weeks, beginning 2 weeks after surgery. Calcitriol and 1", 25 OH ; 2D2 slightly inhibited vertebral cancellous bone loss relative to the control, sham-operated rats; however, 1"-OH-D3 and doxercalciferol markedly inhibited bone loss in these animals, by 64% and 84%, respectively. The effects of these two compounds on calcium homeostasis differed: 1"OH-D3 produced a 5-fold increase in urinary calcium excretion, whereas doxercalciferol produced only a 2-fold increase. The authors concluded, "compared to 1"-OH-D3, doxercalciferol combined at least equal or higher bone-protective activity in ovariectomized rats with distinctly less pronounced effects on calcium homeostasis and cefepime and calcitriol.

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Umbilical Cord Care The umbilical cord is a site for bacterial colonization, which may lead to cord stump infections in neonates. Because of this, some practitioners believe antiseptic use is warranted.1, 2, 3 It is not standard of practice in all cases because of a delay in cord detachment. Generally, preterm infants are most at risk for developing infections secondary to their prematurity and are at higher risk for nosocomial infections due to longer hospital stays ; , therefore, antiseptic use is considered for these patients.1, 2 Chlorhexidine, tincture of iodine, povidone-iodine, triple dye, and silver sulfadiazine have shown to be the most effective in preventing stump infection. Choice of an agent is dependant on the predominant flora, which is typically S. aureus. Table 2 summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of these agents.1.
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Bisphosphonates do not work optimally when there is underlying vitamin D deficiency. This is especially relevant for patients who may not get enough sun exposure, such as the elderly and strict vegetarians who do not eat eggs and who may have underlying osteomalacia bone softening due to poor mineralisaton ; . Fosavance, a treatment recently licensed in the UK, offers patients alendronate combined with vitamin D supplementation in one formulation. Another recently launched product is Bonviva ibandronic acid ; . This bisphosphonate is licensed for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis and patients need only take one tablet 150mg ; every month. The main adverse effects of ibandronate in clinical trials were similar to other bisphosphonates and included dyspepsia, diarrhoea, myalgia, arthralgia and non-specific rash. Postmenopausal osteoporosis The link between oestrogen levels and bone density was discussed previously PJ, 22 October, pp5214 ; . Treatments licensed for postmenopausal osteoporosis include calcitriol, calcitonin, raloxifene, strontium ranelate and teriparatide. Their evidence base for fracture prevention is presented in the Table. Calcitriol Calcitriol 1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol ; is available in capsules Rocaltrol ; . The recommended dose for postmenopausal osteoporosis is 0.25ng twice daily. Generally, treatment is initiated on specialist recommendation. Plasma calcium concentrations and creatinine levels need to be monitored. Calcitriol has been shown to decrease bone loss in women with osteoporosis, but study results differ. A decrease in vertebral fracture frequency has been demonstrated but no protective effect has been shown for hip fracture. Calcitonin Calcitonin is a hormone that transiently inhibits osteoclast activity without decreasing osteoblast collagen synthesis. Usually initiated in a consultant clinic, it is available as a nasal spray and in a formulation for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection. With the recommended dose of 100 units daily, patients are also prescribed 600mg calcium and 400IU of vitamin D. Calcitonin Miacalic ; prevents bone loss in a dose dependent manner. Calcitonin has analgesic properties, offering pain relief when used for up to three months in patients with acute pain following crush fracture collapsed vertebrae ; . Raloxifene Raloxifene Evista ; is a novel selective oestrogen receptor modulator SERM ; with agonist effects in bone, but antagonist effects in the breasts and uterus. Although the term "SERM" was introduced following increased understanding of the tissue-specific action of raloxifene, tamoxifen was the first SERM to be discovered. During pre-clinical development it was noted that raloxifene lacked some of the agonist properties demonstrated by tamoxifen and this led to the idea that different agonist-antagonist properties and cefixime.

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Mark A. Frye, MD Assistant Professor of Psychiatry Director, UCLA Bipolar Disorder Research Program UCLA School of Medicine Los Angeles, California. Writing Group Member Harold P. Adams, Jr Employment University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine Research Grant Boehringer Ingelheim; Centocor Johnson & Johnson Eli Lilly; Merck; NMT Medical; Sanofi; Bristol-Myers Squibb; GlaxoSmithKline * None Other Research Support AstraZeneca; Merck * Speakers' Bureau Honoraria Bayer * Ownership Interest None Consultant Advisory Board American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology Other None.
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However, the audit also revealed a number of noteworthy areas of deficiencies. Firstly only 87.6% of febrile children were screened for UTI. This was similar to a United Kingdom survey in which 81% of 746 infants at risk had urine examination for UTI.2 Another study from office paediatricians in the USA showed that only 57% of 3066 infants had urine examined for UTI.9 Though our results were comparable to these overseas surveys, it could be further improved. Secondly the screening method was considered inadequate, namely by dipsticks only, in about 60% of children. This may be related to the uncertain time of collecting the bag urine samples from infants. When a fresh urine sample was available, dipsticks could be done immediately by the ward nurses, whereas urine microscopy had to be done by the on-call doctors who might be busy with other duties. Another possible reason was the widely held misconception that we can screen for UTI by dipsticks alone and only when it is positive that we should confirm UTI by urine microscopy. It must be pointed out that the sensitivity and specificity of urine dipsticks alone for leukocyte esterase and nitrite were 88-93% and 72-93% respectively. By combining urine microscopy and dipsticks tests one can increase the sensitivity to 99.8% with specificity of 70%.1, 6 In other words, we would have missed 7-12% of genuine UTI cases if only dipsticks were done alone. In contrast, the UK survey showed that 64% of patients had urine collected by bag or clean-catch and sent for both urinalysis and culture.2 Though the sensitivity of this approach was high, the false positive rate of bag urine culture was also unacceptably high.1 Thirdly, when the screening tests were positive, urine was collected properly by bladder tap, catheter or cleancatch ; in only 40% whereas the same tests on bag urine were repeated a second time in the rest. Provided the urinalysis was performed properly, repeating it twice may just lead to a delay in diagnosing UTI and starting treatment with undesirable consequences.10, 11 Fourthly, when antibiotics had to be given immediately to ill patients on admission, only 60% had properly collected urine for culture to confirm or exclude UTI as a cause. In the remaining 40% of patients, the chance of clarifying the diagnosis was missed as antibiotics will render the urine culture negative once treatment was started. Fifthly, the few patients who had been diagnosed and treated by colleagues in Accident and Emergency de p a iva t e p documentation by bag urine cultures only. This may indicate the lack of awareness of the current guidelines by.

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PARATHYROID function is generally described as normal in patients with hypophosphataemic osteomalacia before initiation of therapy with phosphate salts; however, hyperparathyroidism is an occasional complication of treatment. The sporadic adult-onset form of hypophosphataemic osteomalacia responds to treatment with phosphate, calcium and vitamin D or calcitriol, and it is generally believed that this combination especially when calcitril is used ; may prevent the development of harmful side-effects hyperparathyroidism and nephrocalcinosis ; [1-4]. We describe a male patient in whom long-term phosphate supplementation resulted in hypercalcaemic hyperparathyroidism associated with surgically proven adenomatous hyperplasia. This complication occurred despite concomitant treatment with vitamin D or calcitriol. His course emphasizes the importance of carefully monitoring parathyroid function during therapy and rocaltrol.

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Increase serum and urine calcium9. ED-71 [2, - 3-hydroxypropoxy ; -1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3], another vitamin D analog, was reported to restore bone mass back to sham control levels by maintaining bone formation and inhibiting bone resorption at 2 and 4 weeks post-OVX rats given daily treatment for 3 months10. However, markers of both resorption and formation were decreased at all time points in a recently published 1-year clinical study with ED-7111. Recently, a great number of non-secosteroidal VDR agonists have been reported in the scientific and patent literature8, 14-18. Screening strategies have focused on evaluating the potential therapeutic index in cell models, typically Caco2 as a representative intestinal cell line, and an osteoblast cell line such as ros or MG63. Tissue selectivity has exceeded 1000-fold for bone versus intestine in these cell models, as for example with Lilly WO200404830916. Chugai reported bone efficacy in the absence of changes in serum calcium in an OVX rat model with two novel nonsecosteroid analogs, although from the data reported it is difficult to assess the magnitude of the TI observed in vivo18. We have extensively characterized a new analog of 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 discovered by Hector DeLuca and Deltanoid Pharmaceuticals, 2-methylene-19-nor 20S ; -1-, 25 OH ; 2D3 in an OVX rat model abbreviated as 2MD, Figure 1 ; . 2MD binds to the vitamin D receptor VDR ; with a high affinity, comparable to that of the endogenous ligand, 1-, 25 OH ; 2D312. However, 2MD is approximately 10-50 times more potent than calctriol in transcriptional reporter cell assays using vitamin D responsive promoters in an osteoblastic cell line, MC3T3. 2MD is also vastly more potent and efficacious in stimulating mineralization of primary human osteoblasts in culture12. In a long-term, dose-response study with 2MD using 0.5 ng kg d, 1 2.5 ng kg d, 5 and 10 ng kg d13 2MD significantly and dose-dependently increased total body bone mineral density, total body bone mineral content, bone density and total bone content of the distal femoral metaphysis DFM ; , and trabecular bone volume of LV3. Bone strength testing revealed that 2MD significantly and dose-dependently increased maximal load and stiff341.

EPC0200010 N-acetyl-cys1-calcitonin Store at 20C ; 10-15 0.1 mg * EPC0225000 Calcitriol 4-10-15 10 mg Assay: 100.0% C27H44O3, Store at 20C ; EPC0226000 Calcitriol Reference Spectrum EPC0249000 Calcium ascorbate Reference Spectrum EPC0250000 Calcium folinate Assay: 86.0% C20H21CaN7O7 EPC0300000 Calcium gluconate C12H22CaO14, H2O Calcium digluconate ; EPC0340000 Calcium levulinate dihydrate EPC0350000 Calcium oxalate monohydrate Loss of mass 12.1% m m EPC0400000 Calcium pantothenate EPC0405000 Camphor racemic ; 1-2-10-15 2 1-2 mg 100 mg 250 mg 500 mg 100 mg 50 mg.
Acquiring your calcitriol online. What is the Prescription Solutions from PacifiCare Formulary? A formulary is a list of drugs selected by Prescription Solutions from PacifiCare PacifiCare ; in consultation with a team of health care providers, which represents the prescription therapies believed to be a necessary part of a quality treatment program. PacifiCare will generally cover the drugs listed in our formulary as long as the drug is medically necessary, the prescription is filled at a PacifiCare network pharmacy, and other plan rules are followed. For more information on how to fill your prescriptions, please review your Evidence of Coverage. Can the Formulary change? Yes, Prescription Solutions from PacifiCare may add or remove drugs from our formulary during the year. The enclosed formulary is current as of January 1, 2006. To get updated information about the drugs covered by PacifiCare, please visit our Web site at prescriptionsolutions or call Customer Service at 1-800-797-9794, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. TTY TDD users should call 1-866-394-7218. If we remove drugs from our formulary, or add prior authorization, quantity limits and or step therapy restrictions on a drug or move a drug to a higher cost-sharing tier, we must notify members who take the drug that it will be removed at least 60 days before the date that the change becomes effective, or at the time the member requests a refill of the drug, at which time the member will receive a 60-day supply of the drug. If the Food and Drug Administration deems a drug on our formulary to be unsafe or the drug's manufacturer removes the drug from the market, we will immediately remove the drug from our formulary and provide notice to members who take the drug. How do I use the Formulary? There are two ways to find your drug within the formulary: Medical Condition The formulary begins on page 6. The drugs in this formulary are grouped into categories depending on the type of medical conditions that they are used to treat. For example, drugs used to treat a heart condition are listed under the category, "Cardiovascular Agents." If you know what your drug is used for, look for the category name in the list that begins on page 6. Then look under the category name for your drug. Alphabetical Listing If you are not sure what category to look under, you should look for your drug in the Index that begins on page 36. The Index provides an alphabetical list of all of the drugs included in this document. Both brand-name drugs and generic drugs are listed in the Index. Look in the Index and find your drug. Next to your drug, you will see the page number where you can find coverage information. Turn to the page listed in the Index and find the name of your drug in the first column of the list. How much will I pay for Prescription Solutions from PacifiCare Covered Drugs? If you qualified for extra help with your drug costs, your costs for your drugs may be different than those described below. Please refer to your Evidence of Coverage or call Customer Service to find out what your cost are.
We had heard about a study using calcitriol. AUGMENTIN chewable tabs 125 mg, 250 mg. 6 AUGMENTIN susp 125 mg 5 mL, 250 mg 5 mL 6 AUGMENTIN tabs 250 mg . 7 AUGMENTIN XR . 7 AVALIDE . 25, 27 AVANDAMET . 22 AVANDIA . 22 AVAPRO . 27 AVASTIN . 15 AVELOX. 7 AVELOX inj . 7 AVINZA . 5 AVODART . 34 AVONEX . 41 AZASAN . 40 azathioprine . 40 AZELEX . 29 azithromycin . 7 AZMACORT . 45 AZOPT. 43 bacitracin . 42 baclofen . 47 BACTROBAN crm. 29 BARACLUDE . 20 benazepril . 27 benazepril hydrochlorothiazide. 25, 27 BENICAR . 27 BENICAR HCT . 25, 27 BENTYL syrup 10 mg 5 mL . 20, 33 BENZACLIN . 29 benzocaine antipyrine . 44 benzoyl peroxide . 32 benztropine. 17 betamethasone dipropionate augmented crm 0.05% . 30, 35 betamethasone dipropionate augmented gel, oint 0.05% . 30, 35 betamethasone dipropionate crm, lotion, oint 0.05% . 30, 35 betamethasone valerate crm, lotion, oint 0.1% . 30, 35 BETASERON . 41 bethanechol . 35 BETIMOL . 43 BETOPTIC S . 43 BEXXAR . 15 BIAXIN XL . 7 BICILLIN C-R . 7 BICILLIN L-A . 7 BICNU . 14 bisoprolol . 21, 24 bisoprolol hydrochlorothiazide . 21, 24, 25 bleomycin. 15 BLEPHAMIDE SOP oint 10% 0.2%. 42, brimonidine 0.2%. 43 bromocriptine . 17, 39 brompheniramine pseudoephedrine 4 mg 45 mg per 5 mL. 44 brompheniramine pseudoephedrine ext-rel 12 mg 120 mg . 44 brompheniramine pseudoephedrine ext-rel 6 mg 60 mg . 44 bumetanide . 25 bumetanide inj. 25 BUPHENYL . 32 bupropion . 10 bupropion ext-rel. 10, 32 buspirone . 20 BUSULFEX . 14 CADUET . 25, 26 calcitriol . 48 CALCITRIOL inj . 48 CAMPATH . 15 CAMPRAL . 32 CAMPTOSAR . 15 CANASA . 41 CAPITROL . 31 captopril . 27 captopril hydrochlorothiazide . 25, 27 CARAC . 31 CARAFATE susp . 33 carbamazepine. 9 CARBATROL . 9 carbidopa levodopa . 17 carbidopa levodopa ext-rel. 17 carbinoxamine pseudoephedrine 1 mg 15 mg per mL. 44 carboplatin. 15 CARDIZEM CD 360 mg . 25 CARDIZEM LA. 25.

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