AD. We have reported that ciproxifan and thioperamide can reduce scopolamine-induced errors in discriminating the location of a fixed, compared to a floating, escape platform using a two-choice discrimination version of the water maze 57, 58 ; . Similar results are seen with ABT-239, which shows dose-related reversal of scopolamineinduced deficits in the two-platform water maze. In Barnes maze studies, mice lacking H3 receptors learn spatial cues more aptly than do wild-type mice 59 ; , consistent with the concept that blockade of H3 receptors should enhance spatial reference memory. In contrast, the H3 receptor agonist R--methylhistamine also reduces scopolamine-induced deficits in the Morris water maze 60, 61.
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Human element humans urinating or defaecating in or near water. The parasite's life-cycle is a complex one and is referred to elsewhere. Clinical features depend on the phase of parasitic invasion: o Penetration of the skin by cercariae may result in a burning sensation, followed by intense itching Swimmer's Itch ; o Growing larvae schistosomulae ; circulating in the blood stream may cause a severe constitutional illness with fever, malaise, enlargement of the liver and spleen, urticaria and joint pains Katayama Syndrome ; . o The mature worms Trematodes ; settle in the portal veins and egg-laying begins. In the case of S. haematobium eggs are passed into the bladder venules and penetrate the mucosae, passing out in the urine and resulting in dysuria and haematuria. The passage of S mansoni and S japonicum eggs into the bowel may cause dysenteric symptoms. o Egg laying may continue for years with resultant fibrosis and even calcification of the bladder and ureters, strictures of the bowel and or cirrhosis of the liver Symptomatology depends on the extent of the infestation and on the child's immune status. The condition is often completely asymptomatic, and in endemic areas, a degree of immunity undoubtedly develops. Acute symptoms swimmers itch and Katayama syndrome - are usual seen in new arrivals without previous exposure. On the other hand schistosomiasis is responsible for much long-term morbidity chronic ill health, poor school performance and at a later stage chronic urinary or bowel disease. Bladder and hepatic malignancies are also considered to be an end result of long-continued infection. Treatment and prevention are discussed elsewhere. Table 18.3.
Comments: All forms of laser prostatectomy demonstrate short-term efficacy comparable to TURP except the older technique of TULIP which has all but been abandoned in favor of newer techniques and ILCP for which efficacy has not yet been demonstrated in multicenter trials ; . Holmium laser resection results in improved symptom scores, quality of life indices and flow rate approach those results obtained after TURP. Long-term durability remains to be seen. All laser treatments report decreased complication rate of bleeding, retrograde ejaculation, impotence, incontinence and post-TURP syndrome. Considerations: Laser approaches have been associated with in increased incidence of a secondary procedure and urinary retention requiring secondary catheterization. Laser therapies have been associated with increased irritative symptoms persisting longer than with standard TURP. SUMMARY TABLE OF LASER PROSTATECTOMY TECHNIQUES, for example, purchase cipro.
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| Cipro alcoholAIms: Ciprofloxacin is commonly prescribed antibiotics in treatment of genitourinary tract infection. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of Ciprofloxacin on quality and quantity of sperm production and testis apoptosis in rat. metHoDs: The twenty male Wistar rats were selected and randomly divided into two groups; control n 10 ; and experimental n 10 ; . The experimental group was orally received 12. mg kg Ciprofloxacin daily for 60 days and the control group just received water and food. Rats were then killed and sperm removed from cauda epididymis and analyzed for sperm motility, morphology, and viability. Testis tissues were also removed and prepared for Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUDP nick end labeling of DNA TUNEL ; assay for detection of apoptosis. resULts: Results showed that Ciprofloxacin significantly decreased the sperm concentration, motility and viability P 0.0 ; but had no effect on sperm morphology in compared with control group. The apoptotic cells were significantly increased in experimental group 15.5 + 10.17 ; as compared with control group 3 + 2.41 ; P 0.01 ; . coNcLUsIoN: In clinical forensic toxicology, it should be noted that Ciprofloxacin could be impaired sperm production and function. KeYWorDs: Ciprofloxacin, Testis, Apoptosis, Rat corresponding author: mghaffarin yahoo.
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References 1. B Foxman, "Epidemiology of urinary tract infections: incidence, morbidity, and economic costs", Am. J. Med. 2002 113 suppl 1A ; : 5S13S. 2. A Ronald, "The etiology of urinary tract infection: traditional and emerging pathogens", Am. J. Med. 2002 113 suppl 1A ; : 14S19S. 3. W E Stamm and T M Hooton, "Management of urinary tract infections in adults", N. Engl. J. Med. 1993 329: pp. 1, 3281, 334. L E Nicolle, T J Louie, J Dubois, A Martel, G K Harding and C P Sinave, "Treatment of complicated urinary tract infections with lomefloxacin compared with that with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole", Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1994 38: pp. 1, 3681, 373. K Gupta and W E Stamm, "Pathogenesis and management of recurrent urinary tract infections in women", World. J. Urol. 1999 17: pp. 415420. 6. W O Roberts, "Urinary tract infections and the cost of antimicrobial resistance", A Special Report, Healthcare Information Programs, Postgrad. Med. 2001 ; . 7. 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R Raz, B Chazan, Y Kennes et al, "Empiric use of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole TMP-SMX ; in the treatment of women with uncomplicated urinary tract infections, in a geographical area with a high prevalence of TMP-SMX-resistant uropathogens", Clin. Infect. Dis. 2002 34: pp. 1, 1651, 169. J W Warren, E Abrutyn, J R Hebel, J R Johnson, A J Schaeffer and W E Stamm, "Guidelines for antimicrobial treatment of uncomplicated acute bacterial cystitis and acute pyelonephritis in women", Infectious Diseases Society of America IDSA ; . Clin. Infect. Dis. 1999 29: pp. 745758. 12. K G Naber, B Bergman, M C Bishop et al, "EAU guidelines for the management of urinary and male genital tract infections", Urinary Tract Infection UTI ; Working Group of the Health Care Office HCO ; of the European Association of Urology EAU ; , Eur. Urol. 2001 40: pp. 576588. 13. J A Karlowsky, C Thornsberry, M E Jones and D F Sahm, "Susceptibility of antimicrobial-resistant urinary Escherichia coli isolates to fluoroquinolones and nitrofurantoin", Clin. Infect. Dis. 2003 36: pp. 183187. 14. K Gupta, T M Hooton and W E Stamm, "Increasing antimicrobial resistance and the management of uncomplicated community-acquired urinary tract infections", Ann. Intern. Med. 2001 135: pp. 4150. 15. K Gupta, T M Hooton, C L Wobbe and W E Stamm, "The prevalence of antimicrobial resistance among uropathogens causing acute uncomplicated cystitis in young women", Int. J. Antimicrob. Agents 1999 11: pp. 305308. 16. K Gupta, D F Sahm, D Mayfield and W E Stamm, "Antimicrobial resistance among uropathogens that cause communityacquired urinary tract infections in women: a nationwide analysis", Clin. Infect. Dis. 2001 33: pp. 8994. 17. R C Jr Owens and P G Ambrose, "Clinical use of the fluoroquinolones", Med. Clin. North Am. 2000 84: pp. 1, 4471, 469. H Stass, J Nagelschmitz, E Brendel and V-R Kanikanti, "Pharmacokinetics of a new ciprofloxacin once daily formulation for the treatment of complicated urinary tract infections" [abstract], J. Investig. Med. 2002 50: 155A, Abstract 25. 19. H Stass, J Nagelschmitz, E Brendel and F Schuekler, "Pharmacokinetic characterization of a new ciprofloxacin once daily formulation for treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infections" [abstract], J. Investig. Med. 2002 50: 155A, Abstract 24. 20. H Lode, K Borner and P Koeppe, "Pharmacodynamics of fluoroquinolones", Clin. Infect. Dis. 1998 27: pp. 3339. 21. J Turnidge, "Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of fluoroquinolones", Drugs 1999 58 suppl 2 ; : pp. 2936. 22. A Meagher, A Forrest, A Dalhoff, H Stass and J Schentag, "A novel PK PD model for prediction of outcomes with an extended release formulation of ciprofloxacin", Presented at: 42nd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy; September 27-30, 2002 San Diego, Calif. 23. D F Sahm, C Thornsberry, L J Kelly et al, "In vitro activities of commonly used antibiotics against prevalent uropathogens: implications for empiric therapy", Infect. in. Urol. 2001 14: pp. 5967. 24. X R Cipro, [Package insert], West Haven, Conn: Bayer Pharmaceuticals Corp; 2003 ; . 25. J M Woodcock, J M Andrews, F J Boswell, N P Brenwald and R Wise, "In vitro activity of BAY 12-8039, a new fluoroquinolone", Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1997 41: pp. 101106.
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153. Hawton K, Marsack P, Fagg J. The attitudes of psychiatrists to deliberate self-poisoning: comparison with physicians and nurses. Br J Med Psychol 1981; 54: 3418. Jones DR. A follow-up of self-poisoned patients. J R Coll Gen Pract 1977; 27: 7179. Haynes RB. Strategies to improve compliance for referrals, appointments and prescribed medical regimes. In: Haynes RB, Taylor DW, Sackett DL, editors. Compliance in health care. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979. 156. Van Heeringen C, Jannes S, Buylaert H, et al. The management of non-compliance with referral to out-patient after care among attempted suicide patients. Psychol Med 1995; 25: 96370. Crockett AWB. Patterns of consultation and parasuicide. BMJ 1987; 295: 476-8. Turner RM. Parasuicide in an urban general practice 19701979. J R Coll Gen Pract 1982; 32: 27381. Petrie K. Recent general practice contacts of hospitalised suicide attempters. N Z Med J 1989; 102: 1301. Gorman D, Masterton G. General practice consultation patterns before and after intentional overdose: a matched control study. Br J Gen Pract 1990; 40: 1025. Turner RJ, Morgan HG. Patterns of health care in non-fatal deliberate self-harm. Psychol Med 1979; 9: 48792. Rutz W, Von Knorring L, Walinder J. Frequency of suicide on Gotland after systematic postgraduate education of general practitioners. Acta Psychiat Scandinavica 1989; 80: 1514. Whyte IM, Dawson AH, Buckley NA, et al. A model for the management of self-poisoning. Med J Aust 1997; 167: 1426. Salkovskis PM, Atha C, Storer D. Cognitivebehavioural problem solving in the treatment of patients who repeatedly attempt suicide. A controlled trial. Br J Psychiatry 1990; 157: 8716. McLeavey BC, Daly RJ, Ludgate JW, et al. Interpersonal problem-solving skills training in the treatment of self-poisoning patients. Suicide Life Threat Behav 1994; 24: 38294. Chowdhury N, Hicks RC, Kreitman N. Evaluation of an after-care service for parasuicide attempted suicide ; patients. Soc Psychiatry 1973: 6781. 167. Welu TC. A follow-up program for suicide attempters: evaluation of effectiveness. Suicide Life Threat Behav 1977; 7: 1720. Cotgrove AJ, Zirinsky L, Black D, et al. Secondary prevention of attempted suicide in adolescence. J Adolesc 1995; 18: 56977. Linehan MM, Armstrong HE, Suarez A, et al. Cognitive behavioural treatment of chronically parasuicidal borderline patients. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1991; 48: 10604. Liberman RP, Eckman T. Behaviour therapy vs insight-oriented therapy for repeated suicide attempters. Arch Gen Psych 1981; 38: 112630. Torhorst A, Moller HJ, Burk F, et al. The psychiatric management of parasuicide patients: a controlled clinical study comparing different strategies of outpatient treatment. Crisis 1987; 8: 5361. Montgomery SA, Montgomery DB, JayanthiRani S, et al. Maintenance therapy in repeat suicidal behaviour: a placebo controlled trial. In the proceedings of the Tenth International Congress for Suicide Prevention and Crisis Intervention, 1979; Ottawa. 173. Hirsch SR, Walsh C, Draper R. Parasuicide: A review of treatment interventions. J Affect Disord 1982; 4: 299311. Montgomery SA, Roy D, Montgomery DB. The prevention of recurrent suicidal acts. Br J Clin Pharmacol 1983; 15: 1835. Torhorst A, Moller HJ, Kurz A, et al. Comparing a three month and a twelve month outpatient aftercare programme for parasuicide repeaters. In: Moller HJ, Schmidtke A, Welz R, editors. Current Issues of Suicidology. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1988: 41924. 176. Kreitman N Ed ; Parasuicide. London: John Wiley & Sons 1977; 22 and climara, for example, cipro sa.
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To ciprofloxacin. 22.2% of the isolates were resistant to azithromycin, the first resistance detected in our region. It isnt possible to demonstrate association p 0.05 ; between the levels of resistance in relation to sex, age or having lived outside of the municipality during the last three months or having travelled to other municipalities, states or countries in this period. Conclusion: With the detection of undetermined values in the susceptibility tests to ceftriaxone and a reduced susceptibility of some strains to ciprofloxacin, more careful follow up become necessary. Due to the percentage of strain resistant to azithromycin it is advisable to refrain from its use in gonococcal infections and clonazepam.
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Since 1999, all state agencies have been required to survey the agency's external customers regarding the quality of service delivered by the agency. The survey is required to be conducted every two years with the results reported to the Governor and Legislative Budget Board. For the first two reports 2000 and 2002 ; , TSBP mailed surveys to a random sample of pharmacists and pharmacies. However, beginning in January 2003, TSBP began enclosing a survey with each new pharmacist and pharmacy license issued and each pharmacist license renewal. TSBP also surveyed complainants and persons who had filed requests for records. The FY2004 customer service satisfaction report was based on data from calendar year 2003. TSBP mailed 11, 523 surveys to agency customers a 221% increase over the prior survey period, when TSBP mailed surveys to 3, 593 individuals ; . The overwhelming majority of the surveys 91% ; were mailed to licensees and we experienced an 18.8% response rate. Even though the percentage responding was less in FY2004 than in prior years, more than twice as many surveys were returned FY2004 - 2, 168 and FY2002 -989 ; . The survey asked the question, "How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the services rendered?" TSBP considered a "satisfied customer" as one who answered this question "very satisfied" or "satisfied." Using this guideline, approximately 90% of the TSBP's customers were satisfied i.e., 1, 898 of the 2, 102 respondents who answered this question said they were very satisfied or satisfied with TSBP services, overall ; . When comparing this data to the prior survey period FY2002 ; , the agency has greatly improved, in that the overall satisfaction for all customers, both licensees and non-licensees ; was only 74% in FY2002. The data also shows that the agency's customers are especially satisfied with TSBP's staff, communications, and web page which were also the areas of greatest satisfaction in the prior customer service survey. However, after reviewing the comments from the Customer Service Survey in FY2002, TSBP implemented the following two major changes in FY2003: 1 ; a new telephone line with a queue system was installed, so that callers could speak with a "live" person the majority of the time rather than leave a voice-mail message; and 2 ; procedures were established whereby the front desk reception area was notified of all employees' schedules, because pasquale cipro.
In April 2004 the University of Kent organized an inter-disciplinary conference on `Connecting Cultures'. I delivered one of the plenary lectures, `The Narratives and Counter-Narratives of Zimbabwean Asylum: female voices', subsequently published in The Third World Quarterly. In what I said there I was reflecting the state of the early stages of the asylum dialogue. Asylum-seekers were pressing in with evidence of a nation which had gone to extremes and in which people were being polarized between `patriots' and `traitors'. The Home Office was seeking to rebut them by insisting on what one might call `normal' definitions of human rights abuse. People were at risk if they had been attacked by agents of the state. They were not at risk, the Home Office held, if they had been attacked by non-state extremists like youth militia or war veterans. People were at risk if they had been leaders of the opposition party. They were not at risk if they were mere supporters or relatives. I can repeat one example here. An eighteen year old girl in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe's second city, stated in July 2002 that she "never participated in any of the activities of the MDC [but] it is not only MDC activists and members who are at risk of persecution . The [war veterans and youth militia] brutalise anyone who they think is not with ZANU-PF or has links with the MDC and are not held accountable for their actions." This A-level schoolgirl lived with her uncle in a township. The uncle was an MDC activist. In December 2001 a group of four Zanu-PF men came to my home. They forced their way in. They took my uncle. They called him a traitor and a slave for the white people . They beat him with barbed wire. He was bleeding profusely . My uncle was taken away. Deprived of her uncle's protection the girl was an easy target and to rape the junior relative of an MDC activist was to humiliate him and his party: War veterans and youth militia would constantly come to my home . They would stay in our house and would force my mother and I to chant Zanu-PF slogans and sing ZanuPF songs. We would have to shout insults about the MDC. It was very frightening and cozaar.
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The custody of any evidence collection kit and specimens it contains must be accounted for from the moment of collection until the moment it is introduced in court as evidence. This is necessary in order to maintain the legally necessary "chain of custody". Therefore, the number of people handling the evidence should be kept to a bare minimum. Ideally, the healthcare personnel collecting the evidence should hand it over to the officer responsible for the case as soon as it is sealed. Each item of evidence in the evidence collection kit must be sealed and initialed and the outside kit envelope must also be sealed and initialed prior to providing the evidence to law enforcement. If a law enforcement officer is not immediately available to secure custody of the evidence, it is the responsibility of the licensed healthcare professional to secure the evidence in locked, refrigerated storage. Law enforcement should forward the kit to the appropriate office of the Colorado Bureau of Investigation as soon as possible.
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AREA DRUGS & THERAPEUTICS COMMITTEE : 7TH JUNE 2004 ACTION BY FONDU proposed that Qvar be added to the formulary. The Committee asked if an article on this could be put in a future edition of PostScript. DECIDED: That the Committee concur with FONDU's deliberations. Quinolones Dr Sillito advised that a meeting had been held with Microbiologists, Antibiotic Pharmacists and a representative from the Medicines Management Team, Primary Care Division, to select quinolone antibiotics appropriate to treat infections in the majority of patients and agree appropriate restrictions on their use. A background paper on the quinolone antibiotics was prepared by the Formulary Pharmacist and circulated prior to the meeting. Ciprofloxacin is the quinolone antibiotic with the widest indications and the most experience in its use. Its place in the Formulary is not being debated. The group recommended that: Ofloxacin should remain on the Formulary but its use should be restricted to pelvic inflammatory disease. Levofloxacin should not be added to the Formulary. Moxifloxacin should not be added to the Formulary at this time. A prescribing note should be added to the Formulary to remind prescribers that quinolone antibiotics will normally be used as second line therapy or on microbiological advice only. Dr Redding outlined that the Antibiotic Sub-Group in the South Division were unhappy that Levofloxacin was not on the Formulary. Dr Sillito advised that representatives from all acute sites had received all papers but not all had responded. A discussion ensued and it was DECIDED: That the Committee approve the above deliberations and detrol.
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Sigma 1-specific drug pentazocine 7 ; . However, it is also evident from the excessive binding of sigma receptor subtype non-selective ligands such as HP and DTG to breast adenocarcinomas that these cells may overexpress sigma 2 receptors albeit there is a low expression level of sigma 1 receptors 4, 7 ; . Experimentally, the binding constant of HP is about 3-fold lower than that of pentazocine to the sigma 1 site 28 ; . This shows that HP can sense the residual sigma 1 sites, which remain undetected by pentazocine in MCF-7 cells. Fig. 4 shows the presence of a possible variant of the sigma 1 receptor in MCF-7 cells. However, sigma 1 or its variants remain undetected in CHO cells under the experimental conditions. Previous studies have also corroborated the presence of sigma 1 receptor splice variants in different cells 29 ; . Therefore, the assumed sigma receptor splice variant protein as detected by Western blot may contain the ligand binding domain. The sigma ligand binding domain and the overexpressing sigma 2 sites together help the targeted lipoplex synergistically in targeting MCF-7 cells. CHO probably has an undetectable level of sigma 1 or its variant, and hence targeted gene delivery remains unnoticed in this case. Therefore, primarily the HP-associated lipoplex can target its genetic payload to MCF-7 cells in a target-specific manner by the virtue of the presence of a residual ligandbinding splice variant of sigma 1 sites and abundant sigma 2 sites in these cells, for instance, cipro on line.
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Table 1. Sensitivity patterns of the three most common organisms cultured from sputum compared with percentage use of i.v. antibiotics used during the study % sensitivity of organisms Pseudomonas aeruginosa Burkholderia cepacia Staphylococcus aureus S D R Colomycin 2 MU t.d.s. ; 100 0 0 0 100 0 0 100 Ceftazidime 3 g t.d.s. ; 69 70 4 Cotrimoxazole 1.44 g b.d. ; 16.3 0 0 100 0 75 25 100 0 0 Piperacillin 4 g t.d.s. ; 5 69 6 Meropenem 1 g t.d.s. ; 3.7 74 0 26 100 0 0 Tobramycin 100160 mg t.d.s. ; 3.7 84 2 0 Ciprofloxacin 400 mg b.d. ; 1.5 47 5 0 Aztreonam 2 g t.d.s. ; 1.5 66 4 0 100 Imipenem 500 mg t.d.s. ; 0.7 65 2 0 Susceptibility tests to all antibiotics were performed using the Stokes disc diffusion method on Diagnostic Sensitivity Testing agar. Pseudomonas aeruginosa NCTC 10662 was used as control. Isolates were categorized as: S: susceptible; D: intermediate; or R: resistant, according to the criteria laid down by the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards in 1987. Antibiotic discs were obtained from Oxoid Basingstoke, UK ; . i.v. antibiotics dose ; % of courses and claritin.
Incision and drainage of the pus Hilton's method ; . Anaesthesia to be used in exceptional cases. For abscess with large cavity such as breast abscess, drain to be kept and send pus for C S. Antibiotic cover as in the table, according to suspected organism and continued for 5-10 days till infection and inflammation subsides . Proximity of abscess to Skin Oral cavity Most likely microorganism Staph. aureus Streptococci Antibiotics recommended Cap. Ampicillin 250 mg ; 6th hourly and Cap. Cloxacillin 250 mg ; 6th hourly Inj. Procaine Penicillin 4 lac. IU ; IM after test dose or Tab. Erythromycin 250 mg ; 6th hourly Tab. Ciprofloxacin 500 mg ; twice daily OR Inj. Gentamicin 60-80 mg ; IM once a day.
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As most people taking anti-HIV meds have learned from experience, no treatment regimen is completely free from side effects. These usually manifest within a few weeks after beginning treatment or making a switch, so it's smart to give yourself a solid month or two before wandering too far from home. Irv takes 24 prescription pills a day and knows first-hand the importance of adjusting to a new regimen before hitting the road. "All the ads for new HIV medications say things like, `You can ride bikes, climb mountains, ' and I think, `Are you kidding?' Maybe after you get over the explosive diarrhea and whatever other side effects they have, " he says. "Once you start to jive with your medication, that's when I say it's time to get out of Dodge." Irv has other health issues along with HIV, including a heart condition and diabetes. When he travels, he brings his doctors' contact information, a printout of the results from his most recent viral load test and CD4 cell count, and a list of all of the prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and alternative treatments he uses and their dosages.
Afferent connectivity of the septal area in relation to motivation and learning of domestic chicks Montagnese Catherine, Zachar Gergely, Patai rpd, Szab Andrea, Csillag Andrs Semmelweis University, Department of Anatomy, Budapest Cathmon Lying between the limbic telencephalic and subtelencephalic structures, the septum is involved in the modulation of a number of behaviours courtship, reproduction, feeding, fear and defense reactions ; . Little is known on the afferentation of septum in birds. We injected either fast blue or rhodamine coated beads as retrograde tracers in the septal areas of 8 to 10-day-old domestic chicks. Exclusively ipsilateral telencephalic afferents arise from hippocampal centres, ventral pallidum, temporo-parietooccipital area, dorsolateral corticoid area and arcopallium. The main hypothalamic afferents include the lateral hypothalamic and anterior hypothalamic nuclei and preoptic areas. Fewer afferents arise from the medial hypothalamic and mammillary nuclei. Some of these hypothalamic connections were confirmed by injection of the anterograde tracer Phaseolus lectin in hypothalamic nuclei. The dorsomedial thalamus gives rise to a modest input to septum. Diencephalic contralateral projections were rare. Brainstem projections arise mainly from the ventral tegmental area, pedunculopontine tegmental and interpeduncular nuclei, locus coeruleus, pretectal area, central gray and nucleus linearis caudalis raphe nuclei ; . The afferents appear topographically organised: the ventral septum receives more hippocampal afferents than the dorsal septum. The reciprocal connection with the arcopallium, as well as the strong afferents from hippocampus and ventral tegmental area raise the possibility that the septum may play a role also in learning or motivation behaviours. To test this hypothesis, we ablated the septum of eight 1-day-old domestic chicks bilaterally, after which we trained them by a modified passive avoidance paradigm, using positive reinforcement during pretraining. The chicks did not show any learning impairment either in avoidance or reinforcement tasks. Conversely, learning deficits have been reported following lesions of certain regions projecting on the septum. Thus, the septum is likely involved in other types of behaviours e.g. spatial or social ; as expected from mammalian studies. In conclusion, the organization of avian septal afferents appears anatomically and functionally similar to that of mammals, with subtle differences.
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By poorly soluble , it is meant that the therapeutically active medicament has an aqueous solubility of less than about 1000 milligrams per liter mg l.
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