Atypical antipsychotics in the elderly. The Medical Letter 2005; 47 August 1 ; : 6162. Drug Trade Names: aripiprazole--Abilify; clozapine--Clozaril; olanzapine Zyprexa; olanzapine fluoxetine--Symbyax; quetiapine--Seroquel; risperidone--Risperdal; ziprasidone--Geodon.
Some side effects occurred more commonly, however, in the aripiprazole group, including sedation, akathisia, and gastrointestinal complaints.
I. Background General Information Clozapine is a dibenzodiazepine derivative indicated for the treatment of psychotic disorders. Numerous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of this drug for treatment-resistant patients unresponsive to standard antipsychotics, with fewer incidences of troubling extrapyramidal reactions, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, and tardive dyskinesia. However, due to the 1% to 2% incidence of agranulocytosis associated with use of the medication as well as the high cost, special protocols have been developed for prescribing and distributing the drug. A. Clozapine Monitoring Committee No patient will be started on clozapine within the outpatient clinics of Alameda County BHCS without prior approval by the Clozapine Monitoring Committee. When patients are referred to a county outpatient clinic from an inpatient facility, the referring psychiatrist is to complete the Clozapine Monitoring Committee Application Form prior to initiating clozapine. If a patient who is already receiving clozapine is admitted to any Alameda County outpatient clinic, and that patient does not meet the Clozapine Patient Criteria below, the patient will be reviewed by the assigned physician and the Clozapine Monitoring Committee for possible change to another clinically appropriate treatment. II. Clozapine Patient Criteria Patients who meet the following criteria will be considered for clozapine initiation: A. Documented history of one of the following diagnoses: 1. Severe schizophrenia 2. Severe schizo-affective disorder 3. Bipolar disorder unresponsive to treatment with lithium, carbamazepine, and valproic acid divalproex ; B. Be over the age of 16 C. history of trials with at least two different atypical ; antipsychotics which were titrated to the maximum dose, and were maintained for at least 2 months before discontinuation due to inadequacy of symptom response or adverse effects. DRUG risperidone olanzapine quetiapine ziprasidone aripiprazole DOSE 4-8mg 15-20mg 400-800mg.
Unlikely that desensitization of NSAIDs had occurred by chance because neither medication was administered daily during the course. We speculate that NSAID intolerance developed after the appearance of anosmia subsequent to a viral infection, which is reported to be the typical natural course of aspirin-induced asthma in the literature.3, 4 However, we rarely encounter the conversion of NSAID-tolerant asthma to NSAID-intolerant asthma over a 3 year period. This case illustrates the potential variability of aspirin-induced asthma. Aspirin or NSAIDs challenge tests should be performed when nasal symptoms, particularly anosmia, develop or worsen, for example, aripiprazole side effects.
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Based on studies conducted on laboratory mice, researchers have found that these three drugs increase appetite.
A search through a database of 2400 hypertensive patients and 665 bph patients revealed 4 hypertensives in which drug-related neutropenia could not be ruled out and one bph patient in which drug related leukopenia could not be ruled out and
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Aripiprazole appears to mediate its antipsychotic effects primarily by partial agonism at the dopamine d2 receptor.
Hypoxiaanoxia but rather may be involved in other metabolic functions such as glucose sensing. There is increasing evidence that KATP channels are not only active during energy depletion but also during physiological activity of brain cells. This suggests that they serve multiple functions to couple cellular energy metabolism with neuronal excitability. The work was supported by the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research AHFMR ; , the Canadian Institutes of Health CIHR ; and the Canadian Foundation for Innovation CFI and perindopril.
Patients with purulent meningitis 19 ; and in those with noninflamed meninges 20 ; . The bacterial meningitis in the present case was successfully treated with this regimen. Evaluation of severity, attribution of causality and expectedness of an adverse event occurring in a clinical trial is important to determine the further course of treatment of the patient, the way of reporting the event and whether to continue the trial 21, 22 ; . Bacterial meningitis is clearly a life-threatening infection and therefore is equivalent to grade 4 toxicity in the module of infection without neutropenia according to the National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria NCICTC ; version 2.0 23 ; . Attribution of causality is a critical and often difficult step in evaluating an adverse event to ensure that treatment-related conditions are distinguished from diseaserelated conditions or accidental complications 21 ; . The attribution is graded into five categories, definite, probable, possible, unlikely and unrelated 21 ; . Although treatment with cytotoxic drugs may increase the risk of severe infections, the attribution of bacterial meningitis in the present case is considered to correspond to unlikely the relationship of the adverse event to the investigational agent is doubtful ; , because there are only a few reports of bacterial meningitis associated with cancer chemotherapy and the infection in this case developed without an associated decrease in the peripheral blood leukocyte count; however, a relationship between this adverse event and the treatment can still not be ruled out. Thus, bacterial meningitis should be considered to be an adverse drug ; reaction 22 ; . The expectedness of an adverse reaction is critical to make investigators, clinicians and other involved personnel aware of new important information on the drug reactions 22 ; . An adverse reaction, the nature or severity of which is not consistent with the relevant source documents, is defined as unexpected in the guideline of the International Conference on Harmonization 22 ; . We considered the bacterial meningitis in this case to be an unexpected serious adverse reaction and therefore reported its occurrence to the Independent Data Monitoring Committee IDMC ; on November 24. Whether bacterial meningitis should be counted as DLT or not is another contentious issue. Determination of DLT is considered to require higher grade attribution of causality, when the maximum tolerated dose and recommended dose for subsequent studies are established based on the incidence of the DLT. The term toxicity is generally used for an adverse event that is possibly, probably or definitely related to the agent or treatment 20 ; . In the NCI-CTC manual 21 ; , `The definition of DLT is determined by the individual protocol, not CTC. Although it would be convenient to assume that all Grade 3 adverse events represent DLT, this is not appropriate'. We think that DLT should include only the toxicity that is related to escalation of the agent dose in the study or toxicity that is specifically related to the treatment. We received a comment from the Independent Data Monitoring Committee that the bacterial meningitis in our case might not be specifically related to the treatment, but to the patient, and that it was appropriate to include another patient in the trial to assess the drug toxicity. Based on the aforementioned discussion, we.
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Clozapine Risperidone Olanzapine Quetiapine Ziprasidone Sripiprazole Receptor Ki, nM ; Ki, nM ; Ki, nM ; IC50, nM ; Ki, nM ; Ki, nM ; D1 85 75 125 000c 1.9 10, 000 10, 000c 1000c a Data from Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, 10 Pfizer Inc., 11 Bymaster et al., 12 and Goldstein.13 b Dashes indicate data not presented. c IC50. Abbreviations: 5-HT serotonin, 1 1-adrenoceptor, D1 dopamine-1, D2 dopamine-2, H1 histamine-1, IC50 concentration that inhibits 50%, Ki inhibition constant, M1 muscarinic-1, nM nanomolar and risedronate.
Since aripiprazole is likely to be considered for obese patients, body weight should be considered in establishing adequate doses.
Similar to that of other atypical agents. Antagonist activity at 5HT2A receptors is thought to be associated with a low liability for EPS1 and beneficial effects on the negative symptoms of schizophrenia.22, 23 The aim of the present study was to investigate the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of 20 mg and 30 mg doses of aripiprazole for the treatment of acute psychosis in patients with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders, including evaluation of negative symptoms and the relationship of aripiprazole doses with time to response. Risperidone, a widely available atypical antipsychotic, was used as the active control in this study to measure the study group's response to treatment. The study was not designed to detect a difference in response between the active treatment groups and salmeterol.
Ldn - low dose naltrexone conventional drug avoidance adrenaline-like drugs should be avoided for carcinoid tumors as they can cause carcinoid crisis attacks, because aripiprazole prescribing.
Table 2. Side Effects. Incidence, rounded to the nearest percent, of treatment-emergent adverse events that occurred during acute therapy up to 6 weeks ; , including only those events that occurred in 2% or more of patients treated with aripiprazole doses 2 mg day ; and for which the incidence in patients treated with aripiprazole was greater than the incidence in patients treated with placebo taken from US Prescribing Information ; . Side effect Headache Anxiety Insomnia Nausea Vomiting Lightheadedness Somnolence Akathisia Constipation Asthenia Ariliprazole % 32 25 24 Placebo % 25 24 19 and fluticasone.
Board process The Board has the authority, and is accountable to shareholders, for ensuring that the company is appropriately managed and achieves the strategic objectives it sets. The Board discharges those responsibilities through an annual programme of meetings which includes the approval of overall budgetary planning and business strategy. The Board reviews the company's internal controls and risk management policies and approves its governance structure and code of ethics. The Board appraises and approves major financing, investment and contractual decisions in excess of defined thresholds. In addition to these matters, the Board evaluates and monitors the performance of the Group as a whole. This includes: engaging at Board meetings with the CEO, the other Executive Directors and members of the CET as appropriate, on the financial and operating performance of GlaxoSmithKline and external issues material to the Group's prospects evaluating progress toward the achievement of the Group's financial and business objectives and annual plans monitoring, through reports received directly or from various committees, the significant risks facing the Group. The Board has overall responsibility for succession planning for the CEO and the other Executive Directors. The Board has given the CEO broad authority to operate the business of the Group and the CEO is accountable for, and reports to the Board on, business performance. CET members make regular presentations to the Board on their areas of responsibility and the Board meets with all the CET members on an annual basis to discuss collectively the Group's strategy. A primary element of the induction process for new Non-Executive Directors is undertaken by members of the CET, and all Non-Executive Directors are encouraged to have separate informal discussions at their discretion with any CET members. The Board met six times in 2004 with each member attending as follows.
No drug of abuse testing by blood, urine, or saliva can only detect whether or not a specific drug or drug metabolite is present at the time the test is performed and advil.
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In all, 12 papers reporting 14 comparisons were found, with a further four trials being available as abstracts. Meta-analysis of trials comparing PPIs with antacids and H2-receptor antagonists, and of early endoscopy compared with initial acid suppression was possible. PPIs were very significantly more effective than both H2-receptor antagonists and antacids. RR reductions with 95% CIs were: for PPIs versus antacids, 29% 36 to 21 for PPIs versus H2-receptor antagonists 37% 53 to 15 ; . Results for other drug comparisons were either absent or inconclusive. Early endoscopy may be more effective than initial prescribing but the effect size was small and non-significant RR reduction, 11% 1 to 22 . Although economic data are not yet available, cost-effectiveness is likely to be low. H. pylori testand-endoscope was associated with no significant difference in effectiveness compared with selective endoscopy at the GP's discretion, and no reduction in costs. H. pylori test-and-treat has been shown to be as effective as early endoscopy and to reduce costs in patients referred for investigation, but uncertainty remains as to its cost-effectiveness in primary care compared with empirical acid suppression. The model indicated that strategies involving initial prescribing, or H. pylori eradication test-and-treat ; were more cost-effective than strategies involving endoscopy. Prescribing H2-receptor antagonists was more effective than antacid ICER, 15.88 per additional month symptom-free over 5 years ; . PPIs were more effective than antacids ICER, 21.76 per month ; and H2-receptor antagonists ICER, 41.64 per month ; . The results were sensitive to the costs and effectiveness of the medications. A mean saving of 3 weeks' dyspeptic symptoms over 5 years was obtained by H. pylori test-and-treat rather than prescribing, with an ICER of 62.77 per month saved. The result was sensitive to the cost of ongoing dyspepsia treatment and the prevalence of H. pylori.
Miscellaneous section 9 of 11 authors and editors introduction clinical differentials workup treatment medication follow-up miscellaneous multimedia references medical legal pitfalls the major pitfalls are in not considering the diagnosis in a timely manner or in ordering a test that provokes a hypertensive crisis with complications and theophylline and aripiprazole, because aripiprazole receptor.
Background: most nursing home residents take several different medications. Reports have shown considerable variation in the frequency and types of prescriptions between nursing homes and between countries. Objective: to record the current pattern of medication use in Sydney nursing homes to allow comparison with patterns observed 5 and 10 years previously, and in other countries. Methods: data were recorded from the medication cards and clinical files of all 3, 054 residents in 50 nursing homes in the Central Sydney Health Area and were compared with data recorded in 1993 and 1998. Results: the mean number of medications prescribed per resident in 2003 was 6.84, while the mean number consumed regularly rather than `as necessary' ; was 5.42. These numbers were higher than 5 and 10 years previously, though there had been reductions in use of diuretics, anticonvulsants, hypnotics and anxiolytics. There had been increased prescription of antidepressants, anti-diabetes drugs, calcium and among women ; thyroid hormones. Prescription rates for laxatives, cardiovascular medication and analgesics remained high. Conclusions: the pattern of medication prescription has changed. This may be attributable to improved education of clinicians and nursing home staff, involvement of pharmacists and altered or increased prevalence of medical and mental disorders in nursing homes.
| Aripiprazole what isFigure 1. Hazard Function for time to hospitalization for aripipeazole versus second generation antipsychotics and albenza.
Careful speculum examination may detect many but not all ; cervical infections Table 3.3 ; . Culture for gonorrhoea is accurate and not expensive or technically difficult to set up in established laboratories Table 3.2 ; . Laboratory tests for chlamydial infection are expensive and miss many infections Table 3.2 ; . Polymerase chain reaction PCR ; is very accurate but very expensive.
Assay using two near isogenic human colorectal cell lines. HCT116 cells originate from a microsatellite instabilitypositive colorectal cancer from a hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer patient and do not express hMLH1 12 ; . In HCT116 + chr3, the hypermutable phenotype of HCT116 cells has been reversed through transfer of chromosome 3 that encodes a wild-type hMLH1 gene 10 ; . In fact, the mutation rate at the CA ; 13 microsatellite in HCT116 + chr3 cells is 30 times lower than in.
The pivotal finding is often the presence of a high concentration of a toxic drug in bodily fluids and or tissue.
1990s also saw the introduction of modafinil that acts on excitatory histamine projections in the treatment of narcolepsy. In the 2000s, advances in psychopharmacology continued. A new antipsychotic, ziprasidone, also had five inherent antidepressant mechanism of action. Another new antipsychotic, aripiprazole, was the first partial agonist of dopamine which resulted in a net loss of dopamine in certain parts of the brain such as the limbic brain. Therefore, hallucinations decreased but, there was a net increase of dopamine in the frontal cortex so that the negative symptoms of schizophrenia decreased. The 2000s also saw an increase in the use of neuromodulators "anticonvulsants" ; . Lamotrigine was approved for the maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder. It was only the second drug in history with such approval. Lithium had been the first. Lamotrigine's mechanism of action was very effective. It reduced the excitatory actions of glutamate by interfering with sodium channels. Thus, it had antimanic effects. It also modulated the reuptake of serotonin and dopamine. Hence, it may have some inherent antidepressant effects. Also, lamotrigine was usually weight neutral, whereas the older valproic acid had often caused weight gain. Furthermore, unlike lithium, lamotrigine did not have a narrow therapeutic window. The 2000s will also see the introduction of a second antidepressant, Cymbalta, that is a more potent blocker than venlafaxine of serotoninnorepinephrine reuptake. It will also have utilization in pain conditions and stress urinary incontinence. The 2000s also saw the introduction of a second drug, vardenafil sildenefil of the 1990s was the first ; for erectile dysfunction. This was important since some antidepressants such as the SSRIs may also inhibit nitric oxide synthetase and thereby reduce nitric oxide and cause erectile dysfunction. The 2000s will add mematine, a blocker of N-methyl-Daspartate receptors, to the current regimen of cholinesterase inhibitors donepezil, rivastigmine, and galantamine ; . The 2000s saw the introduction of the first nonstimulant, atomoxetine, a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, for the treatment of ADHD attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder ; . The 2000s may see the introduction of acamprosate to decrease alcohol craving, minacipram for fibromyalgia, ondansetron for bulimia nervosa, xyrem for narcolepsy, and vaccines for the prevention of Alzeheimer's dementia. Drugs of the future may include CRF coricotropin-releasing factor ; antagonists. CRF triggers the pituitary gland to release ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone ; , which then triggers the adrenal cortex to release cortisol, which will decrease BDNF brain-derived neurotrophic factor ; , which nourishes brain cells. Thus an antagonist of CRF would increase BDNF, which would nourish brain cells and lift mood. Another antidepressant drug of the future that also may increase BDNF is a CREB antidepressant. C stands for a secondary messenger CAMP; REB stands for response element-binding protein. Another drug of the future for depression may be a transdermal system of Eldepryl selegiline ; that is a MAO-type B inhibitor currently used only in Parkinsonism. The MAO-B inhibitor blocks the degradation of dopamine and the increased dopamine helps in parkinsonism. It may also have some MAO-A inhibitory effects when used in a transdermal delivery system. The MAO-A inhibition blocks the degradation of serotonin and norepinephrine and thus lifts mood. Also MAO-type A reversible inhibitors may be coming. Moclobemide Aurorix ; is one such drug already approved in Canada. The irreversible MAO inhibitors of the 1950s, such as Nardil and Parnate are difficult to use because norepinephrine increases if foods with tyramine are eaten. This often causes blood pressure to rise, and stroke could occur. Also, substance P antagonists are in preclinical studies as antidepressants. Substance P has long been associated with pain. It is also associated with pleasure or a lack of it. Furthermore, agonists or partial agonists of a receptor site of serotonin 5HT1A ; on the postreceptor site are surely to come. Gepirone is in clinical development. Also, serotonin 1D agonists, such as CP-448, 187 are entering clinical development as possible antidepressants of the future. A beta 3 agonist, SR5861, is in preliminary clinical testing for depression. Antidepressants of the future may target secondary messenger systems G proteins or CAMP ; within the neuron on the postreceptor site. Even today it may be that lithium an inhibitor of inositol monophatase ; and some of the anticonvulsants work that way. Finally, an injectable pentapeptide antidepressant may be in our future. But what about the theological perspective in regard to medication? "I can understand your predicament, " I sympathized with Mr. Johnson, "but consider this. It would be inconsistent medical practice to ignore psychiatric issues, which research and genetic studies have shown to have a physical dimension, while treating other medical conditions such as heart disease ; which we know often have a psychological dimension. We will all need medication of some kind someday. For some it may be heart medications, for some chemotherapy, and for others antidepressants. The major issue is not whether or not to take psychiatric medications, but rather how one can be the most effective in life. Psychiatric medications should be.
01 short term 50 155 Carson 2002 b 155 Subtotal 95% CI ; Total events: 50 Aripiprazooe ; , 85 Placebo ; Test for heterogeneity: not applicable Test for overall effect: Z 3.86 P 0.0001 ; 02 medium term 67 155 Carson 2002 b 155 Subtotal 95% CI ; Total events: 67 Aripilrazole ; , 102 Placebo ; Test for heterogeneity: not applicable Test for overall effect: Z 3.86 P 0.0001 ; 310 Total 95% CI ; Total events: 117 Aripiprazole ; , 187 Placebo ; Test for heterogeneity: Chi 0.40, df 1 P 0.53 ; , I 0% Test for overall effect: Z 5.43 P 0.00001 and quinapril.
Husseini K. Manji, MD, FRCPC National Institute of Mental Health Bethesda, MD!
Multiple treatments, including nasal packing, cauterizations, several blood transfusions, and six surgical and four endovascular embolization procedures. He had also developed a recurrent septal perforation. Given his poor long-term clinical response to the treatments given thus far, we elected to attempt a new technique using direct intralesional injections of bleomycin Blenoxane; Bristol-Myers-Squibb, Bedfordview, South Africa ; . The first bleomycin injection was performed in February 2002 Fig 1 ; . All were performed as elective procedures with the patient under general anesthesia. One vial 15 U ; of bleomycin was dissolved in 15 mL sterile water. To facilitate handling of the syringe and needle during the injections, a 2-mL syringe was used. Multiple small injections of approximately 0.5 mL each were injected under direct visualization through a 23-gauge needle into the nasal submucosa. These were mainly administered on the right side, particularly around the septal perforation, where most telangiectasias were seen. The injections were performed by placing the needle through the mucosa adjacent to a single telangiectasia or a clustered group of lesions into the submucosa immediately beneath the lesion. The bleomycin mixture was then injected until blanching of the overlying mucosa and the telangiectasia was seen. The blanching was partly due to local pressure by the volume injected as well as possible reflux of the medication into the telangiectasias themselves. After each injection, the needle was removed, and the area was observed for bleeding. Minimal local bleeding was occasionally encountered after each injection; this was easily controlled with local pressure applied by means of a swab for several minutes. A total of 10 mL the mixture was used during this procedure, although some spillage of the mixture made it difficult to assess the volume actually injected. No nasal packing was inserted afterward. No postprocedural hemorrhage occurred. A second elective procedure was performed in June 2002, when 14 U of bleomycin was injected into both nasal cavities. Again, no nasal packing was inserted afterward. Between June 2002 and May 2003, the patient had only occasional, light nosebleeds, none of which required medical intervention. The patient presented again in May 2003 with mild bleeding, and a third procedure was performed; 7.5 U of bleomycin was injected into the right nasal cavity. Severe intraprocedural bleeding necessitated the application of local pressure and packing of the nasal cavity. Eventually, the bleeding was controlled, and the packs were removed the following day with no further bleeding complications. A fourth elective procedure was planned for June 2003 but postponed, because the patient had a low hemoglobin level of 10.5 g dL. This anemia was believed to be chronic, but because of the local bleeding during the previous procedure, we thought that he should first be treated with iron supplementation to improve this anemia before repeating the injection. The patient has since refused any further bleomycin procedure, but telephonic follow-up in November 2003 confirmed that he has had no notable recurrent bleeding since May 2003 and that he is.
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Ownership of mail-order pharmacies although the pbm contracts with plan sponsors varied with respect to the specificity with which they defined awp, it appears that the contracting process provided plan sponsors with an opportunity to specify the package size upon which a drug's awp would be based, because aripiprqzole children.
The "Stay Put" Rule and Special Education . J-S: 97 ; Curriculum, Challenges to J-S: 96 ; Curriculum and Religious Beliefs . J-M: 96 ; Desegregation and Unitary Status . A-J: 95 ; Distribution of Religious Materials in Elementary Schools . J-M: 97 ; Dress Codes . J-S: 95, O-D: 95, J-S: 96 ; Drug Testing . J-M: 95, A-J: 95 ; Equal Access, Religious Clubs . J-S: 96, A-J: 97 ; Evolution vs. "Creationism . O-D: 96 ; Exit Examinations . J-M: 96, O-D: 96, J-M: 97 ; Extensions of Time . J-S: 96 ; Facilitated Communication . O-D: 95 ; "Fair Share" and Collective Bargaining Agreements . J-M: 97 ; Free Speech, Grades . J-M: 96 ; Free Speech, Teachers . J-M: 97, A-J: 97 ; Gangs . J-M: 96 ; Graduation Ceremonies, School Prayer . A-J: 97 ; Habitual Truancy . J-M: 97 ; Halloween . J-S: 96 ; Latch-Key Programs . O-D: 95 ; Library Censorship . O-D: 96 ; Limited English Proficiency Programs: Civil Rights Implications . J-S: 97 ; Loyalty Oaths . J-M: 96 ; Mascots . J-S: 96 ; Medical Services, Related Services, and the Role of School Health Services . J-S: 97 ; Meditation Quiet Time . A-J: 97 ; Metal Detectors and Fourth Amendment . J-S: 96, O-D: 96, J-M: 97, J-S: 97 ; Negligent Hiring . O-D: 96, J-M: 97 ; Opt-Out of Curriculum . J-M: 96 ; Parental Rights and School Choice . A-J: 96 ; Parochial School Students with Disabilities . J-S: 95, J-M: 96, A-J: 96, A-J: 97, J-S: 97 ; Prayer and Public Meetings . J-M: 97 ; Prayer and Schools . A-J: 97 ; Privileged Communications . A-J: 97 ; Proselytizing by Teachers . O-D: 96 ; Quiet Time Meditation . A-J: 97 ; Racial Imbalance in Special Programs . J-M: 95 ; Religious Clubs . J-S: 96, A-J: 97 ; Repressed Memory . J-M: 95, A-J: 95 ; 31.
The following is a summation of what went on in the santa monica city council chambers may 25 during a special meeting of the council, including a timeline, notable public comments and excerpts taken.
Hallucinations, delusions and aggression. While loss of cognitive and functional abilities is distressing both to patients with Alzheimer's Disease AD ; and their caregivers, the psychiatric aspects are often cited as the precipitating factor for nursing home placement.1 The most frequently used, but least descriptive, term for the behavioral symptoms of dementia is "agitation." CohenMansfield describes agitation as inappropriate verbal, vocal, or motor activity that does not result from identified need.2 "Agitated" behaviors may include aggression, anxiety, phobias, diurnal rhythm disturbance, and motor restlessness. Antipsychotic drugs have been the primary treatment for psychosis, agitation, and aggression in AD and other dementias for decades, although it was never clear if the drugs improved the behavior or provided a "chemical straitjacket" that reduced all behavior. The conventional antipsychotics such as haloperidol have been supplanted by four of the newer or "atypical" antipsychotic drugs risperidone, olanzapine, quetiapine, atipiprazole ; , although no medication has an FDA indication for the treatment of behavioral symptoms in patients with dementia. The prescribing of antipsychotics for neuropsychiatric symptoms was stimulated by observations that psychosis is present in many patients with AD who exhibit agitated and aggressive behaviors. However, the biological basis of psychotic symptoms in dementia is not well understood and likely differs from underlying mechanisms hypothesized for psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia.3 Widespread use of atypical antipsychotics for psychosis and other dementia-related behaviors preceded the availability of an evidence base because of the perception of superior effectiveness and safety of these drugs over the older antipsychotics. Over the past 3 years, some placebo-controlled clinical trials of atypical antipsychotics for behavioral symptoms reported small treatment effects coupled with troubling adverse effects at rates that exceeded those observed in placebo-treated patients. Reports of increased risk of mortality and cerebrovascular accidents in some trials of atypical antipsychotics in dementia populations resulted in FDA-mandated changes to product labeling for all atypical antipsychotic medication despite the fact that not all of drugs in the class have been studied in dementia populations.4, 5 Controversies sparked by these changes and recent clinical trial results fuel debate about the appropriate prescribing of these medications. Other classes of psychoactive medications typical antipsychotics, antidepressants, benzodiazepines, and anticonvulsants ; are utilized in the treatment of neuropsychi.
The doctors pointed to this medication as the cause of this very rare condition.