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HOFMEYR MvN, KOTZ HF. Die effektiwiteit van die gebruik van kognitiewe gedragsterapie in kombinasie met kliniese hipnose t.o.v. die verbetering van die emosionele funksionering van die eerstejaarstudente. KOTZ HF, BOSHOFF SC, DE VILLIERS S, MALAN FB. The character and incidence of psychological problems among students in Stellenbosch. MILES G, KOTZ HF. Nursing the mental health of South Africans - a need assessment of primary health care nurses. POSTHUMUS T. Kognitiewe terapie en hipnose in die behandeling van sosiale fobie. Doktorale medepromotor: Dr HF Kotz. VAN DER WESTHUIZEN L, LE ROUX MC, KOTZ HF, VAN GREUNEN G. The relationship between bruxism and anxiety. VLOK LA. The crisis service, first year development and adjustment at the University of Stellenbosch. Doktorale promotor: Dr JWvS Wait, for example, monograph.
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Consideration must also be given to the conceptual viewpoint taken by the researcher. The distinction between what quality of life is from what coniribrltes io quality of life needs to be determined Harrison, Juniper, Mitchell-DiCenso, 1996; Stewart, 19% ; . Hyland, Finnis and Irvine 1991 ; suggest that the purpose for QOL tools is to meet either an economic or medical objective. Economically, the cost of a treatment is considered in relationship to the QOL of an individual, or medically, the outcome of clinical intementions is considered in relationship to the overall benefit to a patient. Both, for instance, fda.
Dementia Management Management depends on the severity of the dementia, whether the patient lives alone and comprises a multi-disciplinary, multi-agency package of care.The package needs to be well co-ordinated and to evolve as the needs of the patient and carer change.Options include: Coping strategies and psychological techniques, reminiscence work and validation therapy. Optimize hearing, vision and improve general health. Treat other conditions which may impair cognition e.g.anaemia, heart failure ; . Treat risk factors e.g. hypertension in vascular dementia ; . Treat specific symptoms and behaviours major tranquillizers, unfortunately, are often the only option ; . Education and support for carers Alzheimer's Disease Society, Carers' National Association ; . Genetic counselling only in rare early-onset dementias ; . Legal advice e.g.an Enduring Power of Attorney may obviate the need for the Court of Protection at a later date, advice about driving, advance directives, etc ; . Therapy assessments occupational therapy, speech and language therapy for swallowing and communication ; and physiotherapy; the aim is usually assessment to plan appropriate care and advise carers, rather than treat the patient ; . Assessment by social services financial entitlements, especially attendance allowance, provision of services like home help and access to `care management', the process by which frail old people are assessed for substantial packages of care at home or residential care ; . Regular district nurse community psychiatric nurse support. Sitting services Crossroads ; , day hospitals, respite care. Proper provision of long-term care. This list demonstrates just how much can be done in dementia. Until recently, no specific and folic.
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Injuries among children and youth under the age of 20 are a major health problem: they are the leading cause of death and second leading cause of hospitalization in this age group. As part of a comprehensive strategy to address this problem in the area served by the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario's CHEO ; , a new position has been established in conjunction with the hospital's Injury Prevention Centre Plan-it Safe ; and Trauma Program. Targeting staff at CHEO and its 17 referral hospitals, the Injury Prevention Trauma Liaison works to enhance hospital based injury prevention education for patients and their families by increasing hospital staffs' injury prevention knowledge and the educational tools and resources at their disposal. This poster will provide an overview of the injury problem in Eastern Ontario and Canada and describe the activities implemented to date including in-house and outreach programming; injury prevention educational display boards; involvement in regional campaigns ERIN ; and an environmental scan and appraisal of educational videos with injury prevention content. Abstracts 26 27 28 submitted by: Morag MacKay Director, Plan-it-Safe Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute.
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Furthermore, in human urinary bladder myocytes, we have been able to demonstrate directly that flavoxate suppressed voltage-dependent ba 2 + currents through l-type ca 2 + channels in a concentration-dependent manner by use of patch-clamp techniques and glipizide.
Most, though not all, will experience mild symptoms such as these before developing more serious illnesses. Although one's prognosis varies greatly depending on one's ability to access support, services and preventative treatment, it is generally believed that it takes the average person five to seven years to experience their first mild symptom. These symptoms are not specific to AIDS. However, they should be of concern to people who have tested positive to HIV. Usually, symptoms occur when the virus has already caused considerable damage to the immune system. For that reason, people with HIV should not wait until symptoms appear to get medical treatment. Also, people with high risk for HIV should not wait to get symptoms to take the HIV-antibody test. If you are a person with HIV experiencing any symptoms, it is suggested that you have them checked by a health care worker. Opportunistic Infections OVERVIEW What Are Opportunistic Infections? In our bodies, we carry many germs - bacteria, protozoa, fungi, and viruses. When our immune system is working, it can control germs in our body. But when the immune system is weakened by HIV disease or by some medications, it creates an opportunity for germs to get out of control and cause health problems. Infections that take advantage of weakness in the immune defenses are called "opportunistic". The phrase "opportunistic infection" is often shortened to "OI". Testing For OIs: You can be infected with an OI, and "test positive" for it, even though you don't have the disease. For example, almost everyone with HIV tests positive for Cytomegalovirus CMV ; . But it is very rare for CMV disease to develop unless the T-cell count drops below 50, a sign of serious damage to the immune system. To see if you're infected with an OI, your blood might be tested for antigens pieces of the germ that causes the OI ; or for antibodies proteins made by the immune system to fight the antigens ; . If either the antigens or the antibodies are found, it means you're infected. If you are infected with a germ that causes an OI, and if your T-cells are low enough to allow that OI to develop, your doctor will look for signs of active disease. These are different for the different OIs. OIs And AIDS: Getting an OI is not the same thing as having AIDS. People who aren't HIV-infected can develop OIs if their immune systems are damaged. For example, many drugs used to treat cancer suppress the immune system. Some people who get cancer treatments can develop OIs. HIV weakens the immune system so that opportunistic infections can develop. If you are HIV-infected and develop opportunistic infections, you might have AIDS. In the US, the Center for Disease Control CDC ; is responsible for deciding who has AIDS. The CDC has developed a list of about 24 opportunistic infections. If you have HIV and one or more of these "official" OIs, then you have AIDS.
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Excluded articles whose titles, abstracts, or text indicated that the article pertained only to electronic or Personal Digital Assistant prescribing, physician or pharmacist electronic order entry, and economic portfolios of online pharmacies. Articles with titles or abstracts that met inclusion criteria were reviewed further. Some articles were primarily used to develop a taxonomy of types of online pharmacies and the framework for online pharmacy regulation.2-15 Investigators independently reviewed the remaining articles to ascertain themes involving the ethical and legal issues surrounding online pharmacies. RESULTS The initial search yielded 180 MEDLINE titles, 348 LexisNexis titles, and 85 ISI Web of Science titles. A total of 208 articles met inclusion criteria after reviewing titles and or abstracts; 3 articles were not available, and 139 articles contained pertinent information, although many of the articles reported about a specific legal case involving an online pharmacy.16-35 Meta-analysis was not possible because of the heterogeneity and qualitative nature of much of the information. Types of Online Pharmacies Online pharmacies fall into 3 major categories. First, the online pharmacy may be an independent Internet company that has no physical pharmacy site for a consumer to visit. This first group includes the pharmacy benefits manager arm of health plans, which also may provide selected services for nonmembers.36, 37 Second, the online pharmacy may be a "clicks-andmortar" pharmacy, typically the online branch of a major pharmacy chain that has an actual storefront. Several chains have purchased online companies as a marketing strategy.38, 39 These partnerships have enabled customers to request refills of prescriptions through Web sites and have given customers the option to pick up the refill at a local branch of a major pharmacy or receive the refill in the mail.40 Finally, independent neighborhood pharmacies have formed networks and have built Web sites to represent themselves.41 Some online pharmacy Web sites have "cyberdoctors, " who evaluate patients via Internet communication and determine whether to prescribe medication based on this communication. The management and services of online pharmacies may be administered entirely in 1 state, may span several states, or may be located offshore. Potential Benefits of Online Pharmacies Online pharmacies offer potential advantages over traditional "brick-and-mortar" pharmacies. Some of the reasons consumers have cited for purchasing prescription, for instance, prednisone.
Addressed antidiabetic agents. Of drugs for which comparable data exist, acarbose demonstrates among the lowest measured persistence. One-year persistence was 35.6% in a cohort of Quebec seniors who began inhaled corticosteroid treatment for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in 199518 and 55% amlodipine ; and 63% felodipine ; in Quebec seniors started on 1 of calcium channel blockers in 1990.19 Six-month persistence was 80% to 89% for various antihypertensive agents in Saskatchewan patients newly diagnosed as having hypertension between 1989 and 1994, 20 compared with 32.8% for acarbose among Quebec seniors. Only incontinence agents show lower persistence rates than does acarbose; at 6 months persistence was 11.4% and 5.7% for oxybutynin chloride and flzvoxate hydrochloride, 21 respectively, among Quebec seniors started on 1 of such agents between 1994 and 1997. Among the 5 factors observed to be important bx; 1predictors of acarbose persistence in either cohort, only 1--prescribing specialist--was predictive in seniors and SARs. The observation that patients who were prescribed their initial dispensation by an endocrinologist were more persistent with treatment might be indicative of greater persuasiveness of these specialists or of inherent differences in compliance among patients referred to these specialists. Four factors previous insulin use, initial daily acarbose dose, gastroenterologist consultation after the index dispensation, and CDS ; were predictive of acarbose treatment persistence within the seniors cohort only. For 2 of these factors previous insulin use and initial daily acarbose dose ; , between-cohort differences were statistically significant P .10 for interaction terms between cohort and each of these factors in an analysis of the 2 cohorts combined ; . A relatively higher initial daily dose 100 mg ; was an independent determinant of compliant acarbose treatment discontinuation among seniors but not SARs, which is possibly suggestive of a greater susceptibility to dosedependent adverse effects among seniors. Such a suggestion is supported by the additional importance adjusted for initial daily dose and the 4 other covariates ; of the gastroenterologist consultation after the index dispensation in this cohort. The finding of an important relative risk of consultation with a gastroenterologist in the minimum 4-month ; period of observation after the initial index ; acarbose dispensation in seniors among whom none had consulted a gastroenterologist in a minimum 1-year period antecedent to the index dispensation ; is surprising. This is perhaps because prescribing physicians are inadequately informed of or are inadequately informing their patients of the anticipated gastrointestinal tract adverse effects and the expected diminution of these adverse effects over time.9 The importance of initial daily dose and a marker of gastrointestinal tract adverse effects underscore the importance for clinicians to 1 ; start patients on lower doses of acarbose, upwardly adjusting the dose gradually as tolerance increases, 22 and 2 ; discuss the anticipated gastrointestinal tract adverse effects and their expected diminution over time during acarbose treatment with prospective acarbose recipients to improve and urispas.
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Borm, P.J.A. * , Kreyling, W. et al. 12 Coauthors ; : The potential risks of nanomaterials : a review carried out for ECETOC. Particle Fibre Toxicol. 3, 1-35 2006 ; Kreyling, W.G., Semmler-Behnke, M., Mller, W.: Ultrafine particle-lung interactions : Does size matter? J. Aerosol Med. 19, 74-83 2006 ; Schmitz, M.L. * , Krappmann, D.: Controlling NF-kB activation in T cells by costimulatory receptor. Cell Death Different. 13, 834-842 2006 ; Wegener, E., Oeckinghaus, A. * , Papadopoulou, N., Lavitas, L. * , Schmidt-Supprian, M. * , Ferch, U. * , Mak, T.W. * , Ruland, J. * , Heissmeyer, V., Krappmann, D.: Essential role for IkB kinase in remodeling carma1-Bcl10-Malt1 complexes upon T cell activation. Mol. Cell 23, 13-23 2006 ; Diehl, D. * , Oesterle, D., Elmlinger, M.W. * , Hoeflich, A. * , Wolf, E. * , Lahm, H. * : IGF-II transgenic mice display increased aberrant colon crypt multiplicity and tumor volume after 1, 2-demethylhydrazine treatment. J. Carcinogenesis 5, 1-14 2006 ; Gttlicher, M., Heinzel, T. * : Valproinsure in der Krebstherapie : eine alte Substanz und ein neuer Wirkmechanismus. Forum DKG Jg.21 Heft 2 ; , S. 33 2006 ; Sarioglu, H., Brandner, S., Jacobsen, C., Meindl, T. * , Schmidt, A. * , Kellermann, J. * , Lottspeich, F. * , Andrae, U.: Quantitative analysis of 2, 3, 7, proteome alterations in 5L rat hepatoma cells using isotope-coded protein lables. Proteomics 6, 2407-2421 2006 ; Topinka, J., Loli, P. * , Dusinska, M. * , Hurbankova, M. * , Kovacikova, Z. * , Volkovova, K. * , Kazimirova, A. * , Barancokova, M. * , Tatrai, E. * , Wolff, T., Oesterle, D., Kyrtopoulos, S.A. * , Georgiadis, P. * : Mutagenesis by manmade mineral fibres in the lung of rats. Mutat. Res.-Fund. Mol. Mech. Mutat. 595, 174-183 2006 ; Topinka, J., Loli, P. * , Hurbankova, M. * , Kovacikova, Z., Volkovova, K. * , Wolff, T., Oesterle, D., Kyrtopoulos, S.A. * , Georgiadis, P. * : Benzo[a]pyrene-enhanced mutagenesis by man-made mineral fibres in the lung of alphalacl transgenic rats. Mutat. Res.-Fund. Mol. Mech. Mutat. 595, 167-173 2006 ; Braun, R.J., Zischka, H., Madeo, F. * , Eisenberg, T. * , Wissing, S. * , Bttner, S. * , Engelhardt, S.M. * , Bringer, D. * , Ueffing, M.: Crucial mitochondrial impairment upon CDC48 mutation in apoptotic yeast. J. Biol. Chem. 281, 25757-25767 2006 ; Zischka, H., Braun, R.J., Marantidis, E.P., Bringer, D. * , Bornhvd, C. * , Hauck, S.M., Demmer, O., Gloeckner, C.J., Reichert, A.S. * , Madeo, F. * , Ueffing, M.: Differential analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria by free flow electrophoresis. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 5, 2185-2200 2006 ; Hofmann, C., Ptz, C., Semder, B., Faller, T.H., Csanady, G.A., Filser, J.G.: Styrene-7, 8-oxide burden in ventilated, perfused lungs of mice and rats exposed to vaporous styrene. Toxicol. Sci. 90, 39-48 2006 ; Rossbach, B. * , Csanady, G.A. et al. 13 Coauthors ; : Biological monitoring of welders exposed to aluminium. Toxicol. Sci. 162, 239-245 2006 ; Kreyling, W.G., Semmler-Behnke, M., Mller, W.: Dosimetry, Epidemiology and Toxicology of Nanoparticles. Nanotechnologie for the Life Science ; Vol. 5, Nanomaterials - Toxicology. Health and Environmental Issues, Kumar, C.S.S.R Ed. ; , Weinheim : Wiley, 81-107 2006 ; Adam, T., Mitschke, S. * , Streibel, T., Baker, R.R. * , Zimmermann, R.: Quantitative puff-by-puff-resolved characterization of selected toxic compounds in cigarette mainstream smoke. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 19, 511-520 2006.
344-349 6 ; to assess the attitudes of pharmacists towards asthma patients and to evaluate their knowledge about how to use the metered dose inhaler.
On June 2 American Software, Inc. announced that its Board of Directors has approved a $0.01 increase to the Company's quarterly dividend to $0.07 cents per share. The Company's regular quarterly cash dividend of $0.07 per share of American Software common stock is payable on September 1, 2004 to shareholders of record at the close of business on August 19, 2004. American Software's Logility Subsidiary Announces New Business American Software's Logility Subsidiary had another busy quarter, announcing several new deals and considerable new business, including: 13th Consecutive Profitable Quarter On June 2, American Software, Inc. reported its financial results for the fourth quarter and fiscal year ended American Software, Inc. April 30, 2004, marking its thirteenth Nasdaq: AMSWA ; consecutive quarter of profitability: Total revenues for the fourth Recent Price: $6.09 quarter were $13.4 million, Market Cap: $137.0M compared to $15.0 million the Shares Outstanding: 22.5M same quarter last year Float: 18.6 M Operating income was $500, 000 52 Week Range: $3.00 - $8.50 for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2004, compared to $1.6 million during the same period last year Income from continuing operations for the fourth quarter was $221, 000 $.01 ; , compared to approximately $1.8 million $.08 ; the same quarter last year. The fourth quarter included a non-cash impairment charge of $382, 000 related to a write down of a minority investment.
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Introduction: It has been suggested that moderate red wine or also grape juice consumption have potential therapeutically benefit on many illnesses. Since the kidney is vulnerable to diverse injuries, mainly who were provoked by chronic degenerative diseases as Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome as well as acute injuries as consequence of lipopolysaccharide LPS ; and for nephrotoxic drugs as for instance, gentamicin ; it is reasonable to evaluate if Grape Skin Extract GSE ; , obtained from red wine, could present beneficial protective renal effects. One of the common patterns of chronic degenerative diseases and acute renal injuries is the alteration of viability on different renal cells. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect this extract on renal cells viability. Methods: Cells have been kept in traditional culture, already standardized in the Nephrology Division UNIFESP. GSE is a hydroalcoholic grape skin extract obtained from Vitis labrusca, a grape largely used in Brazil. GSE consists mainly of anthocyanin pigments responsible for the purple color of many fruits ; . Interest in anthocyanin pigments has intensified because of their possible health benefits. The renal cells derived from primates ; viability LLC-MK2 original, VERO, FRhK-4 ; was evaluated by three methods: 1-Acridine Orange and Etidium Bromide; 2-Trypan Blue and, 3-Violet Crystal. Each cell line was separately tested with LPS [10\mug mL], gentamicin [0.4 mg mL] and GSE [100\mug mL]. Also, they had been tested in the same concentrations but treated previously with GSE, before being damaged by LPS or gentamicin treatments. Results: The results are the averages of the tests % ; and the n corresponds to the number of experiments for each viability method. LLC-MK2 original control n 6 ; 991, GSE n 9 ; 990.5; LPS control n 9 ; 621, GSE and LPS n 12 ; 781.6 p 0.03 gentamicin control n 9 ; 582, GSE and gentamicin n 12 ; 731.6 p 0.02 ; . VERO control n 6 ; 981, GSE n 9 ; 981.5; LPS control n 9 ; 651.5, GSE and LPS n 12 ; 791.7 p 0.05 gentamicin control n 9 ; 612, GSE and gentamicin n 12 ; 731.7 p 0.05 ; . FRhK-4 control n 6 ; 981.9, GSE n 9 ; 980.9; LPS control n 9 ; 621.8, GSE and LPS n 12 ; 781.9 p 0.03 gentamicin control n 9 ; 601, GSE and gentamicin n 12 ; 741.3 p 0.04 ; . Conclusion: In the present work, the three lines of primate renal cells treated previously with GSE, before nephrotoxic drugs administration, demonstrated increase of percentual cellular viability when compared with their controls. Results indicate a positive effect of the GSE on primate renal cells viability, suggesting a protective role of GSE against renal aggressions. However, studies are necessary to evaluate the mechanism involved in these effects.
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Important steps for using condoms the right way: Open the package carefully. Hold the condom by the last 1 2 inch at the tip and squeeze out the air. If the penis is uncircumcised, pull back the foreskin. Place the condom on the tip of the penis. Unroll the condom to the base of the penis. Smooth out any extra air. If you want or need to use lubricant on the condom, only use water-based lubricants like KY Jelly or Surgilube. Do not use oil-based lubricants. They can weaken condoms and cause them to break. Do not use petroleum jelly, cooking or vegetable oil, mineral or baby oil, massage oil, butter or margarine, or oil-based creams or lotions. Immediately after ejaculation, hold the condom firmly by the rim at the base of the penis, and pull the penis and condom out of the vagina together while the penis is still erect. Look carefully at the condom to see if there is a hole in the condom. If you are not sure, fill the condom with water to see if it leaks. Discard the condom. Wrap it in tissue and throw it away. Do not flush it down the toilet. Never re-use a condom.
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