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The medical surgical stop-loss limits are contained in Appendix B at the back of this booklet. -- Option A Once the medical surgical stop-loss is met, most covered charges under the medical surgical program of the Plan are paid at 100% for the rest of the calendar year. -- Out of Area Option Once the medical surgical stop-loss is met, most covered charges under the medical surgical program of the Plan are paid at 100% for the rest of the calendar year. -- PPO Option Once the in-network medical surgical stop-loss is met, most covered charges under the in-network level of benefits of the medical surgical program of the PPO Option are paid at 100% for the rest of the calendar year. Once the out-of-network medical surgical stop-loss is met, most covered charges under the out-of-network level of benefits of the medical surgical program and the Preventive Services program of the PPO Option are paid at 100% for the rest of the calendar year. Coinsurances you pay by obtaining preventive services out-of-network under the Preventive Services program ; are applied toward the out-of-network medical surgical stop-loss. In-network, out-of-network, and exception benefit level coinsurances apply toward meeting the in-network stop-loss limit. Only out-of-network coinsurances apply toward meeting the outof-network stop-loss. Covered charges under the MMH Program and the Prescription Program are not paid at 100% after the medical surgical stop-loss is reached. You can refer to "Helpful Terms" section of this booklet for more information about how the stop-loss limit works.
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Best studied effect of hyperglycemia on signal transduction pathways in vascular cells is represented by the PKC pathway. PKC is a cytoplasmic calcium-activated, phospholipid dependent kinase that acts as an intracellular signal transduction system for many cytokines and hormones. At least 11 isoforms of PKC have been identified at present.18 Hyperglycemia seems to result in an increase in diacylglycerol DAG ; which in turn activates PKC, which through activation of cytokines, cell permeability and vascular proliferation may induce atherosclerotic change. The synthesis and characterization of a specific inhibitor for PKC beta isoform, LY333531, has led to early animal trials, the results of which are promising. These results will need to be confirmed in humans. Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists19 GLP-1 ; : The glucagon-like peptide receptor belongs to a distinct group of G protein coupled peptide hormone receptors. GLP-1 is an insulinotropic gut peptide that functions as an incretin and, when bound to the receptors, stimulates insulin secretion. Exendin 4 is a potent and long-acting agonist of GLP-1 receptor. In one study plasma insulin response was potentiated four to fivefold in both diabetics and nondiabetics. It will be some time before the exact role of GLP-1 receptor agonists in the treatment of diabetes is established in clinical practice. Gene Therapy: Research into diverse avenues for gene therapy in diabetes mellitus are being pursued at present. Prevention of beta cell autoimmunity is a specific gene therapy for prevention of Type 2 diabetes mellitus in the preclinical stage, whereas improvement in insulin sensitivity of peripheral tissues is a specific gene therapy for Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Multiple approaches to insulin replacement by gene therapy include: stimulation of beta cell growth.
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Display more than one seizure type and apparently different epileptic syndromes may produce the same seizure type. An international classification of epileptic seizures appeared in 1981.1 Distinctions are made between generalized and partial seizures, and for partial seizures between simple and complex according to whether consciousness is impaired. This classification is not entirely satisfactory as it is based heavily on clinical evidence. For instance, complex partial seizures were once considered identical with temporal lobe epilepsy, but it is now evident that complex partial seizures can also arise from frontal, parietal or occipital lobes. Using modern techniques such as depth electrode recording and magnetoencephalogram, temporal lobe epilepsy itself can be further traced to the hippocampus, amygdala or neocortex in origin. Although identification of seizure type carries only limited prognostic information, it serves as an useful guide to the choice of AED Table 1 ; . In 1989 a further proposal on International Classification of Epilepsies and Epileptic Syndromes ICEES ; 2 was published by the International League Against Epilepsy. This classification takes into account not only seizure types but age of onset, electroencephalographic EEG ; features, precipitating factors, anatomy, aetiologic and prognostic factors. Besides retaining the distinction between partial localization related ; and generalized seizures, another important factor using aetiologic terms is introduced. Thus epileptic seizures are classified also into situation related reactive ; , idiopathic primary ; , or symptomatic cryptogenic secondary ; . Situation related seizures can be considered as a natural reaction of a relatively normal brain to insults such as alcohol withdrawal, head injury, convulsing agent or childhood febrile illness. Some normal people with a low seizure threshold presumably genetic determined ; may develop seizures with minimal stress, such as and lisinopril.
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Plantar warts can be a frustrating problem for both patients and doctors alike. Although they are usually benign and resolve on their own, the stigma of having a wart often leads a patient to seek medical attention. Other times, the location of the wart may cause so much pain that a patient has few other options than to schedule an appointment with their podiatrist. Either way, having the wart checked out by a medical professional is always a good idea--it may not be a wart after all. Unfortunately, warts can be difficult to eradicate and often return months or years later. Although warts have this tendency to recur, many effective treatment options and preventative measures exist to cure your current warts and help prevent future warts from appearing and mesterolone.
Table 1. International Comparison of per-Dosage ex-Manufacturer's Prices, 1998 $US ; Norvasc 5 mg Tabs 0.97 0.79 0.71 Diflucan 50 mg Tabs 3.47 3.07 3.20 na 2.75 0.51, 0.28 Lipitor 10 mg Tabs 1.46 1.04 1.17 na na na 0.33, 0.45 Lasix 40 mg Tabs 0.20 0.07 0.09 na 0.08 na na 0.12 0.06 Pulmocort Sandimmun Neoral 200Y P.or A. 100 mg Caps 100 mg Caps 0.43 5.03 4.47 na 3.50 na 5.90 7.32 na 4.57 4.47 0.27 na na 0.17 3.04 3.12 na 2.61 0.16 na 2.98 na na na 0.13 3 4.28 na na na 0.08 4.19 4.45 -0.24, -0.29 Claritin 10 mg Tabs 1.70 0.54 na 0.59 0.38 0.35 na na 0.24 0.21 0.65 Cozaar 50 mg Tabs 0.92 0.70 0.84 na 0.75 0.36, 0.18 Cipro 500 mg Tabs 2.94 1.16 1.70 na 1.46 1.27 0.14 Plendil 5 mg Tabs 0.72 0.42 0.64 Zantac 150 mg Tabs 1.38 0.69 0.26 na 0.54 0.43 0.28 Immovane 7.5 mg Tabs na 0.40 0.28 0.38 na 0.18 na na 0.35 -0.08, -0.19 Risperdal 2 mg Tabs 2.94 1.26 0.98 na 1.12 0.46 1.06 Zyprexa Losec 10 mg Tabs 20 mg C. or T. 6.48 2.99 4.40 na 1.75 2.38 1.22 na na 1.79 1.19 0.36, Table 1. International Comparison of per-Dosage ex-Manufacturer's Prices, 1998 $US ; , continued Zoloft 50 mg Tabs 1.70 1.01 1.13 na 0.76 0.83 na 0.79 0.56, 0.50 Zocor 10 mg Tabs 1.52 1.13 1.25 na 0.65 0.89 na 1.21 0.22, 0.27 Imitrex 50 mg Tabs 11.36 8.17 3.71 na na 3.26 2.85 na 3.23 0.84, 0.90 Effexor 75 mg Tabs 0.92 1.00 1.12 na 1.13 na na 0.76 0.06, -0.00 Number of Drugs 19 18 Common drugs Avg. Price Avg. Price Rel. to US 2.72 1.00 1.63 Table 2. Pharmaceutical Price Comparisons and Parallel Imports: Omeprazole 20 Milligram Tablets 1996 ; Patent Expiry 3 04 99 patent no patent No. of Firms 2 1 4 Avg. Price per Pill $ ; 1.93 1.73 1.59 No. of PI Firms 5 1 na Avg. Price per Pill $ ; 1.84 1.76 na na na 1997 data. Prices are ex-manufacturer charges to wholesalers. Source: IMS Health.
For patients with unexplained chronic cough and tonsillar enlargement, tonsillectomy may yield clinical improvement. Although further study is needed, tonsillectomy may play a useful role in selected patients with chronic cough, after other causes are ruled out. COMMENT: This small study addresses an oftenoverlooked possibility for patients with chronic cough syndrome. The authors looked at 8 consecutive patients with chronic cough and enlarged tonsils who underwent tonsillectomy. Six other patients without chronic cough who underwent tonsillectomy were the control subjects. Cough was assessed with a visual analog scale and capsaicin sensitivity. There was a dramatic improvement in both visual analog score and decreased capsaicin sensitivity in the treatment group compared to the control group. This should alert the practitioner to look for tonsillar enlargement in patients with chronic cough. G. D. M. Birring SS, Passant C, Patel RB, et al: Chronic tonsillar enlargement and cough: preliminary evidence of a novel and treatable cause of chronic cough. Eur Respir J. 2004; 23: 199-201 and motrin.
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Sell eszopiclone in the U.S. Zopiclone is marketed by sanofi-aventis in approximately 80 countries worldwide under the brand names of IMOVANE and AMOBAN. Under this agreement with sanofi-aventis, sanofi-aventis assigned all U.S. patent applications relating to S ; -zopiclone to us. Upon signing of the agreement, we paid a $5, 000, 000 license fee to sanofi-aventis. In 2000, we paid a $1, 000, 000 milestone payment to sanofi-aventis upon initiation of Phase III clinical trials of eszopiclone. In 2003, we paid a $5, 000, 000 milestone payment to sanofi-aventis upon our submission to the FDA of an NDA for LUNESTA. Under the amended agreement, we have the right to read and reference sanofi-aventis' regulatory filings related to zopiclone outside of the U.S. for the purpose of development and regulatory registration of eszopiclone outside of the U.S., and sanofi-aventis has assigned to us the foreign counterparts to the U.S. patent covering eszopiclone and its therapeutic use. Also as part of the amendment, we permitted sanofi-aventis to assign our obligation to pay a royalty on sales of LUNESTA in the U.S. to a third party. Results of Operations Year Ended December 31, 2005 Compared to 2004 Revenues Product sales were $769, 685, 000 in 2005 as compared with $319, 781, 000 in 2004, an increase of approximately 141%, primarily as a result of the commercial introduction of LUNESTA in April 2005 and a significant increase in XOPENEX Inhalation Solution revenue. Sales of LUNESTA were $329, 221, 000 in 2005, as compared to $0 in 2004. Sales of XOPENEX Inhalation Solution were $428, 506, 000 in 2005 as compared with $319, 781, 000 in 2004, an increase of approximately 34%. The increase in product sales in 2005 as compared with 2004 is due primarily to an increase in unit volume sales of XOPENEX of 21% and also due to a net selling price per unit increase of approximately 11%. The 21% increase in unit volume sales is due to growth in the underlying unit-dose vial, or UDV, market and higher market share in the non-retail sector, particularly sales to hospitals and home health care customers. The 11% increase in the net selling price per unit is due to a gross unit price increase of approximately 6% and a decrease in sales rebates and allowances as a percentage of sales. The decrease in sales rebates and allowances is primarily attributable to favorable reimbursement rate changes, as mandated by the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003, which substantially reduced discounts in the home health care market sector. We cannot be certain whether, or for how long, this favorable reimbursement rate will remain in effect. Sales of XOPENEX HFA were $11, 958, 000 in 2005, as compared to $0 in 2004. We commercially launched XOPENEX HFA in December 2005, and our revenues in 2005 relate primarily to initial stocking of the product by wholesalers. Royalties were $51, 243, 000 in 2005 as compared with $52, 150, 000 in 2004, a decrease of approximately 2%. The decrease in 2005 as compared with 2004 is due primarily to a decrease in royalties earned on sales of CLARINEX. The royalties earned on CLARINEX sales were $9, 364, 000 in 2005 as compared to $13, 320, 000 in 2004, a decrease of approximately 30%. CLARINEX sales continue to decline in the U.S. due to the availability of competitor allergy drugs without a prescription. Offsetting the decrease in royalties earned on sales of CLARINEX is an increase in royalties earned on sales of XUSAL XYZAL and ALLEGRA. The royalties earned on XUSAL XYZAL sales were $4, 933, 000 in 2005 as compared to $3, 734, 000 in 2004, an increase of approximately 32%, resulting from increased European sales of XUSAL XYZAL. The royalties earned on ALLEGRA sales were $36, 945, 000 in 2005 as compared to $35, 005, 000 in 2004, an increase of approximately 6%. We expect revenues from royalties earned on CLARINEX to continue to decline in 2006. Also, pursuant to terms of our U.S. agreement with sanofi-aventis, we expect our royalties on the sale of 7.
17. Edwards, R.L., and F.R. Rickles. 1992. The role of leukocytes in the activation of blood coagulation. Semin. Hematol. 29: 202-212. 18. Maraganore, J.M., P. Bourdon, J. Jablonski, K.L. Ramachandran, and J.W. Fenton II. 1990. Design and characterization of hirulogs: a novel class of bivalent peptide inhibitors of thrombin. Biochemistry. 29: 7095-7101. 19. Chao, B.H., S. Kalkunte, J.M. Maraganore, and S.R. Stone. 1992. Essential groups in synthetic agonist peptides for activation of the platelet thrombin receptor. Biochemistry. 31: 61756178. 20. Di Rosa, M., J.P. Giroud, and D.A. Willoughby. 1971. Studies of the mediators of the acute inflammatory response induced in rats at different sites by carrageenan and turpentine. J. Pathol. 104: 15-29. 21. Antunes, E., M. Mariano, G. Cirino, S. Levi, and G. de Nucci. 1990. Pharmacological characterization ofpolycationinduced rat hind paw oedema. Br. J. Pharmacol. 101: 986-990. 22. Williams, T.J. 1973. Prostaglandin E2, prostaglandin I2 and the vascular changes in inflammation. Br. J. Pharmacol. 65: 517-524. 23. Brain, S.D., and T.J. Williams. 1985. Inflammatory oedema induced by calcitonin gene related peptide CGRP ; and mediators of increased vascular permeability. Br.J. Pharmacol. 86: 855-860. 24. Skrzypczak-Jankun, E., V.E. Carperos, K.G. Ravichandran, A. Tulinsky, M. Westbrook, and J.M. Maraganore. 1991. Structure of the hirugen and hirulog 1 complexes ofa-thrombin.J. Mol. Biol. 221: 1379-1393. 25. Scarborough, R.M., M.A. Naughton, W. Teng, D.T. Hung, J. Rose, T.K. Vu, V.I. Wheaton, C.W. Turck, and S.R. Coughlin. 1992. Tethered ligand agonist peptides. Structural requirements for thrombin receptor activation reveal mechanism of proteolytic unmasking of agonist function. J. Biol. Chem. 267: 13146-13149. 26. Mailing, H.M., M.E. Webster, M.A. Williams, W. Saul, and W. Sanderson. 1974. Inflammation induced by histamine, serotonin, bradykinin and compound 40 80 in the rat: antagonists and mechanisms ofaction.J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 191: 300-310. 27. Damas, J., and G. Remacle-Volon. 1986. Mast cell amines and the oedema induced by zymosan and carrageenans in rats, for instance, buy imovane.
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Author Article Information Dr Robert S Tan is Geriatrician and Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Texas in Houston, and Medical Director of Garden Terrace Alzheimer's Center. He is Fellow of the American Geriatrics Society and Founding Board Member of International Society for Men's Health. He has published more than 80 scientific articles and is author of the book "The Andropause Mystery." Peers selected him to "Best Doctors in America." Correspondence: Phone: + 1 ; 713-500-7580 E-mail: robert.s.tan uth.tmc.
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