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Anti-mycobacterial drugs Side effects Rifampicin Isoniazid Erhambutol Pyrazinamide Ciprofloxacin Hepatotoxicity, reddish discolouration of urine, sputum, tears, permanent discolouration of soft contact lenses. Serious interactions with many antivirals Hepatotoxicity, haemolysis, peripheral neuropathy avoid by co-administration of pyridoxine ; . Ocular toxicity therefore arrange for opthalmology appointment ; , red green colour blindness, peripheral neuritis. Gout and hepatotoxicity Mostly GI disturbances - nausea etc. Also headaches, dizziness, tremor, confusion, convulsions. To be used with caution in epileptics. Liver and renal disturbances also seen. Caution if G6PD deficiency. Mostly GI disturbances - nausea etc. Rashes, GI disturbances, flu like symptoms, liver toxicity and haematological disturbances. GI disturbances, dry skin, discolouration of various tissues and blody fluids e.g. skin and hair, pruritis, photosensitivity, acneform eruption. Nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity therefore monitor levels and renal function.

Tetracyclines $5 doxycycline VIBRAMYCIN ; $5 tetracycline ACHROMYCIN ; Urinary Tract Anti-Infectives $5 trimethoprim PROLOPRIM ; $10 methenamine mand. MANDELAMINE ; $25 methenamine hipp. HIPREX UREX ; $25 nitrofurantoin MACRODANTIN ; $30 nitrofurantoin susp. FURADANTIN ; $40 nitrofurantoin SR MACROBID ; Other Anti-Bacterials $5 tmp smx SEPTRA, BACTRIM ; $5 metronidazole FLAGYL ; $15-30 clindamycin CLEOCIN ; $20 sulfisoxazole GANTRISIN ; $40 neomycin NEOMYCIN ; $775 atovaquone MEPRON ; ANTI-FUNGALS $5 nystatin MYCOSTATIN ; $15 fluconazole DIFLUCAN ; 150mg X 1 $15 griseofulvin FULVICIN P G ; $20-60 fluconazole DIFLUCAN ; $25 ketoconazole NIZORAL ; $70 clotrimazole MYCELEX ; $150-295 flucytosine ANCOBON ; ANTI-MALARIALS $5 quinine sulfate VARIOUS ; $10 hydroxychloroquine PLAQUENIL ; $10 primaquine PRIMAQUINE ; $10 pyrimethamine DARAPRIM ; $25 chloroquine ARALEN ; ANTI-MYCROBACTERIALS $5 clofazimine LAMPRENE ; $5 isoniazid INH ; $5-10 dapsone DAPSONE ; $110 rifampin RIMACTANE ; $120 pyrazinamide PZA ; $130 rifampin isoniazid RIFAMATE ; $135 ethambutol MYAMBUTOL ; $215 rifabutin MYCOBUTIN ; $230 cycloserine SEROMYCIN ; $285 rifampin isoniazid pyrazine RIFATER ; ANTI-RETROVIRALS Non- Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors $320 delavirdine RESCRIPTOR ; b $370 nevirapine VIRAMUNE ; b $435 efavirenz SUSTIVA ; b Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors $160 lamivudine Epivir-HBV ; $260 zalcitabine HIVID ; $270 didanosine VIDEX ; $305 emtricitabine EMTRIVA ; b and myambutol.

Patients with AIDS, proper microbiological diagnosis is key for management of these patients. Histopathologically, lesions in immunocompromised patients can be atypical Bartralot et al. 2000 ; . While HAART to improve immune function is the cornerstone in management of MAC infection in AIDS, clinicians should be aware that osteoarticular, cutaneous, and other unusual disease presentations can also develop or exacerbate when cellular immunity is restored Nalaboff et al. 2000 ; . The diagnosis should be clear for all the above infections if careful attention is paid to proper biopsy, histopathology, microbial identification and susceptibility testing. Therapy is complex and multiple drug-drug interactions occur especially for patients taking other medications such as HIV therapy ; . Consultation with experts in treating these infections is recommended. Therapy is typically continued for 1224 months and consists of multiple antibiotics typically including clarithromycin, rifampin and ethambutol. Additional therapy such as an aminoglycoside i.e. amikacin ; is sometimes included for a limited time. In many cases, especially if there is devitalized tissue, surgery can also contribute to curative therapy. In cases of severe tenosynovitis of the wrist or hand, patients require extensive debridement often along the entire length of the tendon sheath. Splinting immediately after the procedure is often done and aggressive hand physical therapy as soon as wound healing allows is often undertaken.

Table 3. Recommended doses of essential tuberculosis drugs Tuberculosis drug Mode of action Recommended dose and range ; mg kg ; daily Isoniazid Rifampicin Pyrazinamide Ehambutol Streptomycin Bactericidal Bactericidal Bactericidal Bacteriostatic Bactericidal 5 46 ; 10 812 ; 25 2030 ; 15 1520 ; 15 1218 ; 3x per week 10 812 ; 10 812 ; 35 3040 ; 30 2535 ; 15 1218 and etoposide. CLeoCIN caps 75 mg clindamycin . clobetasol propionate . clonidine . 11, 13 clotrimazole betamethasone dipropionate . clotrimazole crm . clozapine 25 mg, 100 mg CLoZARIL See clozapine CLoZARIL 12.5 mg, 50 mg CodeINe SuLFAte . colchicine . CoMBIPAtCH . CoMBIVeNt . CoMBIVIR . CoMPAZINe . See prochlorperazine CoMtAN . CoNdyLoX . See podofilox CoPAXoNe . CoPeguS . CoRdARoNe . See amiodarone CoReg . CoRgARd . See nadolol CoRteF . See hydrocortisone CoRteF 5 mg, 10 mg cortisone acetate . CoRtISPoRIN . See neomycin polymyxin B hydrocortisone CoSoPt CouMAdIN . See warfarin sodium CoZAAR . CReStoR . CRIXIVAN . CRoLoM . See cromolyn sodium cromolyn sodium . cyclobenzaprine . cyclosporine . cyclosporine modified . CytAdReN . CytoMeL . CytoteC . See misoprostil dANAZoL . dAPSoNe . dARVoCet-N . See propoxyphene napsylate acetaminophen ddAVP . See desmopressin acetate deCAdRoN . See dexamethasone deLAteStRyL . See testosterone enanthate deNAVIR . dePAKote . dePAKote tabs . desmopressin acetate inj . desmopressin acetate nasal desmopressin acetate tabs . desonide . deSoWeN . desonide deSyReL . See trazodone detRoL . detRoL LA dexamethasone . deXAMetHASoNe 1 mg, 2 mg deXedRINe . See dextroamphetamine dextroamphetamine . diclofenac sodium dR diclofenac sodium eR dicloxacillin . dicyclomine . didanosine dR dIFLuCAN . See fluconazole digoxin dILANtIN . See phenytoin sodium extended . See phenytoin susp dILANtIN caps 30 mg diltiazem . diltiazem eR dIoVAN . dIoVAN HCt . dIPeNtuM . diphenoxylate atropine dIPRoLeNe . See betamethasone dipropionate, augmented dIPRoSoNe . See betamethasone dipropionate dipyridamole . disopyramide phosphate . disopyramide phosphate eR 150 mg dISPeRMoX . dItRoPAN . See oxybutynin dItRoPAN XL doVoNeX . doxazosin . 11, 13, 18 doxepin . 11, 16 doxycycline hyclate . doxycycline hyclate tabs 20 mg duRAgeSIC . See fentanyl transdermal dyAZIde . See triamterene hydrochlorothiazide caps 37.5 25 dyphylline . eC-NAPRoSyN See naproxen dR econazole . eFFeXoR . eFFeXoR XR eLIdeL . eLIMIte . See permethrin eMLA . See lidocaine prilocaine enalapril . eNBReL . eNtoCoRt eC ePIPeN . ePIVIR . ePIVIR HBV . ePZICoM . ergoloid mesylates . eRtACZo . eRy-tAB eRyC . erythromycin dR erythromycin . erythromycin sulfisoxazole . erythromycin dR eRytHRoMyCIN FILMtAB . eStRACe See estradiol estradiol . ethambutol . etHMoZINe . ethosuximide . eVIStA . eXeLdeRM . eXeLoN . FABRAZyMe . famotidine . FAZACLo . fentanyl patches . fexofenadine . FLAgyL . metronidazole flecainide . FLeXeRIL . See cyclobenzaprine FLoMAX . FLoNASe . FLoRINeF . See fludrocortisone acetate FLoVeNt HFA . FLoVeNt RotAdISK . FLoXIN otIC . fluconazole . fludrocortisone acetate . FLuMAdINe . rimantadine fluocinolone acetonide . fluocinonide . FLuoR-oP See fluorometholone fluorometholone . fluorouracil . fluoxetine fluphenazine . FoRAdIL . FoSAMAX fosinopril . furosemide . FuZeoN . gabapentin . ganciclovir . gemfibrozil gentamicin geodoN . 10, 11 gLeeVeC . glipizide . glipizide eR gLuCAgoN KIt . gLuCAtRoL . See glipizide gLuCAtRoL XL See glipizide eR gLuCoPHAge See metformin gLuCoPHAge XR See metformin eR gLuCoVANCe glyburide metformin glyburide . glyburide metformin . goLyteLy gRIFuLVIN V gRIS-Peg griseofulvin microsize susp guaifenesin . guANIdINe . HALFLyteLy . haloperidol . HALoPeRIdoL 10 mg, 20 mg HAVRIX . HeCtoRoL . heparin sodium inj . HuMALog . HuMALog MIX 75 25 . HuMuLIN L . HuMuLIN u HydeRgINe . See ergoloid mesylates hydralazine . hydrochlorothiazide caps . hydrochlorothiazide tabs . hydrocodone acetaminophen . hydrocortisone . hydrocortisone acetic acid . hydrocortisone 20 mg . hydrocortisone enema . hydroxychloroquine . hydroxyzine hcl . hydroxyzine pamoate . hyoscyamine sulfate . HytoNe . See hydrocortisone HytRIN . See terazosin HyZAAR ibuprofen . IMduR See isosorbide mononitrate IMItReX inj . IMItReX nasal . IMItReX tabs IMuRAN . See azathioprine indapamide . INdeRAL . See see propranolol INdoCIN . See see indomethacin. TABLE 3. Characteristics and findings of and vepesid.

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Of these findings will be discussed followed by a review on the management of CFA patients. A RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW OF MYCOBACTERIUM AVIUM-INTRACELLULARE COMPLEX MAC ; PULMONARY INFECTION IN A TERTIARY CHEST HOSPITAL Dr Yim Chie-wai, Department of Respiratory Medical, Kowloon Hospital December 2001 Respiratory Medicine Exit Assessment Exercise ; Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex MAC ; has been increasingly recognized as a cause of pulmonary infection associated with chronic lung disease. A retrospective study was undertaken to review the clinical characteristics, treatment protocol and outcome of MAC pulmonary infection in Respiratory Medical Department, Kowloon Hospital. Medical records were reviewed for the period from 1 January 1999 to 30 April 2001. A total of 47 patients with repeated positive isolates from sputum bronchial aspirate were included. Twenty-seven patients had persistent colonization of MAC without evidence of progressive disease. Twenty patients who had evidence of progressive pulmonary disease were included in the analysis. They were given a course of anti-MAC treatment. In patients with MAC pulmonary disease, the most common clinical symptom was recurrent haemoptysis 90% ; . The most common underlying lung diseases were old tuberculosis 45% ; and bronchiectasis 35% ; . Among the twenty patients who had received anti-MAC treatment, the most common drug regimen was a combination of rifampicin, clarithromycin and ethambutol. Two patients had their treatment recently started. Two patients had withdrawn from treatment because of drug intolerance. Among the other 16 patients on treatment, ten patients 62.5% ; had the sputum culture converted negative. The mean time from treatment to culture negativity was 7.35.5 months range 3-17 months ; . Among the ten patients with successful sputum conversion, microbiological relapse was only found in one patient. Clinical and radiological improvement was found in 4 patients 4 10, 40% ; . NEUROPSYCHIATRIC MANIFESTATIONS OF SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS Dr Leung Moon Ho, Alexander, Department of Medicine, Queen Elizabeth Hospital December 2001 Rheumatology Exit Assessment Exercise ; Aims 1 ; To determine the prevalence of neuropsychiatric NP ; manifestations, its association with clinical features and mortality pattern in a prospective cohort of systemic lupus erythematosus SLE ; patients. 2 ; To report a series of lupus patients with cerebrovascular disease CVD. As + ; MK-801, which also block physiological processes such as LTP Frankiewicz et al., 1996 ; . We recently systematically addressed the issue whether memantine is able to differentiate better between the physiological and pathological activation of NMDA receptors in hippocampal slices Frankiewicz and Parsons, 1998 ; . We compared the effects of different concentrations of memantine and + ; MK-801 with those of 5, 7-DCKA and CGP 37849 glycineB and competitive antagonists respectively ; on the induction of LTP and 7 min of profound hypoxia hypoglycmia-induced damage in CA1 of hippocampal slices in vitro. Memantine, + ; MK-801, 5, 7-DCKA and CGP 37849 blocked the induction of LTP with IC50s of 11.6, 0.13, 2.53 and 0.37 mM respectively. The same drugs were able to block hypoxia hypoglycmia-induced depression of fEPSP amplitude with IC50s of 14.8, 0.53, 3.30 and 4.3 mM respectively. The relative in vitro side effect benefit ratios--hereafter termed `in vitro TI' where as follows: memantine and + ; MK-801, 0.78 and 0.28 respectively; 5, 7-DCKA and CGP 37849, 0.77 and 0.09 respectively. These results show that memantine and a glycineB antagonist exhibit a better therapeutic profile than + ; MK-801 and a competitive NMDA receptor antagonist, even when tested in a severe model of hypoxia ischmia see Table 1 ; . On the basis of the clear neuroprotective effects observed with lower concentrations of memantine in cell cultures detailed above, it may be assumed that in milder forms of pathology, the observed differences in the `in vitro TIs' will remain the same or increase but that the absolute values can be expected to be higher and famciclovir. Oven a 15-month period, 68 patients with pituitary masses proved on clinical on pathologic examination to be adenomas were examined. All patients were aged on a 1.5-T Signa GE Medical tems, Milwaukee ; superconducting in Ti-weighted coronal and sagittal planes with a repetition time TR. Back to top ; what are the possible side effects of ethambutol and femara. Polymeric modifiers and pharmaceutical compositions : c08f 216 20, 222 c08g 65 332, a61k 47 48, 38 japan pct jp04 004134 & 24 03 2004 wo 04 085500 na na na name of applicant: sankyo company limited, address of the applicant: 5-1, nihonbashi honcho 3-chome, chuo-ku, tokyo 103-8426, japan, because what is ethambutol.

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75th Congress of the American Heart Association AHA ; . Annual scientific session. Chicago, USA 2002, November 17-20 American Heart Association AHA ; , 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75231-4596, USA Tel: 1 214 706 Fax: 1 214 373 americanheart Colloquium-convergences 12, rue de la Croix-Faubin 75557 Paris Cedex 11 Tel: 01 44 64 Fax: 01 44 64 webcardio Albine conseil 67, rue Anatole-France 92300 Levallois Perret Tel: 01 41 05 Fax: 01 41 05 webcardio ISCP, PO box 231, CH-8030 Zurich, Switzerland Tel: 41 1 252 Fax: 41 1 251 Dr Tse Tak-Fu, Hong Kong College of Cardiology, c o Hong Kong Medical Association, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennesy road, PO Box 1957, Gen Post Office, Wanchai, Hong Kong and metronidazole.
For P carinii. Results of human immunodeficiency virus testing were negative, and the CD4 count was normal. Antitubercubous chemotherapy isoniazid, nifampin, ethambutol hydrochloride, and pyrazinamide ; was started. Follow-up nanegative diognaphy performed 2 months after anti. Table 2. MIC of ethambutol in the presence of ODSs for M. smegmatis in broth cultures Initial ODS Strain * ATCC 607 and tamsulosin.

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Question 14. c1: What treatment regimen should be initiated? Consensus Statement: Isoniazid, rifampicin and pyrazinamide, which are eliminated almost entirely by biliary excretion or metabolized into non-toxic compounds, can be given in normal dosages in patients with renal failure 70, 72 ; . The safest regimen to be administered in patients with renal failure is 2HRZ 6HR. Precautions and monitoring: Drugs that are nephrotoxic or are cleared by the kidneys should be avoided, i.e. streptomycin, ethambutol, kanamycin, capreomycin, cycloserine and thiocetazone. If drug resistance or toxicity requires the use of any of these drugs, they should be given in normal dose size but a longer than normal intervals. If drug resistance or toxicity requires the use of any of these drugs, they should be given in normal dose size but a longer than normal intervals. Where facilities are available to monitor renal function closely, it may be possible to give streptomycin and ethambutol in reduced doses In severe renal failure, patients should receive pyridoxine with isoniazid in order to prevent peripheral neuropathy and florinef.
WHERE HELP RECEIVED IN PRISON - 10B Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F2 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right Missing Values: -8, -9 Value 1 2 3 Label in at on the prison health care facility or me a hospital outside the prison the wing in the prison somewhere else?. Exceptions included the MICs for amikacin and DSA in M. avium strain 25291 in agar and broth 8.0 g ml and 2.0 g ml, and 6.25 g ml and 25.0 g ml, respectively ; and streptomycin in strain Ben 2.0 g ml and 8.0 g ml in agar and broth, respectively ; . MAP ATCC 43544 ; Ben-A and the laboratory adapted Ben-B were significantly divergent MIC 4 fold difference ; by the broth method for amikacin and streptomycin. All isolates used in this study were resistant to isoniazid MIC 0.4 g ml ; and ethambutol MIC 8 g ml ; data not shown ; . Two strains, #47 ileum and #44 fecal, could not be evaluated in the BACTEC system due to poor or erratic growth, irrespective of inoculum size or mycobactin J concentration, which prevented an accurate assessment of actual MICs to the various drugs inhibitors tested in this study and fludrocortisone and ethambutol.

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But if a person is severely immunodeficient, the organisms may multiply out of control, unchecked by an immune response, and may spread into the blood and other tissues and organs: this is known as disseminated MAC. Symptoms Symptoms of MAC are generally non-specific. They may include: anaemia; lymph node swelling; fever; nightsweats; fatigue; loss of appetite; weight loss; abdominal pain and diarrhoea. How is it diagnosed? MAC is diagnosed through a blood or tissue culture. Can I prevent it? If you have a low CD4 count, especially one of less than 100, you should take the risk of MAC seriously. Talk with your doctor. Two drugs, clarithromycin and azithromycin are approved as propyhlaxis against MAC, for people whose CD4 counts are 50 or less. How is it treated? If disseminated MAC infection is definitely diagnosed, it is usually treated with a combination of drugs. The drugs used include clarithromycin sold as Klacid ; , plus a drug called ethambutol, plus rifabutin. Once commenced MAC treatment should continue indefinitely. Isoniazid, rifampin, and ehhambutol are indicated for m tuberculosis, and fungal infections require amphotericin percutaneous drainage diagnostic aspiration under ultrasound guidance carries minimal morbidity. The five essential drugs used for the treatment of tuberculosis are: Rifampin Isoniazid H ; Ethambutool E ; Pyrazinamide Z ; Streptomycin S ; In brackets are the standard abbreviations for these drugs. How TB drugs are given: The drugs are given in combination regimens ; Never give the drugs singly Never give the drugs in unknown regimens The regimens: Have been combined according to specific scientific guidelines Have a specified duration Specify how the drugs are to be given during treatment Have a standardized short-hand that is easily read and understood internationally Treatment duration is always divided into two parts: Intensive phase Continuation phase Intensive phase in cases of 8 months duration ; takes 2 months with 4 drugs being used. While the continuation phase takes 6 months with 2 drugs used. The number of tablets or capsules prescribed per-day depends on the strength of the prescription drug generic for ethambktol and myambutol. Two cases fall into this category. The phonoangiogram of one of these case 11, table 1 ; appeared similar in configuration along the course of the left common carotid artery, over the bifurcation, and over the base of the heart. The bruit over the bifurcation was therefore diagnosed as indicative of a radiated basal heart murmur. In this instance the occluded internal carotid artery did not give rise directly or indirectly to any detectable sound separate from the radiated basal murmur. The second patient fig. 3a ; had a phonoangiogram that showed a very low intensity 500 Hz peak over the right carotid bifurcation that was not seen on analysis of the basal heart murmur or over the right common carotid artery. The phonoangiogram was read as nondefinitive, although the interpreter suggested that the very low intensity 500 Hz peak was the result of cross-neck radiation of the loud bruit arising from the patient's tightly stenotic left internal carotid artery. In support of this conclusion the 500 Hz peak was no longer present on either side after a left internal carotid endarterectomy fig. 3b.

All Grade 3 and 4 skin rashes will be reported to the principal investigator within 48 hours of the event. The Supplemental Toxicity Table for Grading Severity of Cutaneous Skin Rash Dermatitis Adverse Experiences MUST be used for grading these toxicities. 9.6 Criteria for Treatment Discontinuation Subjects experiencing a Grade 3 or 4 adverse event as noted in the appropriate Toxicity table will be followed closely. Study drug may be withheld or discontinued permanently if the AE is thought to be possibly related to the study drug, as judged by the on-site clinician. 10.0 10.1 PART I STATISTICAL CONSIDERATIONS General Design Issues. This diversity of causality is reflected directly in the five-axis diagnostic method used by all doctors and health professionals working in mental health.

Introduction: Optical coherence tomography is an optical imaging technique that provides reproducible images of the retinal nerve fiber layer RNFL ; . In scanning laser polarimetry, the retina in and around the optic nerve head is probed with polarized light to detect RNFL phase retardation, which is converted to RNFL thickness Purpose: To compare the RNFL thickness obtained by scanning laser polarimetry with variable cornea compensator GDx-VCC ; and optical coherence tomography Stratus OCT ; in glaucomatous patients Methods : Twenty-nine eyes of eighteen patients were included. The patients had glaucoma, best-corrected visual acuity of 20 60 better, neither significant media opacity nor other significant ocular disease. Peripapillary RNFL thickness was obtained by GDx and OCT using circles with radius of 1.4 mm, 1.8 mm and 2.2 mm centered on the optic disc. The average RNFL thickness of each circle obtained by both devices was compared. A linear mixed model was used to adjust for correlations between measurements of both eyes of the same individual Results: The Lin's concordance correlation coefficients between OCT and GDx measurements at 1.4-mm, 1.8-mm and 2.2-mm radii circles were 0.07 P 0.03 ; , 0.06 P 0.13 ; and 0.11 P 0.09 ; , respectively. The mean differences between OCT and GDx measurements at 1.4-mm, 1.8-mm and 2.2-mm radii circles were 42.35 m 95% Confidence Interval [CI]: 37.46 to 47.25 m; P 0.001 ; , 31.00 m 95% CI: 26.37 to 35.63 m; P 0.001 ; and 24.50 m 95%CI: 19.99 to 29.00 m; P 0.001 ; , respectively. The mean ratios of OCT to GDX measurements at 1.4-mm, 1.8mm and 2.2-mm radii circles were 2.1 95% CI: 1.92 to 2.20; P 0.001 ; , 1.9 95% CI: 1.7 to 2.1; P 0.001 ; and 1.8 95% CI: 1.6 to 1.9; P 0.001 ; , respectively Conclusions: There is poor agreement between OCT and GDx RNFL thickness measurements in glaucomatous patients. The RNFL thickness obtained using Stratus OCT is about two-fold thicker than GDx-VCC measurements References : 1. Weinreb RN, Bowd C, Zangwill LM. Glaucoma detection using scanning laser polarimetry with variable corneal polarization compensation. Arch Ophthalmol. 2003; 121: 218224 Bowd C, Weinreb RN, Williams JM, Zangwill LM. The retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in ocular.

Abbreviations : AMI, amikacin ; AZI, azithromycin ; CIP, ciprofloxacin ; CLA, clarithromycin ; CLO, clofazimine ; EMB, ethamburol ; INH, isoniazid ; i.p., intraperitoneally ; MAC, Mycobacterium aviumintracellulare complex ; RFB, rifabutin ; RMP, rifampicin ; SO, smooth opaque ; SPA, sparfloxacin ; ST, smooth transparent. 0002-4177 # 2000 SGM.

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62 Hussels H, Kroening U, Magdorf K 1973 ; . Ethakbutol and rifampicin serum levels in children: second report on combined administration of ethambutol and rifampicin. Pneumologie, 149: 3138. Junnanond C, Chotibut S, Lawtiantong T 1983 ; . Safety evaluation of ethambutol in children. Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand, 66: 7779. Mankodi NA et al. 1970 ; Ethambutol in unresponsive childhood tuberculosis. Indian Pediatrics, 7: 202211. Medical Research Council Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases Unit 1989 ; . Management and outcome of chemotherapy for childhood tuberculosis. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 64: 10041012. Mrida de Len JC 1971 ; . Tratamiento de la tuberculosis pulmonar con isoniacida y jarabe de Myambutol en nios [Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis with isoniazid and Myambutol syrup]. Revisita del Collegio Medico de Guatemala, 22: 4855. Mir ES et al. 1990 ; . Tratamiento de seis meses en tuberculosis pulmonar infantil. Revision de 11 casos [Six months' treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in children]. Anales espanoles de pediatria, 32: 303306. Nagy A et al. 1980 ; . Studiu privind toxitatea ocular a etambutolui [Study of the ocular toxicity of ethambutol]. Revista de igiena, bacteriologie, virusologie, parazitologie, epidemiologie, pneumoftiziologie. Pneumoftiziologia, 29: 163166. Palme IB et al. 2002 ; . Impact of human immunodeficiency virus 1 infection on clinical presentation, treatment outcome and survival in a cohort of Ethiopian children with tuberculosis. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 21: 10531061. Patwardhan P, Bhatia M, Merchant SM 1970 ; . Ethambutol in primary childhood tuberculosis. Indian Pediatrics, 7: 194201. Prachakvej P, Subharngkahen I 1979 ; . Visual loss from ethambutol. Siriraj Hospital Gazette, 31: 908 912. Ramachandran P et al. 1986 ; . Three chemotherapy studies of tuberculous meningitis in children. Tubercle, 67: 1729. Scheffler NK 1971 ; . Augenuntersuchungen bei der behandelung mit ethambutol in zwei verscheidenen Dosierungen im Kindesalter [Eye examination of children treated with ethambutol under two different dosage schedules]. Pneumonologie, 145: 396400. Schmid PC 1970 ; . Discussion on Myambutol ethambutol ; . Antibiotica et Chemotherapia, 16: 305 315. Schmid PC 1981 ; . Ethambutol- und Rifampicin-vertrglikeit und -dosierung im Kindesalter [Ethambutol and rifampicin tolerance and dosages in childhood]. Pdiatrische Praxis, 25: 207209. Seth V et al. 1991 ; . Visual evoked responses in tuberculous children on ethambutol treatment. Indian Pediatrics, 28: 713717. Singh SB et al. 1992 ; . Osteoarticular tuberculosis in children. Indian Pediatrics, 29: 11331137. Zhu M et al. 2004 ; Pharmacokinetics of ethambutol in children and adults with tuberculosis. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 8: 13601367.
Dihydroergotamine, Cont. ; 1 Selective 5-HT1 Receptor Agonists, 1052 1 Sibutramine, 1063 1 Sumatriptan, 1052 2 Timolol, 530 1 Troleandomycin, 531 1 Zolmitriptan, 1052 Dihydrotachysterol, 5 Bendroflumethiazide, 1309 5 Benzthiazide, 1309 5 Chlorthalidone, 1309 5 Hydrochlorothiazide, 1309 5 Hydroflumethiazide, 1309 5 Indapamide, 1309 5 Methyclothiazide, 1309 5 Metolazone, 1309 5 Polythiazide, 1309 5 Quinethazone, 1309 5 Thiazide Diuretics, 1309 5 Trichlormethiazide, 1309 4 Verapamil, 1300 Dihydroxyaluminum Sodium Carbonate, 5 Acetophenazine, 940 5 Aminoquinolones, 36 5 Chloroquine, 36 5 Chlorpromazine, 940 4 Ethambutol, 544 5 Ethopropazine, 940 5 Fluphenazine, 940 5 Mesoridazine, 940 5 Methdilazine, 940 5 Methotrimeprazine, 940 5 Perphenazine, 940 5 Phenothiazines, 940 5 Prochlorperazine, 940 5 Promazine, 940 5 Promethazine, 940 5 Propiomazine, 940 5 Thiethylperazine, 940 5 Thioridazine, 940 5 Trifluoperazine, 940 5 Triflupromazine, 940 5 Trimeprazine, 940 Dilacor XR, see Diltiazem Dilantin, see Phenytoin Dilatrate, see Isosorbide Dinitrate Dilaudid, see Hydromorphone Diltiazem, 2 Aminophylline, 1187 4 Amiodarone, 40 4 Atenolol, 224 2 Atorvastatin, 632 4 Benzodiazepines, 188 4 Beta Blockers, 224 2 Buspirone, 258 2 Carbamazepine, 276 2 Cerivastatin, 632 4 Cimetidine, 504 4 Cisapride, 312 2 Cyclosporine, 399 4 Digoxin, 478 3 Encainide, 524 4 Histamine H2 Antagonists, 504 2 HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors, 632 4 Imipramine, 1258 4 Insulin, 700 4 Lithium, 766 2 Lovastatin, 632 4 Metoprolol, 224 4 Midazolam, 188 2 Moricizine, 505 3 Nifedipine, 878 Diltiazem, Cont. ; 2 Oxtriphylline, 1187 4 Pindolol, 224 4 Propranolol, 224 2 Quinidine, 1007 4 Ranitidine, 504 2 Simvastatin, 632 Sirolimus, 1154 2 Tacrolimus, 1154 2 Theophylline, 1187 2 Theophyllines, 1187 4 Triazolam, 188 4 Tricyclic Antidepressants, 1257 Dimethyl Sulfoxide, 4 Sulindac, 1130 Diphenoxylate, 5 Quinidine, 1008 Diphenoxylate Atropine, 5 Quinidine, 1008 Diphylline, 5 Propofol, 996 Diprivan, see Propofol Dipyridamole, 2 Adenosine, 15 4 Indomethacin, 506 Dirithromycin, 2 Aminophylline, 1204 1 Anticoagulants, 109 5 Contraceptives, Oral, 356 2 Oxtriphylline, 1204 2 Theophylline, 1204 2 Theophyllines, 1204 1 Warfarin, 109 Disalcid, see Salsalate Disopyramide, 4 Acebutolol, 507 5 Anticoagulants, 87 Antihistamines, Nonsedating, 154 4 Atenolol, 507 4 Beta Blockers, 507 4 Betaxolol, 507 4 Carteolol, 507 4 Cimetidine, 508 1 Cisapride, 307 4 Clarithromycin, 510 5 Dicumarol, 87 5 Digoxin, 479 4 Erythromycin, 510 4 Esmolol, 507 2 Ethotoin, 509 1 Grepafloxacin, 59 4 Histamine H2 Antagonists, 508 2 Hydantoins, 509 Macrolide Antibiotics, 154 4 Macrolide Antibiotics, 510 2 Mephenytoin, 509 4 Metoprolol, 507 4 Nadolol, 507 4 Penbutolol, 507 2 Phenytoin, 509 4 Pindolol, 507 4 Propranolol, 507 4 Quinidine, 511 1 Quinolones, 59 2 Rifampin, 512 1 Sparfloxacin, 59 4 Timolol, 507 5 Warfarin, 87 Disulfiram, 3 Alprazolam, 189 2 Aminophylline, 1188 4 Amitriptyline, 516 4 Amoxapine, 516 2 Anticoagulants, 88. Rifampicin Ethambutol Isoniazid vs. placebo.

Figure 1 and Table 1 show research and development R&D ; activity in virtually all stages of TB drug discovery and development from early discovery projects through to phase clinical testing. The drug candidates in the portfolio originate from two sources: 1 ; novel chemical entities; and 2 ; compounds from existing families of drugs, where innovative chemistry helps to optimize compounds. Examples of category 1 ; include molecules like the nitroimidazole PA-824, the diarylquinoline R207910, and the pyrrole LL-3858. Included in category 2 ; are molecules in the quinolone and macrolide families, compounds that are derivatives of various first-line drugs e.g. ethambutol and isoniazid ; and newer fluoroquinolone antibiotics e.g. moxifloxacin and gatifloxacin ; all of which have shown potent activity in vitro against M. tuberculosis. These compounds, their respective developers and the projected timetable of activities are shown in Table 2. Still to come are the expected products of rational drug design based on mycobacterial genetics and pharmacogenomics. These products should further enrich this promising group of candidate drugs.

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Pharmaceutical societies a partial list of pharmaceutical societies and associations around the world, with a link to the international pharmaceutical federation fip. High-dose vitamin E linked to increased mortality risk? Reuters Health News Link Registration required ; Ann Intern Med 2004; 141. 7Treatment Regimens in Special situation all Cases ; 17. Treatment for Pregnant Women It is important to ask a woman before she starts anti-TB chemotherapy if she is pregnant. In case facilities are available it will be ideal to get an ultrasound of pelvis carried out to confirm any product of conception. Most antiTB drugs are safe for use in pregnant women except in the first trimester. The exception is streptomycin which is ototoxic to the fetus ; should not be used in pregnancy and can be replaced by ethambutol. It is important to explain to a pregnant woman that successful treatment of TB with the recommended standardized regimen is important for a successful outcome of pregnancy. It must be stated here that all first line drugs except streptomycin are being used by doctors during pregnancy without any problem. In case of high-risk pregnancy, a specialist in tuberculosis and respiratory diseases may be consulted. 18. Treatment for Breast Feeding Women A woman who is breastfeeding and has TB should receive a full course of anti-TB chemotherapy. Timely and properly applied chemotherapy is the best way to prevent transmission of tubercle bacilli to her baby. All the anti-TB drugs are compatible with breastfeeding and a woman taking them can safely continue to breastfeed her baby. The mother and baby should stay together and the baby should continue to breast feed in the normal way. The baby should receive isoniazid prophylaxis and BCG immunization under the guidance of a specialist in paediatric tuberculosis. As long as the mother is sputum smear positive, facemask is advisable during feeding. 19. Treatment for Women taking the Oral Contraceptive Pills Rifampicin interacts with the oral contraceptive pill with a risk of decreased protective efficacy against pregnancy. A woman who usually takes the oral contraceptive pill may choose: a ; b ; Following consultation with a physician, she could take an oral Alternatively she could use another form of contraception 8 contraceptive pill containing a higher dose of estrogen 50 mcg. ACOL has consistently been found to dramatically reduce circulating cholesterol in rats 710 ; . The fact that in these studies rats were fed a cholesterol-free diet strongly points to mechanisms related to hepatic cholesterol metabolism. Recently, we found 10 ; that ACOL upregulates the abundance of 2 key hepatic receptors responsible for a large fraction of cholesterol uptake by the liver: the scavenger receptor, class B, type 1 SR-B1 ; , which selectively takes up cholesterol from HDL 1113 ; and plays a central role in reverse cholesterol transport; and the LDL receptor LDLr ; , which internalizes mainly VLDL remnants, LDL particles, and apolipoprotein apo ; E-rich HDL 14 16 ; . ACOL did not affect pathways of cholesterol synthesis 10 ; , supporting the involvement of the clearance-related receptors in its hypocholesterolemic action. As stated above, the hypocholesterolemic effect of ACOL was observed in rats fed a purified high carbohydrate diet virtually devoid of cholesterol 8 10 ; . The downregulation of the LDLr by dietary cholesterol is well established 17, 18 ; , and a recent study demonstrated an identical effect of dietary cholesterol on the SR-B1 19 ; . These considerations raise the question whether ACOL retains its capacity to upregulate.

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